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Annual Meeting Online Submission (AMOS) System Instructions

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Welcome to 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting Abstract Submission System

Abstract submission for the 2021 AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting is a 100% web based process. In order to complete a SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION, understanding how the system works, what the requirements are, and what information is needed will streamline the process for you.

So prior to beginning the abstract submission process, please take a few minutes to review the information. With a general understanding, your submission should be successful.

The Abstract Submission System is CLOSED for Proffered Submissions

Items of Interest

Registration Fee Waivers for Presenting Authors from Developing Countries:

  • Individuals who are interested in the potential registration fee waiver must complete the Registration Waiver Request Form and submit to HQ as instructed by MARCH 4.
  • Preference is given to those abstracts which are accepted for Oral presentations.
  • Only the PRESENTING AUTHORS (who reside and work in developing countries per the recognized AAPM list) of Oral presentations are eligible for the first round of the selection process for the registration fee waivers.
  • If the number of eligible authors is more than 15, AAPM will select one from each region. The remaining awards will be selected by AAPM from the remaining eligible authors by ballot.
  • Recipients of the registration fee waivers will be contacted by May 14, 2021.

Know Before You Submit

General Rules and Guidelines

  • Proffered Abstracts should be original work not previously presented or submitted to any other conference or published in a journal (work submitted but not accepted for publication, is acceptable), unless specific permission has been granted by the Scientific Program Directors. Presenters of proffered papers at the meeting are encouraged to submit their work to Medical Physics for review and possible publication.
  • No part of the Abstract, Supporting Document, or Funding Disclosure should contain identifying information such as title, author names, affiliations, institutions, etc. Submissions containing such information may be rejected without review.
  • To submit an abstract, you are not required to be a Member of AAPM, unless otherwise indicated for that submission type in the instructions.
  • The Abstract is limited to 300 words and should be structured as Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Submitters may select 1or 2 of the presentation modes (Oral, ePoster) during the abstract submission process. Please note, by not selecting both options, your chances decrease for having your abstract submission included in the meeting.
  • The abstract entry field is text only and does not support symbols or equations except those shown in the table. The abstract field cannot contain graphs, figures, tables, images or other multimedia objects. (These can be entered in the Supporting Document.
  • The Abstract cannot depend on the Supporting Document nor should it refer to it. The Supporting Document will not be published in the program, so references to it (e.g. “as can be seen in Fig 1 of the Supporting Document” “Results are listed in the table in the Supporting Document”) should not be made.
  • Please note that once abstracts are submitted and the submission deadline has passed, no further modifications are permitted.

Review the Sample Abstract and Sample Supporting Document prior to preparing your submissions.

Policy on Number of Submissions

  • An individual can present up to TWO presenting-authored presentations at the meeting, although the individual's name may appear on more than two Abstracts.
  • The system will restrict you to TWO proffered submissions as presenting author.

Abstract Review Criteria

The following criteria will be used in determining the abstract score. If a Supporting Document is included, it will be used as additional information in determining the score.

  • Clarity
  • Quality and rigor of supporting data
  • Significance
  • Innovation and/or scientific impact
  • Timeliness
  • Interest to the medical physics community

In addition, abstracts submitted to the Innovation in Medical Physics Education will be judged on the following criteria

  • Educational utility
  • Extent to which the innovation has been implemented and assessed
  • Extent to which the innovation can be implemented or used at a variety of other institutions

Accessing the Submission System

Go to the System Site (AMOS). If you are not logged in to AAPM's website, you will be redirected to AAPM to log in. If do not have a username and password, you must create one by performing the following steps.

  • Click on the link titled "Create an Account".
  • Enter a valid email address and click on the "Search" button.
  • If your email address is not in our system, a message will appear titled "No matching results was found.".
  • Click on the "Register Now!" button and complete the form to register.
  • If your account was found and you have forgotten your password, click on the link titled "Forgot Password" and you will receive an automated email with instructions to reset your password.
  • Once you have received the email, you will have 15 minutes to reset your password. If you don't respond within the allotted time limit, you must redo the steps above.
  • Once you have successfully logged into AAPM's website, you will then be able to access the System Site (AMOS).

PLEASE NOTE: It is very important that you create 1 user account. The primary email address associated with your user account will be the email address utilized in AMOS. If you have more than one user account, you may end up losing your abstract information in AMOS. So please make sure you create only 1 user account. Once you have registered, you will have the option to add multiple email addresses to your user account but, only the primary will be used in AMOS.

Personal Homepage

What information is available to me on the homepage?

  • This page will have your address information, and information on any submissions that you create or that have been submitted on your behalf.
  • The type of submission is shown next to the Title.
  • The status of each submission is shown (Incomplete or Complete).

What can I do from my homepage?

  • You may edit your personal information at any time including your username and password.
  • If submission is open, you may create a new submission.
  • You may edit any submissions where you are listed as the Corresponding Author.
  • For submissions where you are listed as a Presenting or Contributing Author only, you will be able to view, but not edit the submission.

How do I create a new submission?

  • Next to the meeting name, there is a link to "CREATE A SUBMISSION", click this link to begin the submission process.
  • The steps for submitting an abstract are outlined in the next tab.

Step 1: Submission Type

When submitting an abstract, you must identify the submission as one of the following:

  • Proffered Submission
  • John R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium (formerly “John R. Cameron Young Investigator Symposium”)
  • Early-Career Investigator Competition (formerly the “Junior Investigator Competition”))
  • Science Council Session (2021 Topic - Innovative Technologies to Advance Diagnosis and Treatment)
  • Innovation in Medical Physics Education

Proffered Submission

  • Select the submission type: Proffered
  • Select the appropriate subject category
  • Select presentation mode
  • Supporting documentation is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. Lack of supporting documentation often leads to a significantly lower evaluation by the reviewers.

John R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium (Formerly John R. Cameron Young Investigator Symposium)

Each year the AAPM conducts an Early-Career Investigators' Symposium competition at the Annual Meeting. Early-Career Investigators, as defined below, are encouraged to submit abstracts for the competition. The 10 highest scoring Early-Career Investigator Symposium submissions (as determined by the abstract reviewers) will be selected for presentation in a special symposium in honor of University of Wisconsin Professor Emeritus John R. Cameron, Ph.D.

A panel of judges will score the oral presentations according to criteria that include scientific merit, originality, and organization/presentation of the material. Awardees will be announced at the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Meeting. The top 3 awardees will receive a plaque and a cash award.

Early-Career Investigators are not eligible for the Science Council Session.

All abstracts submitted to the Early-Career Symposium Competition that are NOT selected for the competition, will be considered for other presentation modes.

Early-Career Investigator Definition: At the time of abstract submission, candidates for the Early-Career Investigators' Symposium must be currently a graduate student OR a medical physics resident or postdoctoral fellow within one year post-graduation

FINALISTS will be required to submit a letter of eligibility from the presenting author's thesis advisor identifying the institution. The letters are not to be submitted until the FINALISTS are identified in April, at which time the Finalists will be contacted with further instructions. Contact the AAPM Programs Manager with any questions regarding the Early-Career Investigator Symposium Competition.

Only one submission from each Early-Career Investigator can be submitted for consideration for the Early-Career Investigator Symposium Award competition.

NOTE: The winner of the Early-Career Investigator Symposium Award Competition is not allowed to participate in the Early-Career Investigator Symposium Award Competitions of future AAPM Annual Meetings.

Authors interested in being considered for the Session MUST:

  • Select the submission type: John R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium
  • Select a subject category
  • Select presentation mode
  • Submit REQUIRED support documentation not to exceed 2 pages in length.

Early-Career Investigator Competition (Formerly Junior Investigator Competition)

Two (2) awards for Early-Career Investigators have been established: the Jack Fowler Early-Career Investigator Award in honor of Dr. Jack Fowler, Emeritus Professor of Human Oncology and Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, and the Jack Krohmer Early-Career Investigator Award, sponsored by the Krohmer Memorial Fund and Science Council through the AAPM Education and Research Fund. Each Awardee will receive a plaque and a cash award.

One Early-Career Investigator Competition submission for each award will be selected from the highest scoring abstracts judged to be at the highest level of scientific innovation and impact, and the awardees will be announced at the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Meeting.

A single abstract cannot be submitted to both the John R. Cameron Early-Career Investigator Symposium and the Early-Career Investigator Competition.

Abstracts submitted to the Early-Career Investigator Competition are eligible for the Science Council Session provided that the abstract is appropriate to the topic of the Science Council Session.

All abstracts submitted to the Early-Career Investigator Competition that are NOT selected as the winner, will be considered for oral, SNAP oral, or ePoster presentation.

An Early-Career Investigator is defined as one of the following. (The Early-Career Investigator must be an APPROVED member of AAPM at the time of abstract submission):

  • Current medical physics resident, OR
  • Current postdoctoral fellow, OR
  • Staff/faculty member who is within 4 years of having obtained a graduate degree (at the time of abstract submission).

The AWARDEE will be required to submit a letter of eligibility from a Full Member of AAPM at the early-career investigator's sponsoring institution.  The letter is not to be submitted until the Awardee is identified in April. Contact the AAPM Programs Manager with any questions regarding the Early-Career Investigator Competition.

Only one submission from each Early-Career Investigator can be submitted for consideration for the Early-Career Investigator Competition.

Authors interested in being considered for the Session MUST:

  • Select the submission type: Early-Career Investigator Competition
  • Select a subject category
  • Select presentation mode
  • Submit REQUIRED support documentation not to exceed 2 pages in length.

Science Council Session

The topic selected for this year’s Science Council Session is: Innovative Technologies to Advance Diagnosis and Treatment

Criteria for abstract evaluation include the novelty of the research, the emphasis on innovation in the development and application of data science including big data, imaging metrology and standards, machine learning, radiomics, and deep learning.

Authors interested in being considered for the Science Council Session MUST:

  • Select the submission type: Science Council Session
  • Subject category will default to Science Council Session: Innovative Technologies to Advance Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Select Oral Presentation mode
  • Submit a Structured Abstract as described in the Instructions to Authors
  • Submit a REQUIRED Supporting Document not to exceed 2 pages in length.

All abstracts submitted to the Science Council Session that are NOT selected, will be considered for oral, SNAP oral, or ePoster presentation.

Innovation in Medical Physics Education

AAPM members are invited to submit an abstract describing innovative medical physics educational activities for radiology residents, radiation oncology residents, medical physicists, technologists or others. The abstract can describe novel teaching strategies such as team teaching or adult learning efforts, novel educational materials such as lectures, websites, educational videos or interactive media, novel program designs, or other innovations.  Submissions will be judged on the following criteria: the level of innovation, the potential for educational use, the extent to which the innovation has already been implemented and assessed, and how readily the innovation could be implemented or used at a variety of other institutions.

The top six submissions will be invited to present their abstracts at the session during the Annual Meeting. Each speaker will be allocated 15 minutes. The top presenting abstract will be announced at the Awards Ceremony during the Annual Meeting and presented a plaque and a $2,000 prize. The Award for Innovation in Medical Physics Education is made possible by a generous bequest of Harold Marcus.

Authors interested in being considered for the Session MUST:

  • Select the submission type: Innovation in Medical Physics Education
  • Select the subject category: Innovation in Medical Physics Education
  • Select Oral Presentation mode
  • Submit REQUIRED support documentation not to exceed 2 pages in length.

All abstracts submitted to the Innovation in Medical Physics Education that are NOT selected for the session, will be considered for an ePoster presentation.

Step 2: Title

Enter the title of the abstract to be submitted.

  • Use sentence case when entering title
  • To enter superscript text put the following tags around the text to be superscripted: <sup>text</sup>
  • To enter subscript text put the following tags around the text to be subscripted: <sub>text</sub>

Step 3: Select Subject Category

Select the Subject Category that best pertains to your Abstract. Category tree available here.

Step 4: Requested Presentation Mode

Rules regarding Requested Presentation Mode for Abstracts:

  • Submitters can select 1 or 2 of the presentation modes (Oral, ePoster) during the abstract submission process, unless otherwise indicated. By not selecting both presentation modes, your chances decrease for having your abstract submission included in the meeting.
  • Final presentation mode assignments will be made by the Program Committee.
  • Submissions requesting Oral Presentation may be assigned as ANY of the following:
    • Oral Presentation
    • SNAP Oral Presentation
    • ePoster Presentation
  • Any submission may be rejected based on the reviews by at least 4 referees.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published electronically in Medical Physics.


Oral Presentation

  • This category entails a brief 8-minute presentation followed by a 2-minute question/discussion period. 
  • Details will be provided in abstract acceptance notification.
  • Top-scoring abstracts in each category will be selected for Best in Physics. 

SNAP Oral Presentation

  • SNAP oral sessions will consist of a brief oral presentation (5 minutes) in a moderated session with separate time allowed for discussion and Q/A.
  • Sessions will have moderators in a manner similar to standard oral sessions.

ePoster Presentation

  • General ePosters: This is an alternative to the general poster to allow the authors to present their general poster electronically.

NOTE: The individual names of contributing authors MUST appear on all presentations.

Step 5: Taxonomy

Select a primary category and subcategory that best describes your work. This taxonomy will help to assign the appropriate reviewers and session assignment if your abstract is accepted.

Step 6: Keywords

Select up to 3 keywords to describe your work.

Step 7: Contributing Author Information

On the Abstract Submission Status screen, you will be prompted to add any contributing author(s) to your submission.

To Add Author(s):

  • Select the link to 'add an Author' and search for an individual's last name.
  • A list of potential authors will be generated if the 'last name' is in the system. Select the correct contributing author(s) for the submission.
  • Identify each author as 'Presenting Author' or 'Author.' Also identify the 'Senior Author.' (Note that the Senior Author can be the Presenting Author or any other Author.)
  • Continue the process until all contributing authors have been added.
  • Each submission is allowed only ONE Presenting Author.
  • Each submission is allowed only ONE Senior Author (the last author in the author list--i.e. PI of the lab).
  • Corresponding Authors are NOT automatically added to the submission as a contributing author. If the Corresponding Author is a contributing author, you MUST add the individual at this point.

If a Contributing Author is NOT Currently in the System:

  • Once you have searched for the last name and it does not appear on the generated author list, please follow the automated system instructions to complete an online form to have the author automatically added to our AMS directory. After you have successfully submitted the form, click on the button titled "Click Here to Search Again!" and the author will appear in the generated list.
  • By entering a unique email, each author will have access to the abstract submission content, but ONLY the corresponding author may edit the content.
  • Use proper capitalization when entering a new author.
  • Check your entry as you go as the system does not correct spelling or grammar.

Helpful Hints:

  • Add your 'presenting author' first. You can later use the arrow buttons at left of names to change order, once all authors have been added.
  • Finally, arrange the author names in the order they are to appear when published in the "Program By-Line" and "Calendar of Events By-Line." ANY AND ALL CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS MUST BE ADDED IN THIS SECTION OF THE PROCESS IN ORDER TO GENERATE THE CORRECT 'BY-LINES'. (see Step 8).

Back on the Submission Status Page:

  • The system will have generated a list of contributing authors added to your submission.
  • If any contributing author's names are missing, go back and add the individuals.
  • If the order of names is NOT correct, go back and use the arrow buttons to rearrange.
  • The presenting author's name will be denoted with an asterisk.
  • Any time you add/remove/reorder author names or reassign the presenting author, the system will change the content listed in Steps 7 and 8 so it is IMPORTANT you review the content with each change made.

Step 8: Program By-Line: Author/Institutions

On the Abstract Submission Status screen, you will be prompted to view the 'Program By-Line' (Authors/Institutions) generated by the system. It is IMPERATIVE that the Program By-Line be VIEWED and EDITED as instructed.

What the System Generates:

  • For a single author, the system will list the author's name (first initial, last name), institution, city, and state.
  • If multiple authors have been entered, the system will list ALL author names (first initials, last names) in the order of entry, followed by the first author's institution, city, and state, then the second author's institution, city, and state, etc.

To Edit the By-Line:

If all authors are from the SAME INSTITUTION:

  • The final/correct By-Line should list ALL AUTHOR names (first initials, last names) followed by ONE listing of the institution, city, and state.
  • YOU MUST REMOVE all additional listings of institution, city, and state in order for the By-Line to be correct.
  • YOU MUST SELECT the checkbox 'Click inside the check box if all authors are from the same institution' in order to proceed back to your status page or you will be forced to add super/sub-script coding, that is not necessary.
  • Do not include "USA" or zip codes. Do not include departmental information.
  • Do not abbreviate institution names.
    --Use the following format when all authors are from the same institution:
    T Webster*, M Warden, L Salliman, A Geyser, Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY
    (NOTE: The Presenting Author's name will be denoted with an asterisk.)

If authors are from MULTIPLE INSTITUTIONS:

  • The final/correct By-Line should list ALL AUTHOR names (first initials, last names) followed by EACH AUTHOR'S institution, city, and state.
  • YOU MUST ADD 'super/sub-script coding' (<sup>1</sup>; <sup>2</sup>,) in order to correlate the correct Author with the correct institution, city, state.
  • Do not include "USA" or zip codes. Do not include departmental information.
  • Do not abbreviate institution names.
    --Use the following format to add the required 'super/sub-script coding' when Authors are from multiple institutions:
    Note that this code:
    T Webster*<sup>1</sup>, M Warden<sup>1</sup>, L Salliman<sup>2</sup>, A Sullivan<sup>3</sup>, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY, (2) University of Maryland, College Park, MD (3) UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

    --Produces this output:
    T Webster*1 , M Warden1 , L Salliman2 , A Sullivan3 , (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, NY, (2) University of Maryland, College Park, MD, (3) UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Changes to By-Line:

  • Anytime you make changes to the Author List, the system will require that the By-Line be reviewed again. The system will display the former By-Line, before changes were made.
  • If you want to system to regenerate the By-Line with the new authors/changes, (1) clear out the text field, (2) press the Update By-Line Button, (3) Edit the text field (if needed), (4) then click the Update By-Line Button again to submit changes.
  • The 'Program By-Line' is EXACTLY what will be published in Medical Physics with the Abstract:

    By-Line Example

Step 9: Participation Acknowledgement - Science Council Session

The corresponding author must indicate if the submission is to be considered for the Science Council Session.

  • If YES, the submission subject category MUST be: Multi-Disciplinary: Science Council Session : Innovative Technologies to Advance Diagnosis and Treatment

Step 10: Agreements - Verification of Contributing Authors Statement

The corresponding author must agree to and select the following "Verification of Contributing Authors" statement button in the submission process:

"By checking this box, I verify that each author to be listed on the submitted abstract has contributed to the content of the abstract and consented to the submission of said abstract."

Step 11: Agreements - Participation

The corresponding author must agree to and select the following "AAPM Participation Agreement" statement button in the submission process:

"By checking this box I verify that each author listed on the abstract has been appropriately credited for their contributions to this presentation. It is understood that each presentation will be constructively evaluated in areas of presentation quality, achievement of educational objectives, and utility/usefulness of content. The evaluation will be confidential and communicated only to the contributing authors upon request.

I further verify that any potential conflict of interest(s), as set forth in the preceding statement, has been listed in the abstract and will be disclosed during the presentation.

I agree that AAPM is not responsible for the content of my presentation, abstract, or any representations made by me regarding the contents of the presentation or abstract, and that AAPM is not responsible for any representations or omissions made by me on my submitted abstract or during the course of my presentation."

Step 12: Agreements - Distribution of Abstract and Presented Materials

The corresponding author must indicate whether or not permission was obtained in the following "Distribution of Abstract and Presented Materials Agreement" statement button in the submission process:

"Non-copyrighted materials obtained from sources such as colleagues or the web will be attributed accurately. Where possible, prior permission for its use will be obtained.

BY SELECTING YES, I verify that I have obtained permission from each author listed on my abstract (submitted presentation) allowing me to distribute the abstract at the AAPM meeting, via the AAPM website, or via any other publication that may result from this meeting. I certify that I am not receiving a financial benefit for this presentation and that I have fully and accurately credited each author and writing that was consulted or used in the creation of my presentation.

Under this constraint, I verify that all contributing authors will obtain or have obtained permission for the use of any copyrighted materials that may be presented at the AAPM Annual Meeting for educational purposes from the appropriate copyright owner(s) and publisher(s).

BY SELECTING NO, I verify that I did not obtain permission from each author listed on my abstract (submitted presentation) and that my use of each listed author’s material constitutes a “fair use” of the material for nonprofit educational purposes, allowing me to distribute the abstract at the AAPM meeting, via the AAPM website, or via any other publication that may result from this meeting. I certify that I am not receiving a financial benefit for this presentation and that I have fully and accurately credited each author and writing that was consulted or used in the creation of my presentation."

Step 13: Research Supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Identify the Principal Investigator's E-mail if your research is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Step 14: Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest

Identify sources of funding, financial disclosures, and conflicts of interest in the submission field entitled "Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest." This information is entered once for the entire abstract and should list funding sources pertinent to the research and encompass disclosures and conflicts of interest pertinent to all authors. This information should NOT be included in the abstract text. The funding and disclosures will be appended to the abstract when published, if accepted.

Step 15: Consent to Record and Use Content

The corresponding author must agree to and select the following "Consent to Record and Use Content" statement button in the submission process:

As part of the AAPM Virtual Meeting, a digital archive of presentations given during the meeting, including streaming audio of the speaker, slides of the presentation, and a still shot photograph of the speaker, to be supplied by the speaker, will be offered as On-Demand content.

Presenter Consent to Record and Use Content:

I, the Presenter, hereby grant AAPM and its authorized agents the right to record all materials and presentations submitted or made by the Author in connection with the meeting and grant AAPM and its authorized agents a nonexclusive right to use, reproduce and/or distribute any materials and/or presentations in whole or in part. I acknowledge that any digitally reproduced recordings of my remarks in no way infringe on my own rights, as the Presenter, to later reproduce the material in either audio, video or other digital format and by signing this consent I am not relinquishing my copyright to this material.

I understand that my presentation will be digitally reproduced in its entirety as presented.

I further understand and agree that no sum of money shall be due to me for execution of this consent agreement and that AAPM shall not be obligated to pay me or any third party any sum whatsoever, regardless of the time or method of any future use of the digitally captured materials.

YES: I consent to having my presentation captured and published in any medium and grant AAPM the right to distribute and make derivative works.

NOTE: Consent required for submission to be considered.

Step 16: Corresponding Author Information

Corresponding Author Contact Information is entered on this screen. If you are an AAPM member, first log into the AAPM website. The following required fields will automatically be completed for you. The following fields are required:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Street Address
  • City/State/Zip
  • Country

All Contributing Authors may access an Abstract by using their personal Username and Password. BUT only the Corresponding Author has the ability to modify any of the Abstract information, including withdrawing the abstract or re-submitting a revised Supporting Document.

Step 17: Withdraw Submission

You will be given the opportunity to withdraw the submission at this point.

If you choose to do so, this record will be deleted from the system. You would need to return to your private Abstract Homepage in order to 'create a new submission.'

Step 18: Enter Your Abstract Text

  • Review the Sample Abstract before preparing your submission.
  • The Abstract text MUST be structured as follows:
    • Purpose:
    • Methods:
    • Results:
    • Conclusion:
    **Any abstract that does NOT conform with this structured format may be REJECTED. **
  • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words.
  • Enter Abstract text directly in the designated field on the website. If you Copy/Paste from word processing software, be sure to proofread integrity of the text. Symbols and equations are not supported.
  • DO NOT include Title, Author names/institutions, graphs, figures, tables, images or multimedia elements. Title and Author information is entered elsewhere in the system and will be merged with the abstract file later in the process.

Step 19: Upload the Supporting Document

Once Steps 1 - 17 have been completed, the system will allow you to advance to the next screen to upload your Supporting Document.

Note: The Supporting Document should include a statement of Innovation/Impact to help identify the most exciting and interesting submissions.

  • A Supporting Document is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED, but optional, for regular submissions and is limited to 1 page - using 11-point Arial Font and 0.5" margins. The Supporting Document should be limited to a small number of clear figures and/or equations with self-explanatory captions.
  • A Supporting Document is REQUIRED for the following submission types and limited to 2 pages:
    • Early-Career Investigator Symposium Competition
    • Early-Career Investigator Competition
    • Science Council Session
    • Innovation in Medical Physics Education
    • Similar to the above instructions, the Supporting Document should be limited to a few figures and/or equations with clear, self-explanatory captions. The Supporting Document should NOT be used for extensive text descriptions and should not repeat material contained in the abstract.
  • Preferred format is illustrated in the Sample Supporting Document
  • The Supporting Document must be submitted as a PDF format file.
  • The Supporting Document should not include the title and should be limited to a few equations and/or a small number of figures or tables with self-explanatory captions. A small number of references may also be included.
  • Do NOT list authors in the Supporting Document. In support of our blind review policy, there is to be no author information in the Supporting Document nor any information identifying the authors or affiliation.
  • The Supporting Document must be uploaded to our server by clicking the "Upload Supporting Document" icon that will appear on your status page once you have provided all the required information.

Review Submission: Document Status Screen

This shows the status of the documents.

  • By looking at this, the author should be able to see if the system has received the Supporting Document.
  • If the information was received without any problems, there will be a link to the Adobe Acrobat PDF file that was created.
  • Click on the "View Supporting Doc" button to view the document.
  • Proofread carefully to ensure there were no errors introduced in file conversion.

NOTE: If you previously submitted a document and would like to resubmit it for any reason, you may press the "Delete Supporting Doc" button. This will 1) notify the system that the document will be resubmitted and 2) all references to previously submitted documents will be removed. After resetting a document, resubmit the new document through the same web-based upload process.

You will only have the option to reset a submitted document if it has been received as noted above.

Please be completely sure that you wish to resubmit a document before following this procedure.
