SU-C-TRACK 1-0 (Sunday, 7/25/2021) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization officially declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. In light of the subsequent restrictions and recommendations in educational and clinical settings, many educators were required to make radical changes to their courses mid-semester in an attempt to transition from face-to-face to online instruction. In the clinic, residency program directors and faculty grappled with ways to provide “equivalent” hands-on experiences remotely. Academic instructors had to quickly learn how to use several new platforms with varying levels of assistance from institutions to provide video-conferencing, assignment submissions, and virtual exam proctoring. What quickly became apparent was that didactic and clinical training techniques used for face-to-face interactions could not be directly virtualized. During the symposium, four educators will discuss their experience, the challenges they encountered, and the positive lessons they learned in order to improve instructional strategies moving forward.
Learning Objectives:
After attending this Symposium, the participant will:
1. Understand how to overcome challenges of online learning by applying active learning strategies that spark curiosity.
2. Learn how to apply opportunities to humanize courses to foster a learning community that encourages learners to participate.
3. Identify what digital education resources are currently available online.
4. Learn about the usefulness and drawbacks of commercial tools and applications in teaching and mentoring when coupled with the use of a tablet.
5. Understand how eLearning course modules may be used to supplement/replace some elements of residency training.
6. Identify issues that can inhibit student and resident learning in the virtual environment and techniques to manage these issues.
7. Consider how student and resident evaluation can be performed effectively in a virtual environment.
8. Recognize opportunities to improve our pedagogical strategies resulting from the forced transition to the virtual environment.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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