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Syed Template for Interstitial HDR_ A 3D Printed Alternative

S George*, A Gomez, T Romaguera, R Tolakanahalli, A Gutierrez, J Contreras, Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health South Florida, Miami, FL


PO-GePV-P-20 (Sunday, 7/25/2021)   [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Purpose: To have a template that is easy to handle during the Gynecological interstitial procedure.

Methods: The Syed templates that are commercially available are very bulky and difficult to handle during the procedure. Suturing the template to perineum of the patient is very difficult, In addition to this due to the bulk of the template, it is easily movable when the patient is in discomfort which can lead to a re-plan on the subsequent fractions of treatments. The commercially available Syed Implants are about 3 cm in thickness and the passage of needles through that to position inside the tumor is difficult. Thinking about an alternative, we decided to use the 3D printer that was available in the department. Multiple Iterations of Syed Templates were created and evaluated, dummy plans were created and checked to make sure practically this template is able to be used for improving patient comfort as well as positioning accuracy.

Results: Using the 3D printer, we are able to print and deliver treatment with the guidance of a thinner and robust template by developing an in-house CAD plan data-file.

Conclusion: Innovative technologies such as 3D printing is able to give clinically relevant solutions for day to day use.



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