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Keywords: 3D
MO-A-TRACK 6-3Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes: Towards Full Body Upright Cone-Beam CT Imaging
T Reynolds*, O Dillon, R O'Brien, ACRF Image X Institute, University of Sydney,Sydney, NSW, AU
MO-AB-TRACK 7-3Feasibility of Virtual Reality (VR) with Open-Source Software for Interactive Medical Physics Education
S Yoon*, T Li, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
MO-EF-TRACK 4-9Non-Circular Orbits On a Clinical Robotic C-Arm for Reducing Metal Artifacts in Orthopedic Interventions
Y Ma1*, T Reynolds2, G Gang1, O Dillon2, T Russ3, W Wang1, T Ehtiati4, C Weiss1, N Theodore1, J Siewerdsen1, R O'Brien2, J Stayman1, (1) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (2) ACRF Image X Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, AU, (3) Heidelberg University, Mannheim, GER, (4) Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, GER
PO-GePV-M-108Fusion of Multi-Scale Feature Maps Improves Anisotropic Structure Detection From CT Images
Y Xie1*, G Sharp2, D Gierga3, T Hong4, T Bortfeld5, K Kang6, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (6) Bio-tree System, Inc.,
PO-GePV-M-230MRI Characterization of 3D Printed Anatomic Models Using a Dual-Echo Ultrashort TE (UTE) Sequence
N Wake*, Q Peng, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY
PO-GePV-T-48A Clinical Workflow for Creating 3D Printed Bolus with Isocenter and Orientation Labels for Placement
L KUO*, S Hellman, M Trager, C Huang, M Aristophanous, C Barker, G Li, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
PO-GePV-T-308On the Performance of LINAC Annual Quality Assurance Without the Need for a 3D Water Tank
H Kadji1*, B Lewis1,2, R Teboh Forbang1,2, (1) Hackensack Meridian Health at Mountainside Medical Center, Montclair, NJ, (2) Hackensack Meridian Health at Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ,
PO-GePV-T-315Comparison of Secondary MU Calculation Softwares for Clinical Use: RadCalc and ClearCalc
H Lee*, A Pompos, M Lin, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
PO-GePV-T-326An Investigation Into the Dosimetric Properties of a Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing Material for Potential Use in Radiation Therapy
K Bittinger*, N Sperling, University of Toledo Medical Center, Toledo, OH
SU-D-TRACK 4-1A Subject-Specific 5D Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Model Reconstructed From Free-Breathing 2D Cine MRIs
X Wu*, y zhang, H An, H Gach, S Goddu, H Li, D Yang, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
SU-F-TRACK 3-5Two-Dimensional Breast Tomosynthesis with a Stationary Array of Thermionic Cathodes for Higher Resolution Images and Fast Acquisition
J Boone1*, A Sisniega2, J Siewerdsen3, P Schwoebel4, (1) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Balitmore, MD, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Baltimore, MD, (4) SRI International, Albuquerque, NM
SU-F-TRACK 6-4One-Second Into the Future: A Deep Learning Method to Predict 3D Lung Cancer Target Motion to Account for Adaptation Latency
Q Hoang1, J Booth2, V Caillet2,3, P Keall3, D Nguyen2,3,4*, (1) School Of Biomedical Engineering, University Of Sydney, Camperdown , Australia,(2) Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, AU, (3) ACRF Image X Institute University of Sydney, Camperdown,NSW ,Australia, (4) University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, NSW, AU
SU-IePD-TRACK 5-1A 3D-Printed Prostate Phantom for Quality Assurance in HDR Brachytherapy
D Murrell*, J Pautler, D Hoover, London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON CA
SU-IePD-TRACK 5-4Commissioning and QA of 3D-Printed Molds for Surface Brachytherapy
T Phillips*, J Steers, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
SU-IePD-TRACK 6-2Initial Assessment of the Suitability of 3D PRESAGE Phantom for Relative Dose Measurements in a FLASH Electron Beam
C Elliston1*, Y Wang1, G Garty2, J Adamovics3, C Wuu1, (1) New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, (2) Radiological Research Accelerator Facility, Irvington, NY,(3) Heuris Inc & Rider University, Princeton, New Jersey,
SU-IePD-TRACK 6-3Evaluating the Fidelity of Post-Plan Vs. Pre-Plan Dosimetry for 3D-Printed Brachytherapy Surface Molds
J Steers*, M Kamrava, T Phillips, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
SU-IePD-TRACK 6-6Verification of a Cost-Effective and Cerrobend-Free Workflow for Customized 3D-Printing Based Skin Collimation
M Polizzi*, J Sohn, S Kim, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
TH-E-TRACK 4-1Few Shot Meta Learner for Post-Operative Prostate CTV Style Adaptation
A Balagopal*, D Nguyen, T Bai, H Morgan, M Dohopolski, N Desai, A Garant, R Hannan, S Jiang, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
TH-E-TRACK 4-5Small Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation
A Celaya1, J Actor1,2, R Muthusivarajan1, E Gates1*, C Chung1, D Schellingerhout1, B Riviere2, D Fuentes1, (1) University Of Texas Md Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Rice University, Houston, TX
TU-B-TRACK 2-4Preliminary Investigation of a Novel 3D Dosimetry System Consisting of ClearView 3D Radiochromic Dosimeters with Telecentric Optical Computed Tomography Scanning
S Hoopingarner1*, K Penev2, M Oldham1, (1) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (2) Modus Medical Devices, London, Ontario, CA
TU-F-TRACK 3-2JACK FOWLER EARLY-CAREER INVESTIGATOR COMPETITION WINNER: Imaging From the Cervical to the Lumbar Spine with a Continuous Multi-Turn Reverse Helical 3D Cone-Beam CT Scan
T Reynolds1*, Y Ma2, G Gang2, O Dillon1, T Russ3, W Wang2, T Ehtiati4, C Weiss2, N Theodore2, J Siewerdsen2, R O'Brien1, J Stayman2, (1) ACRF Image X Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, AU (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Heidelberg University, Mannheim, GER, (4) Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, GER
WE-AB-TRACK 3-0Robotic X-Ray Systems: Emerging Platform for Improved Radiography, 3D Imaging, and Interventional Radiology
T Reynolds1*, T Reynolds1*, G Gang2*, L Ritschl3*, (1) University of Sydney, Eveleigh, AU, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Siemens Healthineers
WE-AB-TRACK 3-1Adaptive Imaging - Syncing with Patients for Safer and Smarter 3D Imaging
T Reynolds1*, T Reynolds1*, G Gang2*, L Ritschl3*, (1) University of Sydney, Eveleigh, AU, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Siemens Healthineers
WE-AB-TRACK 3-2Non-Circular Trajectories in Cone-Beam CT Imaging
T Reynolds1*, T Reynolds1*, G Gang2*, L Ritschl3*, (1) University of Sydney, Eveleigh, AU, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Siemens Healthineers
WE-AB-TRACK 3-3Task Driven/Metal Artefact Reduction Orbits
T Reynolds1*, T Reynolds1*, G Gang2*, L Ritschl3*, (1) University of Sydney, Eveleigh, AU, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Siemens Healthineers
WE-AB-TRACK 3-4Advanced Imaging using Multitom Rax
T Reynolds1*, T Reynolds1*, G Gang2*, L Ritschl3*, (1) University of Sydney, Eveleigh, AU, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Siemens Healthineers
WE-IePD-TRACK 1-2Automatic Spatial Registration System for Whole-Breast Three-Dimensional Ultrasound
C Park1,2*, S Papernick1,2, N Orlando1,2, M Jonnalagadda1, J Bax2, L Gardi2, K Barker2, D Tessier2, A Fenster1,2, (1) Western University, London, ON, Canada (2) Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada
WE-IePD-TRACK 1-6Quantitative Dimension Estimation and Clinical Utility of Three-Dimensional Ultrasound in Oral Cavity Tumors
C Park1,2*, J Wihlidal3,4, A Mendez3,4, A Fenster1,2, (1) Western University, London, ON, Canada, (2) Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, (3) Schulich School Of Medicine And Dentistry, Western University, London, ON, Canada (3) London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada
