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Keywords: convolution
SU-IePD-TRACK 1-4Wavelet U-Net: Incorporating Wavelet Transform Into U-Net for Liver Segmentation
J Chang*, C Chang, California Protons Cancer Therapy Center / UCSD, San Diego, CA
TH-C-TRACK 6-1A Deconvolution-Based Image Fusion Technique for Heterogenous Multi-Layer Portal Imagers
I Valencia Lozano1*, M Jacobson1, M Myronakis1, T Harris1, M Lehmann2, P Huber2, R Fueglistaller2, D Morf2, R Berbeco1, C Williams1, (1) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, (2) Varian Medical Systems, Baden-Dattwil, Switzerland
TH-F-TRACK 6-7Modeling Dosimetric Impact of Treatment Delivery Errors in Robotic Radiosurgery: Experimental Validation and Applications
M Liu1,2*, J E Cygler1,2,3, E Vandervoort1,2,3, (1) The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada (2) Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada (3) University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
TU-D-TRACK 3-3Multi-Resolution Residual Deep Neural Network for Generating Synthetic CT Images with High HU Accuracy and Structural Fidelity
W WU1*,J Qu2, J Cai3, R Yang1, (1) Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing, China (2) Capital Medical University, Beijing, China (3) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
TU-IePD-TRACK 4-3Integrated Structure Name Mapping with CNN
P Bose1*, W Sleeman2, S Srinivasan3, J Palta4, R Kapoor5, P Ghosh6, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, VA, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, VA, (4) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (5) VCU Health System, Richmond, VA, (6) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA,
TU-IePD-TRACK 4-4Improving Deep Learning Auto-Segmentation Using An Adaptive Spatial Resolution Approach
A Amjad1*, J Xu2, D Thill2, M Awan1, M Shukla1, W Hall1, B Erickson1, X Li1, (1) Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, (2) Elekta Inc., MO, USA
WE-IePD-TRACK 3-6Comparison of 3D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Training Strategies for Ventilated Lung Segmentation Using Multi-Nuclear Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
J Astley*, A Biancardi, P Hughes, L Smith, H Marshall, J Eaden, N Weatherley, G Collier, J Wild, B Tahir, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
