(Saturday, 3/26/2022) [Central Time (GMT-5)]
Purpose: Transferring treatment plans from a treatment planning system (TPS) to an oncology information system (OIS) for treatment delivery can introduce data errors, especially when manual manipulation is required. The accuracy of data transfer must be validated before commencing a treatment. The current practice of manual checks does not review all field parameters (e.g., MLC leaf positions). The purpose of this work was to automate this critical component of chart checks between Varian’s Eclipse TPS and Elekta’s Mosaiq OIS.
Methods: Eclipse-Mosaiq Transfer Validation (EMTV) was developed using the Eclipse Scripting API to read field parameters directly from Eclipse. It queries values from the Mosaiq database for comparison. EMTV checks the prescription dose, fractionation, and field parameters including individual control points. To determine the efficacy of the tool, a record of the performed tests for each patient were kept for 5 months and analyze to determine the failure rates for each test type.
Results: A total of 1741 patient plans were evaluated and 25.6% were flagged with an error. The tool discovered 4 plans with significant errors in the treatment parameters that required re-exporting the DICOM data to Mosaiq. Following a deeper investigation, none of the other errors discovered by the tool would lead to clinically significant safety concerns, with the exception of Isocenter errors which were corrected prior to patient treatment. Almost 50% of the detected errors were associated with a Mosaiq storage inconsistency for conformal arc fields, which does not have any impact on the delivered dose.
Conclusion: An automated tool for treatment parameter transfer verification has been deployed clinically and resulted in primarily documentation errors being detected and rectified. This has improved clinical efficiency by allowing these deviations to be caught at the time of plan transfer, reducing the number of plans sent back from the QA process.
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