| Monday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | MO-F-TRACK 1-0 : History Symposium: Exploring the Foundation of Our Medical Physics Profession P. Sprawls*, J. Van Dyk*, J. Battista*, |
| | 4:30 PM MO-F-TRACK 1-1 | Introduction and History Project Overview
| | 4:35 PM MO-F-TRACK 1-2 | The Physics Foundation and Evolutionary Technical Developments of Computed Tomography, the Quest for Enhanced Visibility P. Sprawls* |
| | 4:55 PM MO-F-TRACK 1-3 | The Atom Bomb That Saves Lives”: The Role of Cobalt-60 in Cancer Treatment Around the World J. Van Dyk* |
| | 5:15 PM MO-F-TRACK 1-4 | Harold Johns: Combining Innovation and Education in Establishing the Role of Medical Physicists in Radiation Oncology J. Battista* |
| | 5:25 PM MO-F-TRACK 1-5 | Concluding Discussion