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Many AAPM members now require Maintenance of Certification (MOC) as defined by the American Board of Radiology (ABR). At least 75 continuing education (CE) credits are required every 3 years. CE credits may be met by a combination of Category 1 credits (CAMPEP or ACCME) and self-directed educational projects (SDEPs). At least 25 of the 75 CE credits must be self-assessment CE (SA-CE). Other than ABR prequalified SAMs and SDEPs, the ABR will count all AMA Category 1 CME activities in “enduring materials” (including web-based and print) and “journal-based CME” formats toward the MOC self-assessment requirement. SAMS are not required, but can be used to meet the (SA-CE) requirements. Information regarding the MOC requirements can be found at What is MOC.
Virtual Meeting Process…
We are pleased to report that participants are still eligible to receive SAM credits. To assist attendees who require MOC, AAPM will offer many ABR approved SAM sessions. AAPM will monitor SAM session attendance electronically. Attendees must attend each SAM session in its entirety to earn credit. No exceptions. SAM questions are no longer embedded in SAM presentations, so audience interaction is not needed. SAM questions will be included as part of the online evaluation survey. In order to receive SAM credit, participants must answer the questions online. There is no pass/fail. The administrative fee is $20. SAM credit for these sessions are available only to attendees who complete the required online evaluation of the session and whose attendance has been verified.
Please note: Only SAM registrants are eligible to obtain SAM credit. You must include the SAM option in your registration.
To obtain SAM Credit. It's Simple…
Evaluate in real time! Use your phone, iPad or laptop to access the Online Evaluation System. You may go online at any time, during the session or after the session, as long as you complete the evaluation survey by the June 1, 2021 deadline.
AAPM Transfers SAM Credits to the CME Gateway.
Update your CME Gateway account:
No problem.The sessions are open to everyone.SAM registration is not required to attend.