| Monday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | MO-F-TRACK 7-0 : Virtual Global Mentoring: Now More Than Ever J. Van Dyk*, L. Hirschhorn*, B. Goldberg*, R. Jeraj*, |
| | 4:30 PM MO-F-TRACK 7-1 | Introduction and Overview On Virtual Mentoring J. Van Dyk* |
| | 4:34 PM MO-F-TRACK 7-2 | Mentoring Across Oceans: Experiences, Benefits and Pitfalls L. Hirschhorn* |
| | 4:52 PM MO-F-TRACK 7-3 | Mentoring with Social and Emotional Intelligence – The Role of Personal Narrative B. Goldberg* |
| | 5:10 PM MO-F-TRACK 7-4 | Mentoring Activities Within the AAPM R. Jeraj* |
| | 5:20 PM MO-F-TRACK 7-5 | Discussion