WE-E-TRACK 3-0 (Wednesday, 7/28/2021) 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Ultrasound imaging is one of the most used imaging modalities due to its portability, relative low cost and use of non-ionizing radiation. Despite these advantages, variability in image acquisition and interpretation, as well as the complexity of the image that result from the many interactions of ultrasound with tissue, and a lack of compensation for system dependent factors, have limited a more extended use. Additionally, conventional ultrasound methods are not well suited to imaging organs such as the lung, because of large amounts of scattering by the air-filled alveoli. This session will discuss technological developments that are expanding the frontiers of ultrasound imaging, enhancing it with quantitative measuring features. The goal of this expansion is to overcome some of these limitations by offering clinicians tools to quantify physical characteristics of tissue such as its scattering properties (reflectivity) and sound speed (related to compressibility), which can be used as biomarkers or surrogates of tissue healthy or disease status. Invited speakers will provide the physical basis of these quantitative ultrasound techniques, and present recent applications in liver, breast, and other tissues. The challenges of extending this approach to the lung, where new sources of contrast must be established so that new biomarkers of lung diseases can be developed, will also be discussed. Proffered talks will expand on these applications by presenting the state of the art of ultrasound imaging research.
After this session, attendees will be able to:
1. Describe the physical principles of novel scattering and sound speed-based quantitative ultrasound techniques.
2. Discuss recent applications of these techniques in liver, breast, lung, and other tissues.
3. Describe how the proposed techniques can be used to solve specific clinical needs.
4. Identify the main challenges of incorporating these novel quantitative ultrasound techniques in their clinical practice
Targeted attendees are scientists and medical physicists and other medical professionals with interests in the development of quantitative imaging, particularly quantitative ultrasound, and its clinical translation.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Cloutier: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, NSERC, Cancer Research Society, Research funding from Siemens Healthcare. Bamber: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Cancer Research UK, Research Council of Norway, among others. In-kind funding from iThera GmbH and Delphinus, lecture fees from Samsung Healthcare. Muller: NIH, Department of Defense
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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