SU-E-TRACK 3-0 (Sunday, 7/25/2021) 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Although the primary goal of breast imaging modalities is to detect and diagnose breast cancers, mammography and advanced imaging techniques such as breast MRI may also provide useful information about breast cancer risk. A wealth of evidence has identified imaging markers that, when used in conjunction with other patient information, can aid in predicting whether breast cancer is currently present or more likely to develop in the future. In this session, we will hear about the latest research tools and commercial products to assess breast density on 2D mammography and tomosynthesis. We will learn about research of radiomic features that can be extracted from mammography to inform clinical risk prediction. We will discuss new risk markers identified on MRI and other contrast-based imaging that can provide additional risk information beyond density. Finally, we will discuss the role of AI tools for identification and application of imaging markers associated with breast cancer risk. Together, the work discussed here has high potential to impact clinical practice by identifying women who may benefit from tailored breast screening or risk-reduction strategies.
Learning objectives:
1) Discuss the latest research tools and commercial software for breast density assessment and extraction of radiomic features with mammographic techniques.
2) Recognize new risk markers from breast imaging and their potential contribution to risk prediction.
3) Consider the role of AI tools in breast imaging for risk assessment.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Licensing agreement with CMR Naviscan Research agreement with Siemens
IM- Breast X-Ray Imaging: Biomarkers
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