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AAPM Meetings will follow the current federal, state, and local COVID Guidelines at a minimum.

All AAPM meeting participants shall abide by PP-31 - AAPM Code of Conduct at Meetings and Social Events.

Use of Photography and Video:
While AAPM encourages sharing meeting activities via social media, we remind attendees that all presentation content, including poster content, is the property of the author and permission is required to share or reuse photographs or videos of work presented at the meeting, including sharing on social media.

If presenters indicate “no photography” on their presentation materials, taking photographs, videos, screenshots, or captures of the presentation or poster content is not allowed, for any use.

Otherwise, taking photographs or videos is allowed for personal use.

Spoken or displayed presentations or posters must not include offensive or inappropriate content, e.g., not consistent with the AAPM Code of Ethics. AAPM may modify recorded content as needed.

Registration is required to participate in the meeting.