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MP Reports+: Database Information Extraction and Spreadsheet Reporting Tool

I Rutel*, J Box, M Yang, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK


(Saturday, 3/26/2022)   [Central Time (GMT-5)]

Purpose: The development of an application to extract database information (from an online survey system) and populate a finalized spreadsheet-based report.

Methods: We utilize the well developed and documented online survey database QA Track+ as a source for our diagnostic survey information. The development of a Python based application was accomplished using various packages but notably appy.pod, which performs the bulk of the action in placing the information into the spreadsheet template. We employ Python information structures (dictionaries) as the source for the final report results populated into a LibreOffice Calc (spreadsheet) template file, where the placeholders in the template are replaced by information in the Python data structures in appropriate (user identified) locations.

Results: The application MP Reports+ provides a bridge between the QA Track+ online database API interface and produces final reports in spreadsheet format, where the data is placed into previously designed reports from the database information. The application actively reads the selectable source and presents options for facility, modality and units for selected time frames. The final input allows for selection of the final record which imports the data for review. Input of the file output name is required and the application creates a report based on the selected template. The final report is in the Calc “.ODS” file (Open Document Spreadsheet) format and can be converted to an Excel file or pdf without loss of information.

Conclusion: We have developed a bridge between an online survey recording system and a user customizable final report in a spreadsheet type format. The application provides both a workflow and a tool to help build templates for final reports. Conversion from spreadsheet-based record keeping should be minimally time consuming, keeping current reporting practices in place while adding database functionality to survey result recording.



Data Acquisition, Operations Research, Quality Control


IM/TH- Informatics: Informatics in Imaging (general)

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