| Wednesday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | WE-CD-TRACK 7-0 : Artificial Intelligence in the Clinic - Is It Going to Help Or Hurt Our Productivity? C. Cardenas*, Y. Yang*, A. Apte*, K. Moore*, D. Ruan* |
| | 1:00 PM WE-CD-TRACK 7-1 | Adding AI-Based Automated Contouring and Treatment Planning to Every Medical Physicist’s Toolbox C. Cardenas* |
| | 1:24 PM WE-CD-TRACK 7-2 | Clinical Implementation of An Auto-Planning and Plan Check Tool Y. Yang* |
| | 1:48 PM WE-CD-TRACK 7-3 | From Data to Segmentation Models: AI for Everybody A. Apte* |
| | 2:12 PM WE-CD-TRACK 7-4 | Widespread Clinical Implementation of Data-Driven Automated Treatment Planning K. Moore* |
| | 2:36 PM WE-CD-TRACK 7-5 | The Two Sides of the AI Coin D. Ruan* |