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|Ancillary Events
Sunday, July 25 −− 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 27 −− 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Co-Hosts: M. Saiful Huq, PhD, FAAPM, Chair of the Board and Jennifer Lynn Johnson, PhD, FAAPM, Secretary
Grab your coffee or other beverage and join the Board for a conversation. Leadership would like to hear how you have navigated the last year, what challenges remain and how AAPM can help. You will also have the opportunity to ask your burning questions.
Tuesday, July 27 −− 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine will honor the winners of the Association's awards in 2021 in a special, virtual Awards Ceremony. Be sure to remain (or join) online to help recognize our honorees. After an abbreviated ceremony in 2020, this year's ceremony will include a re-introduction of the recipients of our 2020 "medal" awards and Honorary Members and include an acceptance speech by each one. Additionally, the ceremony will name and honor the newest group of members to be elected Fellow of AAPM, winners of the Early-Career Investigators Symposium, and recognition of several other Association award recipients.
Wednesday, July 28 −− 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
During the Annual Business Meeting, AAPM’s President Jim Dobbins and Treasurer Mahadevappa Mahesh will report on the status of the organization. AAPM’s Secretary Jennifer Johnson will present amendments to AAPM’s governance documents for discussion.
This year, the meeting will be held using Zoom Webinar and requires a quick registration to attend. To register, go here. NOTE: Open to all AAPM members. Registration for the 2021 Annual Meeting not required.
You’ll be asked for your First Name, Last Name and Email Address. Once you enter those and click Register, you’ll be sent a link to join via email. This link is specific to you, please do not share it with others.
On July 28, join a few minutes before the webinar.
Audience microphones will be muted to start. If you’d like to speak, enter your name in the Q&A Panel and your question/comment will be taken in order received.
When you are called on, the Host will enable your microphone and you may speak. When you speak, please start by saying your name and if you are for or against the topic under discussion.
These events give participants the opportunity to meet and discuss items of interest outside of the normal meeting content. We may not be able to meet face-to-face, but we can still gather for thoughtful, fun, and — most of all — interesting conversations! You must be registered for the meeting in order to participate.
Please Note: We strongly recommend having Zoom downloaded to your machine prior to joining an event. You will be prompted to launch Zoom when you click the link to join within the virtual meeting platform. If you need to download Zoom, please click here.
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[Be sure to scroll to see everything!]
TOPAS - Monte Carlo for Medical Physics
Hosts: Harald Paganetti, Joseph Perl, Jan Schuemann
This event aims at connecting the existing user community as well as interested new users of TOPAS (TOol for PArticle Simulation). The TOPAS Monte Carlo tool is part of the NCI ITCR (Informatics Technology for Cancer Research) and has more than 1500 users worldwide. TOPAS allows simulating of all radiation therapy modalities as well as imaging. The TOPAS team will give a short introduction presentation about the recent developments in TOPAS and then open the floor for questions and discussions.
Are you ready for a cyberattack?
Hosts: Brian Wang, David Jaffray
Speakers: David Jaffray, Mathew Deeley, Daniel Pinkham, Ina Sala, Emilie Soisson
Cyberattacks with the potential to bring down whole hospital systems are no longer a theoretical risk but a present reality. In this session we will explore this threat through the lens of recent cyberattacks that brought down two radiation oncology departments with different IT infrastructures: one on premise and the other cloud-based. We will pose and begin to answer some of the following questions. Where are the vulnerabilities? Where do the uncertainties lie? What immediate responses are possible? What can I do now to prepare with limited resources? What should I think about for future strategic planning and capital purchases?
BINGO and Mingle!
Hosts: Katelyn Hasse, Lydia Wilson
This 2-hour open house will feature roulette-style breakout rooms giving you the opportunity to mingle with our special guests who are involved in AAPM at various levels and others similarly interested in AAPM involvement. Each attendee will be provided with a “BINGO” card motivating them to connect with at least 25 individuals and seek to hear about their unique AAPM and personal experiences. Come whenever you want and stay as long as you please (after filling your BINGO card, of course!). We will be randomly shuffling the breakout rooms every 3-5 minutes so you can easily be integrated into the next shuffle!
Game Night with the Students and Trainees Subcommittee
Host: Holly M. Parenica
More than just a game, more than just trivia, this event will be a great way to interact and compete with your colleagues! Capacity is limited to the first 200 registrants.
Ask Me Anything - Residency Director UC Davis
Host: Sonja Dieterich
Several years ago, the AAPM Student and Trainees Committee organized a Reddit with Residency Program Directors to informally ask questions about the medical physics residency. I enjoyed participating in that Reddit, and have often thought that this should be a recurring event. As a first generation college grad, I would have liked to have an opportunity to informally ask questions about how to launch a professional career which was so very foreign to myself and the people I usually would approach for advice. This session is intended for residents and residency applicants. The intent is to connect residents with each other, and create a space to ask those questions which don’t have a good place anywhere else in the application and interview process.
Get WIRED Networking Event — AAPM Women in Research, Education, and Development
Host: Carri Glide-Hurst
Join us for an informal networking event to connect with other AAPM members interested in research-oriented medical physics careers. Meet female experts in the field and learn more about their experiences starting a lab, gaining tenure, applying for grants, and getting involved in leadership activities. Discussion and participation will be encouraged to build meaningful connections and grow your network!
Non-Clinical Professionals Happy Hour
Hosts: Christine Gnaster, Alison Roth
Co-hosts: Tyler Blackwell, Jeremy Hansen, Stephanie Wang, Jason Pawlowski, Poonam Yadav
Join the Working Group for Non-Clinical Professionals for our 2021 AAPM Annual Meeting Virtual HAPPY HOUR! We're hosting a fun event to increase networking within our vast Association in the specific branch of non-clinical physics and to grow awareness of non-clinical professions. Breakout rooms will be hosted by members of the WG to discuss some different cohorts of non-clinical medical physics as well as allot time for general discussions. Breakout rooms can be joined/changed as the participant wishes – join them all or find one to stay in! Though geared towards non-clinical professionals, registration will be open to any attendees who are interested in the topic. Join us and be sure to bring your own preferred beverage!
Radiopharmaceuticals at AAPM
Hosts: Bruce Curran, Melissas Martin, Bryan Bednarz
Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT) is fast becoming a mainstream modality with the development and approval of new emitters and conjugates. Professionals from both Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine are expressing interest in, learning the fundamentals of, and aiming to implement radiopharmaceutical therapy in their clinic. Come join us in an informal session where questions of new practice set-up, dosimetry, research potential, new RPTs, AAPM’s new RPT sub-committee and other topics can be discussed.
Special Session on the State of the Art in Medical Physics, hosted by KSMP & KAMPiNA
Hosts: Byung-Chul Cho, Sang-June Park
The Korean Society of Medical Physicists (KSMP) and The Korean Association of Medical Physicists in North America (KAMPiNA) are hosting an inaugural Special Session on the State of the Art in Medical Physics. This event will celebrate the profession in Korea as well as review exciting technologies such as particle therapy, artificial intelligence, and MR-linac systems. Please join us to learn the latest research coming from Korea and the world.
Sipping with Science: Meet the Best in Physics + Junior Investigator Award Winners
Host: Carri Glide-Hurst
Grab your favorite beverage and come meet the top scoring abstract awardees for the 2021 Annual Meeting! The Scientific Track Directors will be hosting breakout sessions with thematic topics and award winners will give a brief power pitch about their research. Join us afterwards for the NIH Research Funding Symposium!
Mingle at the MPLA Mixer
Hosts: Jennifer Lynn Johnson, Erica Kinsey, Russ Ritenour
Come mingle and network at the MPLA Mixer using SpatialChat. Mixers are a great way to make new connections with others and to build and maintain the networks you already have.
If you are new to networking, we have some tips:
Dimensions of Mentoring Practice
Hosts: Lisa Ruth Hirschhorn, Bennett B. Goldberg, Robert Jeraj, Jacob Van Dyk
This special interest session is a follow-up question, answer, and discussion period for the earlier symposium entitled “Virtual Global Mentoring: Now More than Ever” (Monday 26 July 2021, 4:30-5:30 PM EDT). The four speakers of the earlier symposium will be available. They will provide some brief comments including responses to unanswered questions from the earlier symposium. The session could include a short activity, perhaps in breakouts, where participants reflect on different dimensions of mentoring practice. Most of the time will be devoted to open discussion.
Physicist Leaders: Let's Talk About the Challenges
Host: Benjamin Sintay
Speakers: Tim Fox, Samantha Hedrick, Tim Solberg, David Wiant, Ping Xia
This session will provide a guided discussion of the challenges faced by physicist leaders with the goal of listening and learning from the experience of others. The format will include Q&A with a selection of physicist leaders, provide time for breakout discussion of hot topics, and conclude with a summary of insights. In addition to meaningful discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to connect and build a network with others that share a common professional role.
Workshop: Brainstorming Session with AAPM Members on Future Directions in Science
Host: Jim Dobbins
Co-hosts: Rock Mackie, Maryellen Giger, Jatinder Palta
This workshop session will provide an opportunity for AAPM members to share their thoughts about areas of science they see as important for the future work of physicists in medicine. The format of the workshop will be a conversation rather than a lecture. We are fortunate to have two participants from the President’s Symposium with us for this event, as well as the chair of the new International Council, to help stimulate the conversation. We encourage AAPM members to join this collective discussion about important and evolving areas of medical physics science and to bring your creative input to share. This event will be open to the first 50 attendees.
Medical Physics Trivia Challenge, sponsored by Sun Nuclear Corporation
Host: Colleen DesRosiers
Co-hosts: Cristina Boswell, Jennifer Hamilton, Greg Anthony, Ke Colin Huang, Erin Schesny, Jason Tracy
Team up with other attendees, engage in a battle of the minds and have fun showing off your knowledge of medical physics! Teams will compete for the top spots by most quickly answering a series of challenging questions from a broad range of medical physics related topics. Other activities include a scavenger hunt, so you may want to have some medical physics related items on hand. Each team will be assigned its own break out room and event volunteer for the evening.
NIH Research Funding Symposium – Imaging, Therapy, and Data Science
Hosts: Ceferino Obcemea, Behrouz Shabestari, Amit Sawant, Carri Glide-Hurst, Issam El Naqa
Meet Program Officers (POs) and Principal Investigators/reviewers and get their insights into the NIH funding process, new initiatives, and recently available data resources. The session will begin with an update on the latest funding initiatives in Imaging and Therapy, followed by an overview on NIH-supported publicly accessible data resources. Attendees will receive expert advice on submitting grants focused on AI/DL–what are the necessary elements and avoidable pitfalls. This will be followed by a Panel Discussion with audience participation. The session will conclude into three breakout rooms: Imaging, Therapy, and AI/Data Science. Each room will be hosted by a PO and a PI/reviewer. Audience members can cycle through the rooms to ask questions specific to a topic, specific to an announcement, or related to their proposal ideas.
Special Session on the State of the Art in Medical Physics, hosted by KSMP & KAMPiNA
Hosts: Seungryong Cho, Choonik Lee
The Korean Society of Medical Physicists (KSMP) and The Korean Association of Medical Physicists in North America (KAMPiNA) are hosting an inaugural Special Session on the State of the Art in Medical Physics. This event will celebrate the profession in Korea as well as review exciting technologies such as particle therapy, artificial intelligence, and MR-linac systems. Please join us to learn the latest research coming from Korea and the world.
Connecting Medical Physicists Globally, sponsored by Medical Physics for World Benefit
Host: John Schreiner
Many AAPM members are involved in international initiatives to enhance the global pursuit of medical physics; some working through professional organizations, some through groups targeting specific projects, and others in partnership with local clinics and institutions. Other AAPM members are not yet involved but are keen to start global work. And while some who have been involved for many years know each other, many others have yet to meet colleagues with similar interests. This social is an opportunity for interested players to meet each other, bounce ideas around on specific topics, and perhaps start ongoing friendships and networks.
Participants will meet in a MPWB hosted Spatial.Chat site. Attendance will be limited to the first 50 participants to join.
Fostering Diversity and Inclusion Through Courageous Conversations
Hosts: Alison Roth, Jennifer Pursle, Jeremy Hoisak, Ghada Aldosary, Kathleen Surry, Nadia Octave
This After Hours session will provide a safe environment to discuss and practice courageous conversations to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion. This will include approaching these conversations with curiosity and humility, setting boundaries, and recognizing your emotions and privilege during these conversations. Acted out case studies will provide examples of how these conversations can go right and wrong. The case studies feature pregnancy, disability, and race in the context of medical physics. After each case study, participants will enter small breakout rooms to discuss how the case study went, how it could have gone better, and what elements of privilege and power were present.
Free Discussion and Chatting on Everything in Brachytherapy Physics
Hosts: Mahta McKee, Daniel Scanderbeg
Join members of the Brachytherapy Subcommittee (BTSC) for an evening of Q&A and open discussion on everything you've wanted to know about brachytherapy but were afraid (or too shy) to ask! Potential topics include: Devices, Regulations, Applicators, Software, Innovation, Intensity Modulated and Anisotropic Brachytherapy Sources (IMABS), and more.
Jack Cunningham Memorial Reception
Host: Jacob Van Dyk
All friends and colleagues of Jack Cunningham are welcome to join this informal reception being held as a tribute to the life of Jack.
ABR Update; Experiences with Recent Remote Exams
Hosts: Geoffrey Ibbott, Matthew Podgorsak, Kalpana Kanal, Robert Pooley, J. Anthony Seibert
Come to hear the latest from the ABR and to get your questions about the exams and Continuous Certification answered. The ABR medical physics Trustees, Governor, and Associate Executive Director will give a short presentation about the ABR’s recent experience with remote computer (written) and oral exams. Plans for the upcoming exams in August will be explained and the dates for exams in 2022 will be reviewed. Plenty of time will be reserved for questions and answers.
Women's Professional Subcommittee After-Hours Session
Hosts: Kristi Hendrickson, Jen Pursley, Lauren Long
Speakers: Julianne Pollard-Larkin, Emily Hirata
Special Message Provided by: Jim Dobbins
Join us for an interactive event hosted by the Women's Professional Subcommittee! This session will feature a sneak peak of the upcoming Accelerating Women and Minority Physicists meeting and include a welcome by the WPSC chair and AAPM President. We are excited to have Julianne Pollard-Larkin and Emily Hirata join us to share strategies on how to capitalize on your visibility and strengthen your negotiation tools. Each presentation will be followed by an interactive breakout session where attendees can mingle, network, and discuss the topics presented. We hope you will join us!
Networking Social: SCAMP (Science Council Associates Mentor Program)
Hosts: Eric Ford, Kristy Brock
Co-hosts: Katelyn Hasse, Lydia Wilson
Join this 60-minute social mixer to connect with current and past participants of the AAPM Science Council Associate Mentorship Program (SCAMP) and learn more about the program. Attendees of this relaxed event will be provided with a themed make-your-own beverage menu to sip along with the rest of the participants. We will engage in ice-breaker activities and hear from past SCAMP mentees who will describe their most memorable experiences and how SCAMP participation has impacted their ongoing career development. The program’s organizers and past mentors and mentees will be available to answer questions throughout!
Related Activities
Enjoy and share “What Does a Medical Physicist Look Like?”, a planned Zoom video session featuring interviews with a diverse group of medical physicists. This short, relatable video helps viewers understand why Medical Physics is so attractive to so many science students and more importantly, it shows that this specialty is for all of us, no matter how you identify!
Encourage and inspire the students and young people in your life to pursue a phantastic physics phuture!
Questions? Email
Sunday, July 18 - Sunday, August 1
Convert your daily fitness routine into support for AAPM's Education & Research (E&R) Fund while competing for awesome prizes! Each time you run, walk, bike, play pickleball, meditate, hike, volunteer - pretty much ANYTHING that keeps you healthy and active - you'll earn points towards your personal score and fitness goals. Have fun engaging your fellow meeting attendees in friendly competition, and since meeting registration isn't required colleagues, friends, and family can participate, too! Visit the event page for additional information.
AAPM Exhibitors & Sponsors
The Virtual Exhibit Hall will be open July 25th - July 29th. Attendees can reach out to vendors using the messaging feature within the Virtual Exhibit Booths throughout the entire meeting. Each Virtual Booth will have a list of representatives. Attendees can select the representative they would like to contact to begin using the messaging feature.
Want to interact live? TWO hours each day attendees will be able to interact ‘live’ with exhibitors. Each exhibiting company will have a Representative Virtual Room in their booth. A banner will be displayed in the booth when the room is open. Attendees can enter the room by clicking on the banner. Representatives will be ready discuss and share files face to face!
Representative Virtual Room/Daily Schedule:
AAPM would like to express its sincere thanks to the following exhibitors for their sponsorship and support of the 2021 AAPM Virtual Annual Meeting:
American Institute of Physics
On-Demand Ads and Podcast |
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IBA Dosimetry
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IOP Publishing
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Mevion Medical Systems
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MIM Software, Inc.
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RaySearch Laboratories AB
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Sun Nuclear Corporation
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Varian Medical Systems, a Siemens Healthineers Company
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Attendee Policies
AAPM Code of Conduct at Meetings and Social Events
Professional Policy 31
TO REPORT AN INCIDENT: OR (888) 516-3915
While AAPM encourages sharing meeting activities via social media, we remind attendees that all presentation content, including ePoster content, is the property of the author and permission is required to share or reuse photographs or videos of work presented at the meeting, including sharing on social media.
If presenters indicate “no photography” on their presentation materials, taking photographs, videos, screenshots or captures of the presentation or poster content is not allowed, for any use.
Otherwise, taking photographs or videos is allowed for personal use.