| Thursday 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM | TH-EF-TRACK 2-0 : Principal Investigator Scientific Highlights C. Glide-Hurst*, G. Pratx*, H. Li*, K. Lafata*, L. Ren*, W. Yang*, N. Wen*, K. Brock*, C. Hruska*, E. Samei*, H. Paganetti*, |
| | 3:30 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-1 | The Funding Landscape for AAPM Members C. Glide-Hurst* |
| | 3:39 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-2 | NIH R01, New Tools for Tracking Single Cells In Vivo G. Pratx* |
| | 3:48 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-3 | NIH R01, Multimodal Biomarkers For Oropharyngeal Cancer H. Li* |
| | 3:57 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-4 | DOD, Multi-Scale Characterization of Radiation Resistance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma K. Lafata* |
| | 4:06 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-5 | NIH R01, Hybrid Virtual-MRI/CBCT: A New Paradigm for Image Guidance in Liver SBRT L. Ren* |
| | 4:15 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-6 | NIH R21, Novel Four Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Monitor Pancreatic Tumor Infiltrating Blood Vessels and Tumor Response to Chemoradiation Therapy W. Yang* |
| | 4:24 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-7 | ACS, Physiological Adaptive Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer Treatment N. Wen* |
| | 4:33 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-8 | NIH R01s, Anatomical Modeling to Improve the Precision of Image Guided Liver Ablation and Optimization and Evaluation of Anatomical Models of Liver Radiation Response K. Brock* |
| | 4:42 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-9 | NIH R01, Density MATTERS Clinical Trial C. Hruska* |
| | 4:51 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-10 | NIH P41, Center for Virtual Imaging Trials E. Samei* |
| | 5:00 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-11 | NIH R01s, Fast Individualized Delivery Adaptation in Proton Therapy and Developing Whole-Body Computational Phantoms for Blood Dosimetry to Model the Impact of Radiation on the Immune System H. Paganetti* |
| | 5:09 PM TH-EF-TRACK 2-12 | Panel Discussion