TU-I345-IePD-F6-2 (Tuesday, 7/12/2022) 3:45 PM - 4:15 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Exhibit Hall | Forum 6
Purpose: A fully automated plan checking tool (“p3app”) is developed to allow Philips Pinnacle TPS users to run a systematic check of many plan parameters within a few seconds, at a mouse-click.
Methods: p3app is developed for Philips Pinnacle TPS platform. It consists of Pinnacle scripts and Java programs. No third-party software install is needed. Pinnacle users can access p3app from the HotScripts window. A simple graphic user interface prompts user to run tasks. Currently, a plan checker and a SBRT conformity report tool are implemented. With a mouse-click, the plan checker can check a large array of parameters in a plan, including general planning, ROI, dose, IMRT, conformal Arc/VMAT, plan quality, SBRT and misc. planning values. Which parameters to check and the checking criteria, can be customized to meet each institution’s needs. The results are displayed in a tabulated format, with color coding (green for pass, yellow for warning, red for fail, blue for information only). User can also export the check result to pdf format for EMR, with a mouse click. The SBRT conformity tool enables automatic computing of conformity index (per RTOG 0813).
Results: p3app is tested (in 2020) and subsequently adopted for routine clinical use, by both dosimetry and physics department at a large multi-center radiation oncology practice, to help automate plan checking and catch planning errors. Very positive feedback is returned from all users – p3app not only saves significant amount of time to check plans, but also often catches errors in a plan otherwise might have been missed by manual plan check.
Conclusion: p3app is proven to be a great tool for any Philips Pinnacle users. It is also fully customizable to suit each institution’s needs.
Treatment Planning, Quality Assurance, Software
TH- External Beam- Photons: General (most aspects)
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