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Treatment Delivery Errors as a Component of IROC Phantom Dose Deviations

S Edward*, S Kry, C Peterson, R Howell, P Balter, J Pollard-Larkin, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX


WE-IePD-TRACK 6-5 (Wednesday, 7/28/2021) 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Purpose: To investigate whether delivery log files predict dose deviations in IROC phantom irradiations

Methods: Delivery log files were collected for IROC lung and head and neck (H&N) phantom irradiations from January 2019 to present. We evaluated these files in Mobius FX to determine the difference between the TPS-calculated and machine-delivered doses (as a perturbation of the TPS). We evaluated whether this perturbed dose more accurately predicted the actual delivered dose (as measured by the TLD). A total of 41 lung phantoms (82 TLDs) and 36 H&N phantoms (216 TLDs) were evaluated. The maximum RMS errors in the MLCs, jaws, collimators, and gantry angles during treatment delivery were also analyzed for correlations with delivered dose.

Results: Compared to the average dose deviation (TPS vs TLD) of 2.4% (max = 11.6%) for the H&N phantom, and 2.6% (max = 9.6%) for the lung phantom, the dose perturbations predicted by log files were relatively small. The delivery errors ranged between -0.73% to 1.20% for the H&N phantom. Delivery played an even smaller role for the lung, which had a dose difference range of -0.75% to 0.17%. Minimal correlation between dose deviation and delivery error was found: r = 0.13 (p = 0.04) for H&N, r = 0.03 (p = 0.7) for lung. Delivered dose was not strongly correlated with MLC, jaw, collimator, and gantry angle maximum RMS errors (-0.2 < r < 0.2).

Conclusion: Analysis of IROC H&N and lung phantom delivery log files showed minimal contributions to the total TLD dose deviations seen among these phantoms. This indicates that few delivery errors are present, or that these errors are not properly captured within the delivery log files. Future work will investigate the ability of this delivery data to catch/identify irradiation errors in IROC phantoms.



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