| Wednesday 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM | WE-EF-TRACK 7-0 : The Evolving Paradigm of Patient Specific QA J. Adamson*, S. Lim*, B. McCurdy*, C. Bojechko*, J. Andreozzi* |
| | 3:30 PM WE-EF-TRACK 7-1 | Moving From a Simple “Type A” Independent Dose Calculation to a “Type B” (Convolution/Superposition) Or “Type C” (Monte Carlo) Based Independent Dose Calculation Algorithm J. Adamson* |
| | 3:54 PM WE-EF-TRACK 7-2 | Moving From Measurement Based Pre-Treatment QA to Trajectory File Based QA S. Lim* |
| | 4:18 PM WE-EF-TRACK 7-3 | Advances in In-Vivo Real-Time PSQA and Dose Reconstruction B. McCurdy* |
| | 4:42 PM WE-EF-TRACK 7-4 | Patient Specific QA for New Technologies and Online Adaptive Radiotherapy C. Bojechko* |
| | 5:06 PM WE-EF-TRACK 7-5 | Scintillator Based Patient Specific QA in the Age of MRgRT J. Andreozzi* |