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Validation of a Track-Repeating Monte Carlo Method for Isotopes Calculation

Q Wang1*, Y Li2, Z Shen3, M Moyers4, C Zhu5, D Yu6, X Bai7, A Adair8, H Chen9, J Li10, J Lin11, P Yepes12, (1) Rice University, Houston, TX, (2) Shanghai Proton And Heavy Center, ,,(3) ,Shanghai, 31, CN, (4) Shanghai Proton and Heavy Ion Center, Colton, CA, (5) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (6) Shanghai Proton and heavy ion center, Shanghai, ,CN, (7) University of Houston, Houston, ,(8) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (9) Shanghai Proton And Heavy Ion Center, ,,(10) Shanghai Proton And Heavy Ion Center, ,,(11) Shanghai Proton And Heavy Ion Center, ,,(12) Rice University, Houston, TX


PO-GePV-M-239 (Sunday, 7/25/2021)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Purpose: A small amount of positron-emitting isotopes, such as 10C, 11C, 14O, 15O, 13N, 30P and 38K, are produced in a patient body during carbon treatment. This phenomenon can be used to estimate the dose range through PET scan. When the scan is performed after the treatment, most of these generated isotopes will not be detected due to their fast decay, except for 11C.We implemented positron-emitting isotope production in Fast Dose Calculator (FDC), a track-repeating Monte Carlo method. The purpose of this work is to validate the accuracy of FDC isotopes simulation for dose range estimates.

Methods: During the carbon trajectories simulation by FDC, we save stopped isotopes mentioned above. The same calculation is performed by Geant4 with physics list QSGP_BIC_AllHP. The FDC isotopes simulation is validated by comparing the ranges of isotope distribution from FDC and Geant4 after blur, decay and body washout processed. We used a cohort of ten patients treated with carbon therapy with the following cases: 4 Thorax, 4 Pelvis and 2 Head & Neck. In addition, six databases with different tissues including water, muscle, adipose, breast, brain and cartilage were generated for FDC.

Results: The mean range difference between FDC and Geant4 of 1008 range estimates are -0.4539, -0.09474, -0.180, -0.2257, -0.3993 and -0.3859 mm with FDC database of water, muscle, adipose, breast, brain and cartilage respectively. The standard deviation of the range difference for the 1008 channels is around 4 for different databases. The speed of FDC is thousands of times faster than Geant4.

Conclusion: FDC isotope distribution calculation is validated. Using muscle database, FDC can give more accurate average range compared with databases using other tissues.



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