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Taxonomy: IM- X-Ray: Machine learning, computer vision

MO-IePD-TRACK 4-3Explainable AI Model for COVID-19 Diagnosis Through Joint Deep Learning and Radiomics
D Yang*, G Ren, M Ying, J Cai, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, 91
PO-GePV-M-41Automatic Lung Field Segmentation On Chest Radiographs of COVID-19 Patients to Improve Diagnostic Deep Learning
G Schlafly*, Q Hu, F Li, K Drukker, J Fuhrman, M Giger, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
SU-D-TRACK 4-5Reconstruction of DRR-Like KV-DR Using CycleGAN-Based Image Synthesis for Intra- and Extracranial SRT/SRS
D Lee*1,2, S LEE3, H Cho1, (1) Yonsei University, Wonju, KR, (2) Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, KR (3) Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA
