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In preparing presentation and ePoster materials, take note of the AAPM Virtual Meeting guideline regarding Use of Photography and Video:

While AAPM encourages sharing meeting activities via social media, we remind attendees that all presentation content, including ePoster content, is the property of the author and permission is required to share or reuse photographs or videos of work presented at the meeting, including sharing on social media.

If presenters indicate “no photography” on their presentation materials, taking photographs, videos, screenshots or captures of the presentation or poster content is not allowed, for any use.

Otherwise, taking photographs or videos is allowed for personal use.

All ePosters are posted online in the AAPM ePoster Library to be accessible by all meeting registrants. Viewers will have the ability to interact directly with the Presenting Author by sending an email or using a forum available within the platform.

This year we will introduce a new feature! A selected group of Poster Authors will be available virtually to present their ePoster live during a pre-determined period. Conference attendees are invited to join a virtual room to meet the poster author, post questions verbally, or submit via question box.

May 25 Deadline for presenting authors of oral assignments to upload pre-recorded presentations.
June 1 - 25
  • Virtual Speaker Ready Room Open.
  • All Presenters and Moderators are required to sign up for a 15-minute appointment to review presentation with AV tech.
June 28 Deadline to upload ePoster file.

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Oral Presentations

The 2021 AAPM Annual Meeting will be presented in a fully virtual environment between July 25 - 29 in the Eastern Time Zone. Please review the following list of guidelines for presenters as there are several steps that you will need to take to participate in the virtual meeting.

The AAPM Meeting is being planned as pre-recorded content with live discussion organized into sessions and symposia. Presenters are expected to participate in live discussion during their designated session or symposia.

Presentation Preparation Guidelines:
The final version of Presentation files must be uploaded by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2021.

  • AAPM will email you a link to the upload site and instructions on using the site by APRIL 16 30.
  • All presentations for the meeting need to be created as a “Narrated PowerPoint or Keynote Presentation” outputted as an MP4 video file. Instructions on creating the file are included here: How to Create a Cross Platform Narrated Version of Your Presentation The PowerPoint should be in 16:9 format.
  • IMPORTANT: Plan your presentation to strictly adhere to the time allotted. Recordings that exceed the designated time allotted will cause a warning to be sent when uploaded to the system.
  • AAPM will provide an online upload site that is available to all speakers/presenters for pre-submission of the video and PowerPoint files. Moderators will not create content but will have access to the upload site and be able to download and review files for their particular session(s) from the site. You will receive a separate email from AAPM containing the link to the upload site and instructions on using the site.
  • Each participant is requested to download and review the Remote Presenter Best Practices document to prepare for their participation. It is highly recommended to use a USB headset mic for the highest audio quality.
  • The Virtual Environment integrates Zoom video conferencing technology directly into the platform for both viewing and individual interaction. Presenters are expected to participate during their session or symposia using their local webcam and computer audio.

Virtual Speaker Ready Room: (Appointment Required)
Virtual Speaker Ready Room Open: Tuesday, June 1 – Friday, June 25

  • All Presenters are required to sign up for a 15-minute appointment prior to the meeting using the presentation upload site.
  • During the appointment, the support technician will work with the participant(s) to review their presentation and ensure that participants know how to use their webcams and microphones as well as participate in the session.

Live Meeting Operational Overview:

  • Moderator Guidelines
  • Each live session and symposia on the agenda will be managed by 2 staff members: 1 Technical Producer and 1 Staff Administrator.
  • Technical Producer will initiate the Zoom session, act as the host, and will run the meeting according to a pre-arranged agenda where the specified presentations will be played in order from their previously recorded video files.
  • Technical Producer will enable the cameras/microphones of the presenters so they may participate during the live question and answer period.
  • Attendees will not be able to enable their cameras or microphones during live sessions.
  • Chat will be offered during each live session and will be moderated by a person designated by AAPM. This will allow questions from the audience to be readily available to the faculty.
  • Presenters and moderators will be required to be present in the Virtual Meeting Room 15 minutes before the beginning of their allotted time to give enough time to get prepared and correct any technical issues.
  • AAPM presenters and moderators will be able to communicate directly with the Staff Administrator who will then communicate with the Technical Producer for each session using chat. This chat will not be visible to attendees or other presenters.

ePoster Presentations

Presenting Authors: See instructions below regarding your ePoster:

Instructions for the preparation of your ePoster

  • PowerPoint file or PDF file- landscape format (ratio of 16/9 ideal)
  • Not password-protected
  • One (1) Slide only
  • AAPM encourages you to use the ePoster templates. Nevertheless, the use of templates is not mandatory and presenters are free to submit their own designs and color schemes.

Instructions for the submission of your ePoster
(The notification to gain access to the portal will be sent from Multilearning by May 3rd).

  • Please click here to submit your ePoster.
  • Use your abstract submission email as the username.
  • If you need to set/reset your password please follow this link.
  • Deadline to upload the ePoster file: June 28, 2021


Once your ePoster is ready for review, from 1 to 5 days after submission, you will be able to add audio narration to your ePoster sections, during the final review step. To learn more about this feature, see this demo: ePoster with audio narration on sections & embedded video and a tutorial on how to record your audio narration per section:

For technical assistance with the preparation and/or formatting please contact Multieposter.


Can I watch a video tutorial for audio narration?

See above for tutiorial. Can't see the video? Watch the video tutorial here.

When is the deadline to submit my e-poster?

June 28th at 11:59 PM in your time zone.

Am I able to re-upload my poster if I have new edits?

Yes, you can re-submit your poster until the deadline.

When can I add audio narration?

After you submit, we will process the original to an e-poster. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days. You will receive an email once the audio narration is ready to be recorded!

If I re-upload my e-poster, will the audio files I recorded be deleted?

No, the audio will remain the same unless a section of the poster is removed.

When will my e-poster be formatted and ready for audio recording?

Submit early for the shortest turnaround times! If you wait until the deadline, your poster formatting may take ~5 days before audio can be recorded.

Is there a deadline for audio narration recording?


Can I submit prerecorded audio files?

Yes you can also submit an mp3 pre-recorded files for the audio narration. Please make sure you record one audio file per section.

Is there a time limit on the recordings?

Yes 4 minutes if your record or 6MB if you submit an mp3 file.

Is there a limit on the amount of narrations I can use?

One per section maximum.

Can you narrate specific figures, or only the larger sections?

You can narrate any section including individual figures.
