TH-F-TRACK 7-0 (Thursday, 7/29/2021) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Modern total body irradiation (TBI) uses inverse planning with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and multiple iso-centers to achieve uniform dose for the total body while protecting critical organs such as lungs and kidneys. The feasibility and early clinical experience have been published in the literature. The entire process was extremely time consuming and complex. With different treatment planning systems and delivery platforms, this education session can share experts’ clinical experience and technology development to automate and streamline processes of treatment planning, patient setup, and treatment delivery. Knowledge gained from this session can be applied and generalized to other treatment sites involving large treatment volumes such as total bone marrow and total lymph node irradiation. In this session, three experts from different institutions will discuss their clinical experiences of clinical implementation of modern TBI. The learning objectives are:
(1) Learn how to use an automated workflow to combine the head-first and feet-first CT scans to a total body CT scan.
(2) Learn how to use an automated workflow to divide planning target volumes and to create multiple iso-centers and dose junction regions.
(3) Learn how to use automations to streamline the planning, patient setup, and delivery processes for adult and pediatric patients.
(4) Learn the early clinical experiences and clinical outcomes of VMAT TBI.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Ping Xia received research grants from AVO and Philips outside of this research topic
TBI, Treatment Planning, Image Guidance
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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