TH-C-TRACK 2-0 (Thursday, 7/29/2021) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
There have been recent changes and developments in ideas about Effective dose (E) that could lead to an expanded use of the quantity in coming years. Medical physicists should be aware of the expanding definition and potential future developments of E. Despite various limitations of the E which was originally developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) for occupational radiation protection, E has remained a universally-accepted quantity. Recently, ICRP has allowed the use of E to represent patient dose with the ICRP reference phantoms. Consideration is now being given to encourage the development of patient specific dose. Some medical physicists have been apprehensive about the use of E for individual patients. The current position of ICRP has been clarified in an upcoming report, ICRP Publication 147, and recent journal publications have acknowledged the substantial progress in assessing patient-specific doses computed based on libraries of phantoms that allow matching of anatomy to individual patients. Organ and tissue doses derived from MC calculations can be combined with the ICRP tissue weighting factors to calculate a value for the patient specific effective dose, in which the organ doses represent estimates of those for the individual, rather than a reference phantom. This session details the justification and processes of these developments, and further puts the estimation of individual radiation exposure in terms of E in the context of the broader objective of assessing and ensuring the safety of radiation in medicine.
Learning Objectives
1. To understand what effective dose means and what it does not.
2. To become familiar with the new developments in ICRP on effective dose.
3. To understand the difference between E as a radiation protection dose quantity and patient or size-specific effective dose relating to individual patients.
4. To understand the relationship between varying metrics of dose and methods to assess patient specific dose
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