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Patient-Specific QA Devices/Software

V Desai1*, S Thrower2*, Y Lee-Bartlett3*, E Jhala4*, J Kunz5*, (1) UW Health, Madison, WI, (2) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (4) Varian Medical Systems, Meilen, ZH, CH, (5) University of Utah, Huntsman Cancer Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT


3:30 PM Patient-Specific QA Devices/Software - V Desai, Presenting Author
               Patient-Specific QA Devices/Software - S Thrower, Presenting Author
4:00 PM Patient QA – A Solution for Every Clinic - Y Lee-Bartlett, Presenting Author
4:25 PM Varian QA Vision and SRS End-to-end Phantom - E Jhala, Presenting Author
4:50 PM ScandiDos Delta4 Discover Transmission Detector: A New Paradigm for Patient Safety and Quality Assurance - J Kunz, Presenting Author
5:15 PM Q&A - V Desai, Presenting Author

SU-EF-TRACK 8-0 (Sunday, 7/25/2021) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) is an integral aspect of modern radiotherapy. As the complexity of radiotherapy treatment plans has grown over the years, so too has the need to verify that various treatment delivery systems are accurately delivering each patient-specific treatment. This guided tour will begin with an introductory presentation from the moderators covering the basics of PSQA including its rationale and various types of equipment that have been used historically to measure PSQA. Vendors will then showcase their most recent hardware and software solutions for measuring, analyzing, and recording PSQA data followed by a question-and-answer session.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the rationale of patient-specific QA
2. Review various classes of equipment that have been used to measure PSQA and understand their advantages and technical limitations
3. Understand the extent of what PSQA is checking for and how it fits into the larger radiotherapy QA process



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