MO-F-TRACK 3-0 (Monday, 7/26/2021) 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
MRI Homogeneity Testing
In MRI, main magnetic field (B0) homogeneity is an important factor in performance. Annual testing of B0 homogeneity is required by the ACR accreditation program and Joint Commission standards. However, many physicists are uncertain as to how to conduct this test and interpret the results, and each vendor has their own accepted methods for testing B0 homogeneity and corresponding tolerance levels.
This session will explain the main methods of homogeneity testing and provide specific instructions on how to perform these tests on individual vendor platforms. Advice on interpreting the results will also be discussed. Resources to assist the physicist with homogeneity testing will be identified.
Learning Objectives
1. Learn vendor-specific methods for testing homogeneity.
2. Understand how to set performance criteria.
3. Identify resources to assist the physicist with homogeneity testing.
IM- MRI : Quality Control and Image Quality Assessment
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