| Monday 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM | MO-EF-TRACK 2-0 : Testing the Misfits: Tips and Tricks for Testing Your Least Favorite Diagnostic Imaging Equipment N. Bevins*, J. Gray*, M. Supanich*, Z. Lu*, R. Milman*, J. Frimeth*, |
| | 3:30 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-1 | Considerations for Evaluating Color Displays N. Bevins* |
| | 3:50 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-2 | National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), Radiation Protection in Dentistry and Oral & Maxillofacial Imaging, NCRP Report 177 (2019) Summary J. Gray* |
| | 4:10 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-3 | What Physicists Need to Know About the Medtronic O-arm M. Supanich* |
| | 4:30 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-4 | Considerations for Evaluating Ultrasound Units Z. Lu* |
| | 4:50 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-5 | Encounters with Non-standard Fluoroscopy Systems R. Milman* |
| | 5:00 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-6 | Troubleshooting DXA QC issues J. Frimeth* |
| | 5:10 PM MO-EF-TRACK 2-7 | Audience Q & A