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The 2021 AAPM Virtual Spring Clinical Meeting has been approved by The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc. (CAMPEP) for 47 MPCEC hours.
To obtain continuing education credit, attendees must view each session in entirety and complete an online CEC evaluation survey. Session attendance is tracked via virtual software.
Please note your badge I.D. will be required in order to complete the online CEC evaluation survey.
The survey will be available online Saturday, April 17 through Tuesday, June 1, 2021.
Attendees must complete the survey by June 1 in order to receive CAMPEP credit.
Attendees can only evaluate sessions that have taken place on days covered by their registration category.
After the meeting:
MPCEC credits will be released on June 14, 2021.
Note: Individuals registered as Companions are not eligible for MPCEC.
Starting in 2021, meeting content will be continuously available to Meeting Registrants.
After the meeting, Registrants will continue to have post-meeting access to the meeting content via the AAPM website as a benefit of their meeting registration.
Earn your credits the easy way…..
For designated content, Registrants are eligible to receive continuing education credit (e.g., CAMPEP MPCEC hours, MDCB, and ASRT Category A credits*) and self-assessment modules (SAM) during the meeting and for six weeks following via the meeting online evaluation system. The online evaluation system will close at 11:59 pm ET, Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Credits will be posted by June 14.
Registrants are strongly encouraged to use the online evaluation system process to greatly simplify earning your credits.
Continue to earn credits, but passing quiz now required….
After six weeks, the content will move out of the meeting platform to the AAPM website. Registrants can then continue to earn medical physics continuing educations credits (MPCEC) and self-assessment modules (SAM).
During this phase, to successfully earn MPCEC or SA-CE, a registrant:
* ASRT has modified the criteria for earning credits for On-Demand content. AAPM will apply for CAT A credits for watching Simu live content during its scheduled time and performing the required evaluation. AAPM will not apply for CAT A credits for sessions viewed On-Demand after their scheduled time.
Starting in 2021, Non-Registrants, regardless of AAPM membership status, will be able to access the meeting content after an interval of time via the AAPM website.
Want access to the 2021 meeting content earlier?
Both AAPM members and non-members may purchase Post-Meeting Access six-weeks following the meeting to access meeting content on the AAPM website.
With the purchase of Post-Meeting Access, both AAPM members and non-members are eligible to earn self-assessment modules (SAM) through successful quiz completion as described above.