MO-IePD-TRACK 6-1 (Monday, 7/26/2021) 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Purpose: Despite the promising results, symptom monitoring is not widely implemented in the clinic. This is largely due to the additional staffing that is needed to triage the increased patients’ symptom reporting. We herein propose a PRO+ platform for remote symptom management, where the plus sign represents automated triage pathways. This includes AI and evidence-based triage chatbot and severity classification algorithm, to reduce manual triage needs.
Methods: 22 most common symptoms were included in the triage system. For each symptom, triage pathways were built in chatbot format. Three metrics were used for ongoing evaluation during development. 1) Patient engagement rate. Volunteer patients used the system to report symptoms. If a chatbot conversation was initiated and finished, it was counted as a successful engagement. 2) Chatbot triage efficiency. Nurses reviewed the reported symptom details and marked the situations that enough information was collected to provide patients clinical advice. Corresponding percentage was calculated. 3) Classification accuracy. The classification algorithm results were compared with manual results by nurses, and accuracy was reported.
Results: The PRO+ platform was built. Patients can select any symptom to report. Once a symptom is selected, the chatbot will carry a conversation with patient to collect necessary information for triage. The chat bot conversation is adapted real-time to the reported symptoms and conversation. 150 volunteer patients reported symptoms, and the engagement rate was 91%. 80% of the time the chatbot had collected enough information for nurses to provide clinical advice. The severity classification discrepancy was 95%.
Conclusion: A PRO+ platform was built for symptom management. It has automated triage pathways that can potentially allow clinics to provide remote symptom monitoring with reduced manual triage needs. More study is needed to examine the chatbot questions, severity classification performance, and staffing model required before wide adoption in the clinic.
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