PO-GePV-E-12 (Sunday, 7/25/2021) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Purpose: Studies show that 83% of human learning occurs visually, demonstrating the clear importance of visual learning strategies. Visual learning utilizes graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and other forms of visual stimulation to effectively process and interpret information. AAPM provides all sorts of materials, references, TG reports, and free resources on its website. However, many medical physicists still find that most AAPM TG reports are lengthy and difficult to interpret. This work aims to improve medical physicist learning of TG reports through the development of visual learning techniques based on adult learning theories.
Methods: We have used Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop the learning module to aid physicists in understanding the AAPM TG reports. The website was also built with web scraping to allow keyword search within publicly available AAPM TG reports. We have selected the TG-100 as an example and extracted the essence of it, converting the central ideas of risk analysis methodologies into visual aids. The resulting visual teaching modules contain infographic techniques and a web-based learning module.
Results: A web-based learning module was developed. As an example, we have successfully transformed the complex TG-100 risk analysis methodology into infographics. The website displays infographics that visually represent risk analysis methodologies and also allows a physicist to search a word within any AAPM TG reports that are available within one click from the AAPM Publication webpage. Once found by search, the title and ID of the TG report will be displayed, and the report can be viewed by clicking on the title.
Conclusion: AAPM TG reports can be converted and displayed using both the infographic form and computer-based learning modules for ease of learning. Our work capitalized on what medical physicists already know and incorporated user-friendly interfaces on selected AAPM TG reports.
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