(Saturday, 3/26/2022) [Central Time (GMT-5)]
Purpose: Brainlab recently released version 3.0 of their single isocenter multiple-metastasis SRS planning system, Elements. This new version has new functionality and optimization tools, including: jaw tracking, adaptive margin generation, 4Pi setup optimization and an improved packing algorithm. The new features could reduce the time and effort required to generate SRS plans. The purpose of this study was to compare the plan quality of clinically acceptable plans previously manually optimized with 2.0 to plans generated with 3.0 utilizing the new optimization tools and no manual manipulation.
Methods: 10 clinical plans were selected from the version 2.0 database and were re-planned using version 3.0. The number of brain metastases per plan varied from 1 to 9. Comparisons of CI, HI, GI, MU, V12, number of arcs and couch positions, SRS MapCheck QA results, and the treatment planning time were used to evaluate the plans run in the two versions of software. Statistical significance of the comparisons was determined by performing a two tailed independent T-test.
Results: For plans run with 2.0: Average CI=1.18, HI=1.32, GI=3.84, V12= 3.81cc, MUs = 7589, number of arcs = 7.5, and couch positions = 4.2, with a 97.5% gamma passing rate. For 3.0 plans: Average CI=1.21, HI=1.32, GI=3.75, V12= 3.79cc, MUs = 7793, number of arcs = 7.9, and positions = 4.5, gamma passing rate of 99.24%. Only the results of the QA showed a statistically significant difference, with a p-value of 0.041. The time to reach clinically acceptable plans took much less time for version 3.0 than 2.0.
Conclusion: Clinically acceptable plans can be achieved in version 3.0 which are comparable to those in 2.0, in a shorter amount of time and with less planner involvement. The only statistical difference in plan quality metrics was better QA results for 3.0 plans.
Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Treatment Planning
TH- External Beam- Photons: intracranial stereotactic/SBRT
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