| Thursday 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | TH-AB-TRACK 2-0 : Breast Imaging 2: Possible Future Directions J. Phillips*, R. Nosrati*, P. Ghazi*, K. Yang* |
| | 10:30 AM TH-AB-TRACK 2-1 | Future Directions for Contrast Enhanced Mammography J. Phillips* |
| | 10:55 AM TH-AB-TRACK 2-2 | A New Framework to Asses Localization Accuracy of Tomosynthesis Guided and Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Units R. Nosrati* |
| | 11:20 AM TH-AB-TRACK 2-3 | Dedicated Breast CT: Clinical Needs, Solutions, and Remaining Challenges P. Ghazi* |
| | 11:45 AM TH-AB-TRACK 2-4 | Noise Power Spectrum Analysis of Breast Tissue Textures Presented in Mammographic Images K. Yang* |
| | 12:10 PM TH-AB-TRACK 2-5 | Audience Q & A