| Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | TH-CD-TRACK 8-0 : Therapy: Adaptive Therapy AI Software Planning Systems D. Schofield*, N. Dwivedi*, A. Schulte*, N. Dogan*, L. Schulte*, |
| | 1:00 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-1 | The Ghost in the Shell: Understanding How AI Can Improve Adaptive Radiation Therapy Workflows D. Schofield* |
| | 1:30 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-2 | Automated Adaptive Assessment Utilizing On-Board Imaging and Monte Carlo Dose Calculation N. Dwivedi* |
| | 1:50 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-3 | Background of ART-Plan™ Proposal for ART-Plan™ A. Schulte* |
| | 2:10 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-4 | Varian's Adaptive Planning Solution - Online or Offline N. Dogan* |
| | 2:30 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-5 | InsightRT: Automated Adaptive Therapy Decision Support and Insurance Authorization L. Schulte* |
| | 2:50 PM TH-CD-TRACK 8-6 | Q&A