Motion management solutions for external beam radiation therapy can potentially enable a smaller volume of normal tissue irradiated and target dose escalation. In recent years, many optical, infrared, kV and MV radiographic imaging techniques have emerged clinically, and continued to be developed, to manage the effect of intra-fraction motion. Imaging and positional data are also often coupled with tracking systems using MLC and jaw to manage respiratory and non-respiratory motion during radiation therapy. The applications and procedural considerations for select imaging technology for respiratory motion management will be presented. Using implanted fiducials, prostate motion can be monitored with planar radiographic during radiation treatment delivery. Moreover, MLC and jaw tracking approaches are now available different linear accelerator systems. An educational overview of these systems, their clinical implementation and associated quality assurance considerations will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
1. Review methods to account for respiratory motion using optical and infrared imaging systems.
2. Present treatment planning and delivery requirements for implementing (and performing QA on) MLC tracking systems.
3. Present methods of intra-fraction monitoring for prostate motion with planar radiographic imaging of implanted fiducial markers.
4. Understand implementation and clinical experience of motion tracking using jaws and MLC during helical tomotherapy delivery.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.