| Wednesday 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | WE-B-TRACK 1-0 : MPLA Career Development: Secrets to Your Success I. Barreto*, J. Johnson*, A. Schreuder*, K. Kanal*, M. Howard*, E. Angel*, |
| | 11:30 AM WE-B-TRACK 1-1 | Your Technical Skills Won’t Get You There: Identifying Vital Skills to Thrive in Your Career I. Barreto* |
| | 11:40 AM WE-B-TRACK 1-2 | Leaders Making #Goals Happen: Taking Your Discovery Journey J. Johnson* |
| | 11:50 AM WE-B-TRACK 1-3 | Leadership Lessons: Key Factors Affecting Your Career Advancement (Panel Discussion) A. Schreuder* |
| | 11:57 AM WE-B-TRACK 1-4 | Leadership Lessons: Key Factors Affecting Your Career Advancement (Panel Discussion) K. Kanal* |
| | 12:04 PM WE-B-TRACK 1-5 | Leadership Lessons: Key Factors Affecting Your Career Advancement (Panel Discussion) M. Howard* |
| | 12:11 PM WE-B-TRACK 1-6 | Leadership Lessons: Key Factors Affecting Your Career Advancement (Panel Discussion) E. Angel* |
| | 12:18 PM WE-B-TRACK 1-7 | Audience Q&A