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Session: Principal Investigator Scientific Highlights [Return to Session]

Principal Investigator Scientific Highlights

C Glide-Hurst1*, G Pratx2*, H Li3*, K Lafata4*, L Ren5*, W Yang6*, N Wen7*, K Brock8*, C Hruska9*, E Samei10*, H Paganetti11*, (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, (2) Stanford University, Stanford, CA, (3) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, (4) Duke University, Durham, NC, (5) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (6) Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA, (7) Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, (8) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (9) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (10) Duke University, Durham, NC, (11) Physics Division, Department of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA


3:30 PM The Funding Landscape for AAPM Members - C Glide-Hurst, Presenting Author
3:39 PM NIH R01, New Tools for Tracking Single Cells In Vivo - G Pratx, Presenting Author
3:48 PM NIH R01, Multimodal Biomarkers For Oropharyngeal Cancer - H Li, Presenting Author
3:57 PM DOD, Multi-Scale Characterization of Radiation Resistance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - K Lafata, Presenting Author
4:06 PM NIH R01, Hybrid Virtual-MRI/CBCT: A New Paradigm for Image Guidance in Liver SBRT - L Ren, Presenting Author
4:15 PM NIH R21, Novel Four Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Monitor Pancreatic Tumor Infiltrating Blood Vessels and Tumor Response to Chemoradiation Therapy - W Yang, Presenting Author
4:24 PM ACS, Physiological Adaptive Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment - N Wen, Presenting Author
4:33 PM NIH R01s, Anatomical Modeling to Improve the Precision of Image Guided Liver Ablation and Optimization and Evaluation of Anatomical Models of Liver Radiation Response - K Brock, Presenting Author
4:42 PM NIH R01, Density MATTERS Clinical Trial - C Hruska, Presenting Author
4:51 PM NIH P41, Center for Virtual Imaging Trials - E Samei, Presenting Author
5:00 PM NIH R01s, Fast Individualized Delivery Adaptation in Proton Therapy and Developing Whole-Body Computational Phantoms for Blood Dosimetry to Model the Impact of Radiation on the Immune System - H Paganetti, Presenting Author
5:09 PM Panel Discussion - C Glide-Hurst, Presenting Author

TH-EF-TRACK 2-0 (Thursday, 7/29/2021) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

In this invited scientific session, current extramurally funded Principal Investigators (PIs) from different areas of Medical Physics will shed light on the high impact scientific research being conducted by AAPM members. During each session, PIs will briefly describe their unique funding mechanisms and pathway to funding to highlight the depth and breadth of funding opportunities available to Medical Physics researchers. AAPM members who are single PIs and those participating as the primary PI in a multiple PI grant will be highlighted. For each grant, the PI will describe the clinical motivation and scientific underpinnings of the work. Specific aims and key initial scientific results will be highlighted along with a look toward future research directions. Finally, each PI will conclude with brief parting comments regarding grant funding to share their perspective and words of wisdom with the AAPM audience.

Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the different grant mechanisms currently funding AAPM members.
2. To learn about the scientific initiatives that have extramural funding.
3. To learn about the grant development process including developing preliminary data and specific aims.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Research funded in part by NIH R01CA204189


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