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All Invited Speakers are encouraged to provide handouts for their Annual Meeting presentations. Attendees are encouraged to print handouts prior to their arrival at the meeting.

NOTE: Individuals must contact the Presenting or Corresponding author directly for permission to use material from posted handouts.

Session:SA - -206 - Medical Physics Education, Training and Professional Development in Latin America
Title:Warm-Up | Welcome
Byline:A Marques Da Silva1*, J Pavoni2*, G Gonzalez Sprinberg3*, M Ixquiac4*, Y Pipman5*, N Correa6*, I Barreto7*, A Marques Da Silva8*, (1) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, (2) Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, BR, (3) Facultad De Ciencias, Montevideo, UY, (4) FIXCA S.A., Guatemala, GU, GT, (5) New Paltz, NY, (6) Gainesville, FL, (7) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (8) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS
Handout(s):175-67021-16361659-191531-26969962.pdf (Ana Maria Marques Da Silva)
Session:SA - -206 - Medical Physics Education, Training and Professional Development in Latin America
Title:Latin American Needs and Collaborations in Medical Physics - Brainstorming and Discussion
Byline:A Marques Da Silva1*, J Pavoni2*, G Gonzalez Sprinberg3*, M Ixquiac4*, Y Pipman5*, N Correa6*, I Barreto7*, A Marques Da Silva8*, (1) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, (2) Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters at Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, BR, (3) Facultad De Ciencias, Montevideo, UY, (4) FIXCA S.A., Guatemala, GU, GT, (5) New Paltz, NY, (6) Gainesville, FL, (7) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (8) Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande Do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS
Handout(s):175-67029-16361659-191531-1679121283.pdf (Ana Maria Marques Da Silva)
Session:SU - B-BRB - Education Council Symposium: Celebrating Medical Physics Educators: Transformative leaders in Medical Physics Education
Byline:M Giger1*, F Fahey2*, G Starkschall3*, (1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (3) Sugar Land, TX
Handout(s):175-65513-16361659-183789-860187869.pdf (Joann Prisciandaro)
Session:SU - B-BRB - Education Council Symposium: Celebrating Medical Physics Educators: Transformative leaders in Medical Physics Education
Title:Teaching Medical Physics to Graduate Students Along Their Path to Becoming Independent Investigators
Byline:M Giger1*, F Fahey2*, G Starkschall3*, (1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (3) Sugar Land, TX
Handout(s):175-65514-16361659-183347.pdf (Maryellen Giger)
Session:SU - B-BRB - Education Council Symposium: Celebrating Medical Physics Educators: Transformative leaders in Medical Physics Education
Title:Changing Landscape of Medical Physics Education for Medical Physicists, Physicians, and Allied Health Professionals
Byline:M Giger1*, F Fahey2*, G Starkschall3*, (1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (3) Sugar Land, TX
Handout(s):175-65515-16361659-183284-1526487946.pdf (Frederic Fahey)
Session:SU - B-BRB - Education Council Symposium: Celebrating Medical Physics Educators: Transformative leaders in Medical Physics Education
Title:(Almost) Fifty Years in Medical Physics
Byline:M Giger1*, F Fahey2*, G Starkschall3*, (1) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (3) Sugar Land, TX
Handout(s):175-65516-16361659-190221-511444124.pdf (George Starkschall)
Session:SU - C-BRB - Joint Council Symposium: Celebrating the Recent Accomplishments of the AAPM
Byline:D Scanderbeg1*, S Avery2*, J Hoisak3*, M Giger4*, (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (3) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA, (4) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Handout(s):175-66834-16361659-183789-1298532670.pdf (Joann Prisciandaro)
Session:SU - C-BRB - Joint Council Symposium: Celebrating the Recent Accomplishments of the AAPM
Title:Promoting Medical Physics Through the AAPM Public Education Website
Byline:D Scanderbeg1*, S Avery2*, J Hoisak3*, M Giger4*, (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (3) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA, (4) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Handout(s):175-66835-16361659-183859-248970867.pdf (Daniel Scanderbeg)
Session:SU - C-BRB - Joint Council Symposium: Celebrating the Recent Accomplishments of the AAPM
Title:The AAPM Mentorship Program: Creating Mentoring Opportunities for All Members
Byline:D Scanderbeg1*, S Avery2*, J Hoisak3*, M Giger4*, (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (3) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA, (4) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Handout(s):175-66837-16361659-183415-1845662737.pdf (Jeremy Hoisak)
Session:SU - C-BRB - Joint Council Symposium: Celebrating the Recent Accomplishments of the AAPM
Title:MIDRC: AAPM Leadership in Medical Imaging and Data Science
Byline:D Scanderbeg1*, S Avery2*, J Hoisak3*, M Giger4*, (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (3) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA, (4) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Handout(s):175-66838-16361659-183347.pdf (Maryellen Giger)
Session:SU - D-BRB - Professional Council Symposium: In Memory of George Sherouse - Transforming Human Health Through Clinical Practice
Title:Mastering the Craft of Medical Physics
Byline:J Clements1*, M Kessler2*, D Pavord3*, P Halvorsen4*, J Clements5*, (1) Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA, (2) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, (4) Beth Israel - Lahey Health, Burlington, MA, (5) Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA
Handout(s):175-66843-16361659-190057-298859639.pdf (Daniel Pavord)
Session:SU - D-BRB - Professional Council Symposium: In Memory of George Sherouse - Transforming Human Health Through Clinical Practice
Title:Professional Comportment: Understanding Your Role in Order To Best Serve the Clinical Mission
Byline:J Clements1*, M Kessler2*, D Pavord3*, P Halvorsen4*, J Clements5*, (1) Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA, (2) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, (4) Beth Israel - Lahey Health, Burlington, MA, (5) Kaiser Permanente, Pasadena, CA
Handout(s):175-66844-16361659-182970-862434778.pdf (Per Halvorsen)
Session:SU - A-BRB - International Council Symposium: Medical Physics Awareness in the Global Context
Title:Global Medical Physics: Challenges and Opportunities
Byline:J Van Dyk1*, W Ngwa2*, S Parker3*, (1) Western University, London, ON, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-salem, NC
Handout(s):175-66850-16361659-184008-816004509.pdf (Jacob Van Dyk)
Session:SU - A-BRB - International Council Symposium: Medical Physics Awareness in the Global Context
Title:Global Need Assessment and the AAPM
Byline:J Van Dyk1*, W Ngwa2*, S Parker3*, (1) Western University, London, ON, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-salem, NC
Handout(s):175-66852-16361659-183754-2027071603.pdf (Stephanie Parker)
Session:MO - J-201 - Attenuation Correction in PET and SPECT with and without Transmission Imaging
Title:Mitigation of Misregistration and Tumor Motion in PET/CT With Data-Driven Gating of Both PET and CT
Byline:M King1*, T Pan2*, J Yang3*, Y Du4*, (1) UMass Medical Center, Worcester, MA, (2) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, (4) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Handout(s):No handouts have been uploaded for this submission.
Session:MO - AB-201 - Interventional Imaging
Title:Interventional Imaging
Byline:K Li1*, A Martin2*, T Reynolds3*, B Pogue4*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Middleton, WI, (2) UCSF, San Francisco, CA, (3) University of Sydney, Eveleigh,AU, (4) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Handout(s):175-63075-16291659-182972-899313020.pdf (Tess Reynolds)
Session:MO - AB-201 - Interventional Imaging
Title:Bringing Photon Counting Detectors to the Interventional Room
Byline:K Li1*, A Martin2*, T Reynolds3*, B Pogue4*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Middleton, WI, (2) UCSF, San Francisco, CA, (3) University of Sydney, Eveleigh,AU, (4) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Handout(s):175-63076-16291659-183556-207357233.pdf (Ke Li)
Session:MO - AB-201 - Interventional Imaging
Title:Interventional MRI-Guided Surgery
Byline:K Li1*, A Martin2*, T Reynolds3*, B Pogue4*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Middleton, WI, (2) UCSF, San Francisco, CA, (3) University of Sydney, Eveleigh,AU, (4) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Handout(s):175-63077-16291659-183611-2013577720.pdf (Alastair Martin)
Session:MO - J-BRB - Grant Funding Symposium: Pearls and Pitfalls
Title:The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Your Research Funded by NIH
Byline:I Hancu1*, C Obcemea2*, J Siewerdsen3*, A Sawant4*, K Brock5*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (4) University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (5) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63197-16361659-186698-1720611964.pdf (Ileana Hancu)
Session:MO - J-BRB - Grant Funding Symposium: Pearls and Pitfalls
Title:Grant Reviewer Pro Tips: Imaging
Byline:I Hancu1*, C Obcemea2*, J Siewerdsen3*, A Sawant4*, K Brock5*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (4) University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, (5) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63198-16361659-183904-378474311.pdf (Jeffrey Siewerdsen)
Session:MO - J-207 - CT Protocol Optimization for the Real World
Title:Patient Positioning for IQ Optimization
Byline:C Jensen1*, N Beckmann2*, C Bartels3*, T Szczykutowicz4*, (1) MD Anderson, Houston, TX, (2) UT Health Science Center, Houston, TX, (3) UW-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) University Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Handout(s):175-63226-16291659-186760-1132553002.pdf (Nicholas Beckmann)
Session:MO - J-207 - CT Protocol Optimization for the Real World
Title:Contrast Basics for Protocol Optimization
Byline:C Jensen1*, N Beckmann2*, C Bartels3*, T Szczykutowicz4*, (1) MD Anderson, Houston, TX, (2) UT Health Science Center, Houston, TX, (3) UW-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) University Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Handout(s):175-63227-16291659-186761-422987045.pdf (Carrie Bartels)
Session:MO - FG-207 - Artifacts and Image Quality Issues in MRI Advanced/Rapid Techniques
Title:Review of Basic MRI Artifacts in the Clinical Realm
Byline:T Andrews1*, Y Shu2*, N Yanasak3*, M Doneva4*, (1) Washington University at St Louis, Saint Louis, MO, (2) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (3) Augusta University, Crawfordville, GA, (4) Philips, Hamburg, Germany, DE
Handout(s):175-63282-16291659-183063-1692839160.pdf (Trevor Andrews)
Session:MO - FG-207 - Artifacts and Image Quality Issues in MRI Advanced/Rapid Techniques
Title:MRI Artifacts/Quality for Accelerated Techniques (pMRI & SMS)
Byline:T Andrews1*, Y Shu2*, N Yanasak3*, M Doneva4*, (1) Washington University at St Louis, Saint Louis, MO, (2) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (3) Augusta University, Crawfordville, GA, (4) Philips, Hamburg, Germany, DE
Handout(s):175-63284-16291659-184083-960941549.pdf (Nathan Yanasak)
Session:MO - FG-207 - Artifacts and Image Quality Issues in MRI Advanced/Rapid Techniques
Title:MRI Artifacts/Quality for Dramatically Undersampled Techniques (CS & AI-Based Reconstruction)
Byline:T Andrews1*, Y Shu2*, N Yanasak3*, M Doneva4*, (1) Washington University at St Louis, Saint Louis, MO, (2) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (3) Augusta University, Crawfordville, GA, (4) Philips, Hamburg, Germany, DE
Handout(s):175-63285-16291659-186775-910332998.pdf (Mariya Doneva)
Session:MO - AB-207 - Cardiac Imaging
Title:Multimodality Cardiac Imaging: Which Test for Which Indication?
Byline:E Williamson1*, Z Qi2*, R Muthupillai3*, S Leng1*, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (2) Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, (3) University of Houston, Pearland, TX
Handout(s):175-63293-16291659-189144-1657634846.pdf (Eric Williamson)
Session:MO - A-206 - Excelling as a Medical Physicist Outside the Clinic
Title:Real Stories: A Clinical Physicist Finds Industry
Byline:S Mutic1*, H Whitney2*, Y Lee3*, (1) Varian Medical Systems, Creve Coeur, MO, (2) Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, (3) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA
Handout(s):175-63350-16291659-183536-674940284.pdf (Young Lee)
Session:MO - B-206 - Clinical-Industry Partnerships
Title:Driving Innovation in Health Care Through Strategic Partnerships - A Perspective From Vendor
Byline:B Cai1*, L Henke2*, T Li3*, K Brown4*, (1) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Clayton, MO, (2) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (4) Elekta Oncology Systems LTD, Crawley, WSX, GB
Handout(s):175-63356-16291659-186885-2090860565.pdf (Kevin Brown)
Session:MO - FG-206 - Advancing EDI at Every Level of Med Phys Part 1: For Trainees, the Workplace and Beyond
Title:So You Want To Make Your Environment More LGBTQIA+ Inclusive?
Byline:R Castillo1*, K Paradis2*, V Ainsworth3*, (1) Emory University, Atlanta, GA, (2) Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) Harwich, MA
Handout(s):175-63369-16291659-186886-1400791838.pdf (Victoria Ainsworth)
Session:MO - AB-202 - Imaging for Radiation Therapy: Challenges and Solutions
Title:CT Simulation Optimization Strategies in Radiation Oncology
Byline:T Szczykutowicz1*, S Gardner2*, N Tyagi3*, S Bowen4*, T Pan5*, (1) University Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) Henry Ford Health System, Rochester Hills, MI, (3) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (4) University of Washington, School of Medicine, Issaquah, WA, (5) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63468-16291659-183958-1189423030.pdf (Timothy Szczykutowicz)
Session:MO - AB-202 - Imaging for Radiation Therapy: Challenges and Solutions
Title:Innovations in FDG PET/CT Imaging for Radiotherapy
Byline:T Szczykutowicz1*, S Gardner2*, N Tyagi3*, S Bowen4*, T Pan5*, (1) University Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) Henry Ford Health System, Rochester Hills, MI, (3) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (4) University of Washington, School of Medicine, Issaquah, WA, (5) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63472-16291659-183748-1154615167.pdf (Tinsu Pan)
Session:MO - AB-BRA - Current Challenges and Prospects in Motion Management for Radiotherapy
Title:Current and Future Motion Management Techniques in Imaging for RT Simulation
Byline:J Cammin1*, J Bertholet2*, B Teo3*, P Poulsen4*, (1) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (2) Inselspital Bern University Hospital, Bern, CH, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Wayne, PA, (4) Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus N, DK
Handout(s):175-63475-16291659-183162-270259876.pdf (Jochen Cammin)
Session:MO - AB-BRA - Current Challenges and Prospects in Motion Management for Radiotherapy
Title:An Overview of Motion Management in External Beam Photon Radiotherapy
Byline:J Cammin1*, J Bertholet2*, B Teo3*, P Poulsen4*, (1) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (2) Inselspital Bern University Hospital, Bern, CH, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Wayne, PA, (4) Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus N, DK
Handout(s):175-63476-16291659-186437-1486521351.pdf (Jenny Bertholet)
Session:MO - AB-BRA - Current Challenges and Prospects in Motion Management for Radiotherapy
Title:Real-Time Motion Management for Adaptive Radiotherapy
Byline:J Cammin1*, J Bertholet2*, B Teo3*, P Poulsen4*, (1) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (2) Inselspital Bern University Hospital, Bern, CH, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Wayne, PA, (4) Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus N, DK
Handout(s):175-63478-16291659-183784-598800378.pdf (Per Poulsen)
Session:MO - G-BRA - Recent Task Group Reports on Brachytherapy: TG-222 and TG-303
Byline:H Zhang1*, W Feng2*, K Hwang3*, J Zoberi4*, (1) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2) Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Tenafly, NJ, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sugar Land, TX, (4) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63485-16291659-183789-1859562562.pdf (Joann Prisciandaro)
Session:MO - G-BRA - Recent Task Group Reports on Brachytherapy: TG-222 and TG-303
Title:Mesh Brachytherapy Planning Techniques and Dosimetric Parameters
Byline:H Zhang1*, W Feng2*, K Hwang3*, J Zoberi4*, (1) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2) Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Tenafly, NJ, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sugar Land, TX, (4) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63486-16291659-184115-1835614112.pdf (Hualin Zhang)
Session:MO - G-BRA - Recent Task Group Reports on Brachytherapy: TG-222 and TG-303
Title:Mesh Brachytherapy Quality Management and Medical Event Definition
Byline:H Zhang1*, W Feng2*, K Hwang3*, J Zoberi4*, (1) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2) Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Tenafly, NJ, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sugar Land, TX, (4) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63487-16291659-183297-971524707.pdf (Wenzheng Feng)
Session:MO - G-BRA - Recent Task Group Reports on Brachytherapy: TG-222 and TG-303
Title:Protocol Development and MRI Basics for the Implementation of MRI in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
Byline:H Zhang1*, W Feng2*, K Hwang3*, J Zoberi4*, (1) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2) Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Tenafly, NJ, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sugar Land, TX, (4) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63488-16291659-183437-1439891649.pdf (Ken-Pin Hwang)
Session:MO - G-BRA - Recent Task Group Reports on Brachytherapy: TG-222 and TG-303
Title:Applicator Commissioning and Workflow Development for the Implementation of MRI in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
Byline:H Zhang1*, W Feng2*, K Hwang3*, J Zoberi4*, (1) Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, (2) Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Tenafly, NJ, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Sugar Land, TX, (4) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63489-16291659-184137-692950959.pdf (Jacqueline Zoberi)
Session:MO - J-BRA - Managing Implanted Devices
Title:Dosimetric Concerns of Post-Mastectomy Tissue Expanders During External Beam Radiation Therapy
Byline:S Lim1*, S Kry2*, C Shi3*, M Chan4*, (1) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Somerset, NJ, (2) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) New York Proton Center, Edgewater, NJ, (4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ
Handout(s):175-63492-16291659-183562-1506922385.pdf (Seng Lim)
Session:MO - J-BRA - Managing Implanted Devices
Title:Clinical Practices of Managing Implantable Medical Devices for Proton Therapy
Byline:S Lim1*, S Kry2*, C Shi3*, M Chan4*, (1) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Somerset, NJ, (2) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) New York Proton Center, Edgewater, NJ, (4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ
Handout(s):175-63494-16291659-183897-2008954970.pdf (Chengyu Shi)
Session:MO - J-BRA - Managing Implanted Devices
Title:A Review of Managing Commonly Seen Implanted Devices for Radiotherapy Patients
Byline:S Lim1*, S Kry2*, C Shi3*, M Chan4*, (1) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Somerset, NJ, (2) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) New York Proton Center, Edgewater, NJ, (4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ
Handout(s):175-63495-16291659-183179-1584551026.pdf (Maria Chan)
Session:MO - J-202 - Medical Physics Cross-Specialization in the Era of Radiotheranostics
Title:Introduction: What Is Radiotheranostics?
Byline:C Borras1*, M Stabin2*, M Martin3*, O Mawlawi4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) Washington, DC, (2) NV5/Dade Moeller, Kennewick, WA, (3) Therapy Physics, Inc., Signal Hill, CA, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63595-16291659-186999-70933634.pdf (Caridad Borras)
Session:MO - J-202 - Medical Physics Cross-Specialization in the Era of Radiotheranostics
Title:Why Patients Undergoing Radiotheranostics Treatments Need Individualized Dosimetry
Byline:C Borras1*, M Stabin2*, M Martin3*, O Mawlawi4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) Washington, DC, (2) NV5/Dade Moeller, Kennewick, WA, (3) Therapy Physics, Inc., Signal Hill, CA, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63596-16291659-187000-102266580.pdf (Michael Stabin)
Session:MO - AB-BRB - Joint AAPM-ESTRO Symposium: FLASH-From Experimental Beam Lines to the Clinic
Title:Translating FLASH Into the Clinic: Treatment Planning and Preparing for Clinical Trials
Byline:B Singer1*, E Diffenderfer2*, A Lomax3*, C Simone4*, (1) Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, DK, (2) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (3) Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, SE, (4) New York Proton Center, New York, NY
Handout(s):175-63652-16291659-187032-2013916357.pdf (Anthony Lomax)
Session:MO - J-BRC - Grand Challenges: Deep Learning-Spectral CT, Truth-Based CT, and SIRPRISE Yttrium-90 Microspheres
Title:DL-spectral CT overview / introduction
Byline:S Armato1*, K Farahani2*, E Sidky3*, X Pan4*, E Sidky5*, X Hu6*, E Abadi7*, X Wang8*, D Alvarez9*, M Oumano10*, A Ehtesham11*, (1) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (5) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (6) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (7) Duke University, Durham, NC, (8) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, (9) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL, (10) Rhode Island Hospital / Brown University, Warwick, RI, (11) Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-64730-16361659-188277-298455935.pdf (Emil Sidky)
Session:MO - J-206 - Addressing Global Needs in Medical Physics Support
Title:Global Needs Questionnaire and Its Results
Byline:E Lief1*, C Trauernicht2*, W Ngwa3*, S Parker4*, A Yorke5*, I Barreto6*, C Della Biancia7*, (1) VA Medical Center, Pelham, NY, (2) Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, ZA, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, (4) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-salem, NC, (5) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (6) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (7) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Handout(s):175-66872-16361659-183754-536285405.pdf (Stephanie Parker)
Session:MO - J-206 - Addressing Global Needs in Medical Physics Support
Title:Conference Participation as a Way of Promoting Collaboration With LMIC
Byline:E Lief1*, C Trauernicht2*, W Ngwa3*, S Parker4*, A Yorke5*, I Barreto6*, C Della Biancia7*, (1) VA Medical Center, Pelham, NY, (2) Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, ZA, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, (4) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-salem, NC, (5) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (6) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (7) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Handout(s):175-66874-16361659-183099-921413606.pdf (Izabella Barreto)
Session:MO - J-206 - Addressing Global Needs in Medical Physics Support
Title:Global Educational Work
Byline:E Lief1*, C Trauernicht2*, W Ngwa3*, S Parker4*, A Yorke5*, I Barreto6*, C Della Biancia7*, (1) VA Medical Center, Pelham, NY, (2) Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, ZA, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, (4) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-salem, NC, (5) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (6) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (7) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Handout(s):175-66875-16361659-189710-1939131557.pdf (Cesar Della Biancia)
Session:MO - PinS-INV1 - Respiratory Motion Management Systems
Title:Respiratory Motion Management Systems
Byline:C Peeler1*, K Kvasnica2*, S Mutic3*, P Barry4*, B Waghorn5*, B Lu6*, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Accuray, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Creve Coeur, MO, (4) Elekta, Inc., Atlanta, GA, (5) Vision RT Ltd, Alpharetta, GA, (6) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-66878-16291659-183764-741382121.pdf (Christopher Peeler)
Session:MO - PinS-INV2 - 3D Mammography
Title:3D Mammography
Byline:J Brown1*, M Radicke2*, T Patel3*, R Iordache4*, (1) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (2) Siemens Healthineers, Bayern, Deutschland, DE, (3) Hologic, Inc, Danbury, CT, (4) GE Healthcare, Buc, FR
Handout(s):175-66891-16291659-187079-1771757281.pdf (Justin Brown)
Session:MO - D-BRBC - President's Symposium: Important Conversations: The Alzheimer’s Epidemic – Patient Engagement – ARPA-H and Cancer Moonshot
Title:The Alzheimer's Epidemic: Implications for the Medical Physicist
Byline:J Bourland1*, E Shaw1*, R Milman2*, T Schwetz3*, (1) Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, (2) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO, (3) NIH, Bethesda, MD
Handout(s):175-66928-16361659-193926-996399900.pdf (Edward Shaw)
Session:MO - PinS-INV1 - Respiratory Motion Management Systems
Title:Clinic Experience of DIBH-Based Breast Treatment Using CRAD SystemClinic Experience of DIBH-Based Breast Treatment Using CRAD System
Byline:C Peeler1*, K Kvasnica2*, S Mutic3*, P Barry4*, B Waghorn5*, B Lu6*, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Accuray, (3) Varian Medical Systems, Creve Coeur, MO, (4) Elekta, Inc., Atlanta, GA, (5) Vision RT Ltd, Alpharetta, GA, (6) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-68046-16291659-189146-87500253.pdf (Bo Lu)
Session:TU - AB-201 - Virtual Clinical Trials
Title:Virtual Trials IT and Data Infrastructure
Byline:E Samei1*, E Samei2*, L Ren3*, A Maidment4*, A Badano5*, (1) Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, (3) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (4) University of Pennsylvania, Villanova, PA, (5) Food & Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Handout(s):175-63047-16291659-183600-1882872614.pdf (Andrew Maidment)
Session:TU - AB-201 - Virtual Clinical Trials
Title:Virtual Trials and Regulatory Science
Byline:E Samei1*, E Samei2*, L Ren3*, A Maidment4*, A Badano5*, (1) Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, (2) Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, (3) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (4) University of Pennsylvania, Villanova, PA, (5) Food & Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Handout(s):175-63048-16291659-183081-1623898497.pdf (Aldo Badano)
Session:TU - K-201 - Radiation plus Ultrasound: from Imaging to Therapy
Title:Radiation Plus Ultrasound: From Imaging to Therapy
Byline:S Patch1*, S Malliddi2*, P Song3*, L Xiang4*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, (2) Tufts, Boston, MA, (3) University Illinois Urban-Champaign, Urbana-champaign, IL, (4) University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
Handout(s):175-63050-16291659-186465-1357243112.pdf (Liangzhong Xiang)
Session:TU - K-201 - Radiation plus Ultrasound: from Imaging to Therapy
Title:Ionoacoustics for Proton Range Verification
Byline:S Patch1*, S Malliddi2*, P Song3*, L Xiang4*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, (2) Tufts, Boston, MA, (3) University Illinois Urban-Champaign, Urbana-champaign, IL, (4) University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
Handout(s):175-63051-16291659-186466-1373748971.pdf (Sarah Patch)
Session:TU - GH-201 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Emerging Technologies and Quantitative Applications
Title:Tissue Microenvironment MRI
Byline:Y Cao1*, Y Hu2*, R Lattanzi3*, J Cai4*, (1) The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (3) NYU, New York, NY, (4) Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,CN
Handout(s):175-63071-16291659-183427-401139532.pdf (Yanle Hu)
Session:TU - AB-BRC - Biomarkers of Response to Radiation and Immune Modulating Therapies for Advanced Cancer Management
Title:Clinical and Preclinical Imaging of the Immune System
Byline:D Mankoff1*, M Farwell1*, R Li2*, A Wu3*, K Schalper4*, S Bowen5*, (1) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (2) Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, (3) City of Hope, Los Angeles, CA, (4) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (5) University of Washington, School of Medicine, Issaquah, WA
Handout(s):175-63158-16291659-186686-43549821.pdf (Anna Wu)
Session:TU - E-BRB - AI Clinical Translation: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Title:Experience in Deploying AI Auto-Segmentation for Clinical Use: New Areas of Development
Byline:H Veeraraghavan1*, T Purdie2*, J Kang3*, S Jiang4*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN, Toronto, ON, CA, (3) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (4) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Handout(s):175-63171-16291659-184015-264107341.pdf (Harini Veeraraghavan)
Session:TU - E-BRB - AI Clinical Translation: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Title:Automation Bias in the Clinical Deployment of AI
Byline:H Veeraraghavan1*, T Purdie2*, J Kang3*, S Jiang4*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN, Toronto, ON, CA, (3) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (4) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Handout(s):175-63172-16291659-183790-1661555661.pdf (Thomas Purdie)
Session:TU - E-BRB - AI Clinical Translation: Opportunities and Pitfalls
Title:Translating Minimally-Supervised NLP to Interpretable Clinical AI
Byline:H Veeraraghavan1*, T Purdie2*, J Kang3*, S Jiang4*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - UHN, Toronto, ON, CA, (3) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (4) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Handout(s):175-63173-16291659-186692-1071852386.pdf (John Kang)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63187-16291659-184070-263883028.pdf (Ying Xiao)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:The National Cancer Institute's Vision for Radiotherapy Advancements, Clinical Trials and Clinical Care
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63188-16291659-186695-1200538713.pdf (Bhadrasain Vikram)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:The National Cancer Institute's Vision for Imaging Advancements in Clinical Trials and Clinical Care
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63189-16291659-193888.pdf (Lalitha Shankar)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:Theranostic Clinical Trials Outlook and the Role of Medical Physics
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63190-16291659-186697.pdf (Jacek Capala)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:Quality Assurance Guideline Development From the Center for Innovation in Radiation Oncology (NRG CIRO)
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63192-16291659-183111.pdf (Stanley Benedict)
Session:TU - AB-207 - Advanced MR in the Clinic
Title:T1/T2/T2* Mapping
Byline:Q Yuan1*, X Zhou2*, Y Jung3*, H Liu4*, C Lin5*, S Einstein6*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (6) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Handout(s):175-63230-16291659-184106-534780157.pdf (Qing Yuan)
Session:TU - AB-207 - Advanced MR in the Clinic
Title:Perfusion MRI
Byline:Q Yuan1*, X Zhou2*, Y Jung3*, H Liu4*, C Lin5*, S Einstein6*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (6) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Handout(s):175-63232-16291659-183472-1842634189.pdf (Youngkyoo Jung)
Session:TU - AB-207 - Advanced MR in the Clinic
Title:Functional MRI
Byline:Q Yuan1*, X Zhou2*, Y Jung3*, H Liu4*, C Lin5*, S Einstein6*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (6) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Handout(s):175-63233-16291659-183576-1017825401.pdf (Ho-Ling Anthony Liu)
Session:TU - AB-207 - Advanced MR in the Clinic
Title:MR Elastography
Byline:Q Yuan1*, X Zhou2*, Y Jung3*, H Liu4*, C Lin5*, S Einstein6*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (6) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Handout(s):175-63234-16291659-183567-1964421853.pdf (Chen Lin)
Session:TU - AB-207 - Advanced MR in the Clinic
Title:MR Spectroscopy
Byline:Q Yuan1*, X Zhou2*, Y Jung3*, H Liu4*, C Lin5*, S Einstein6*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, (4) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, (6) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
Handout(s):175-63235-16291659-183276-162358326.pdf (Samuel Einstein)
Session:TU - E-207 - The Use of Cumulative Effective Dose - An Educational Debate
Title:In Favor of Tracking Cumulative Dose
Byline:M Rehani1*, R Milman2*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO
Handout(s):175-63239-16291659-183806-784354229.pdf (Madan Rehani)
Session:TU - H-207 - Ultrasound Elastography in the Clinic
Title:Challenges With Implementing Liver Shear Wave Elastography in a Clinical Practice
Byline:S McAleavey1*, I Rosado-Mendez2*, Z Long3*, (1) University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (2) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (3) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Handout(s):175-63247-16291659-183583-142704027.pdf (Zaiyang Long)
Session:TU - K-207 - Imaging Disparities
Title:MRI in Resource-Limited Settings
Byline:S Einstein1*, R Selwyn2*, A DeSimone3*, O Peart4*, (1) Penn State Hershey Medical Center, York, PA, (2) University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, MX, (3) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, (4) Fortis College, Landover, MD
Handout(s):175-63250-16291659-183276-1426714303.pdf (Samuel Einstein)
Session:TU - AB-BRB - Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Mammography, Breast Biopsy, SBRT, APBI
Title:Diagnostic Breast Imaging: 3D Ultrasound and Breast Tomosynthesis Deformable Registration
Byline:S Chou1*, C Green2*, I Reiser3*, S Yoo4*, Y Zhang5*, F Poenisch6*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, (3) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Southlake, TX, (6) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63300-16291659-186779-556740217.pdf (Crystal Green)
Session:TU - AB-BRB - Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Mammography, Breast Biopsy, SBRT, APBI
Title:Biopsy Procedures and Margin Assessment
Byline:S Chou1*, C Green2*, I Reiser3*, S Yoo4*, Y Zhang5*, F Poenisch6*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, (3) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Southlake, TX, (6) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63301-16291659-182230-463553432.pdf (Ingrid Reiser)
Session:TU - AB-BRB - Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Mammography, Breast Biopsy, SBRT, APBI
Title:Pre-Operative Linac Based Breast Radiosurgery
Byline:S Chou1*, C Green2*, I Reiser3*, S Yoo4*, Y Zhang5*, F Poenisch6*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, (3) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Southlake, TX, (6) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63303-16291659-184096-275343988.pdf (Sua Yoo)
Session:TU - AB-BRB - Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Mammography, Breast Biopsy, SBRT, APBI
Title:Pre- and Post-Op Breast SBRT Using Gamma Pod
Byline:S Chou1*, C Green2*, I Reiser3*, S Yoo4*, Y Zhang5*, F Poenisch6*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, (3) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Southlake, TX, (6) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63304-16291659-184119-1291553098.pdf (You Zhang)
Session:TU - AB-BRB - Advances in Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: Mammography, Breast Biopsy, SBRT, APBI
Title:APBI Using Proton Therapy
Byline:S Chou1*, C Green2*, I Reiser3*, S Yoo4*, Y Zhang5*, F Poenisch6*, (1) Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, (3) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (4) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, (5) UT Southwestern Medical Ctr at Dallas, Southlake, TX, (6) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):175-63305-16291659-186780-895022832.pdf (Falk Poenisch)
Session:TU - K-206 - Advancing EDI at Every Level of Med Phys Part 2: For Trainees, the Workplace and Beyond
Title:Your Role in Advancing Women In Leadership
Byline:A Molineu1*, L Warner2*, G Aldosary3*, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Philips | Optimum Vobis, Arlington, TX, (3) Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CA
Handout(s):175-63380-16291659-186890-959441454.pdf (Lizette Warner)
Session:TU - K-206 - Advancing EDI at Every Level of Med Phys Part 2: For Trainees, the Workplace and Beyond
Title:How To Set Up a Sustainable and Impactful Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Program With Your Team
Byline:A Molineu1*, L Warner2*, G Aldosary3*, (1) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Philips | Optimum Vobis, Arlington, TX, (3) Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, CA
Handout(s):175-63381-16291659-186891-1948104208.pdf (Ghada Aldosary)
Session:TU - AB-206 - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers
Title:Making the Jump From Clinical Medical Physics to Industry
Byline:K Sheng1*, X Jia2*, B Pogue3*, K Sheng4*, M Bazalova-Carter5*, K Sheng6*, K Surry7*, Y Lee8*, I Dragojevic9*, G Aldosary10*, P Taylor11*, J Hoisak12*, (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Garland, TX, (3) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (5) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (6) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (7) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, CA, (8) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (9) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (10) King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, SA, (11) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (12) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
Handout(s):175-63403-16291659-183536-1534691145.pdf (Young Lee)
Session:TU - AB-206 - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers
Title:Balancing Academic Aspirations and Clinical Service
Byline:K Sheng1*, X Jia2*, B Pogue3*, K Sheng4*, M Bazalova-Carter5*, K Sheng6*, K Surry7*, Y Lee8*, I Dragojevic9*, G Aldosary10*, P Taylor11*, J Hoisak12*, (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Garland, TX, (3) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (5) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (6) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (7) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, CA, (8) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (9) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (10) King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, SA, (11) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (12) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
Handout(s):175-63404-16291659-186900-1200076463.pdf (Irena Dragojevic)
Session:TU - AB-206 - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers
Title:An International Lens On Professional Advancement, Through Education and Training
Byline:K Sheng1*, X Jia2*, B Pogue3*, K Sheng4*, M Bazalova-Carter5*, K Sheng6*, K Surry7*, Y Lee8*, I Dragojevic9*, G Aldosary10*, P Taylor11*, J Hoisak12*, (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Garland, TX, (3) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (5) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (6) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (7) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, CA, (8) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (9) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (10) King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, SA, (11) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (12) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
Handout(s):175-63405-16291659-186891-2091050727.pdf (Ghada Aldosary)
Session:TU - AB-206 - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers
Title:Making That Leap to Leadership
Byline:K Sheng1*, X Jia2*, B Pogue3*, K Sheng4*, M Bazalova-Carter5*, K Sheng6*, K Surry7*, Y Lee8*, I Dragojevic9*, G Aldosary10*, P Taylor11*, J Hoisak12*, (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Garland, TX, (3) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (5) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (6) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (7) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, CA, (8) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (9) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (10) King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, SA, (11) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (12) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
Handout(s):175-63406-16291659-183971-1606132415.pdf (Paige Taylor)
Session:TU - AB-206 - Mentorship: Elevating Clinical and Research Careers
Title:Mentorship, To Take That Next Step Q/A
Byline:K Sheng1*, X Jia2*, B Pogue3*, K Sheng4*, M Bazalova-Carter5*, K Sheng6*, K Surry7*, Y Lee8*, I Dragojevic9*, G Aldosary10*, P Taylor11*, J Hoisak12*, (1) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (2) The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Ctr, Garland, TX, (3) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (4) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (5) University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA, (6) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (7) London Regional Cancer Program, London, ON, CA, (8) Elekta, Toronto, ON, CA, (9) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (10) King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, SA, (11) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (12) UC San Diego, Chula Vista, CA
Handout(s):175-63407-16291659-183415-1687292394.pdf (Jeremy Hoisak)
Session:TU - GH-206 - Recruitment and Applications from Grad School through Early Career: Both Points of View
Title:The Program's POV: Applicant Review and Screening
Byline:K Hendrickson1*, R Rodgers2*, T Juang3*, T Ritter4*, Y Perry5*, J Brindle6*, E Covington7*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Franklin, TN, (3) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (4) VCU Health System, Chesterfield, VA, (5) University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, (6) Rhode Island Hospital / Warren Alpert Medical, Providence, RI, (7) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Handout(s):175-63442-16291659-183400-983558271.pdf (Kristi Hendrickson)
Session:TU - GH-206 - Recruitment and Applications from Grad School through Early Career: Both Points of View
Title:The Program's POV: Strategies for Structured and Virtual Interviewing
Byline:K Hendrickson1*, R Rodgers2*, T Juang3*, T Ritter4*, Y Perry5*, J Brindle6*, E Covington7*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Franklin, TN, (3) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (4) VCU Health System, Chesterfield, VA, (5) University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, (6) Rhode Island Hospital / Warren Alpert Medical, Providence, RI, (7) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Handout(s):175-63444-16291659-183471-410738922.pdf (Titania Juang)
Session:TU - GH-206 - Recruitment and Applications from Grad School through Early Career: Both Points of View
Title:The Applicant's POV: The Interview
Byline:K Hendrickson1*, R Rodgers2*, T Juang3*, T Ritter4*, Y Perry5*, J Brindle6*, E Covington7*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Franklin, TN, (3) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (4) VCU Health System, Chesterfield, VA, (5) University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, (6) Rhode Island Hospital / Warren Alpert Medical, Providence, RI, (7) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Handout(s):175-63445-16291659-183815-607583340.pdf (Timothy Ritter)
Session:TU - GH-206 - Recruitment and Applications from Grad School through Early Career: Both Points of View
Title:The Applicant's POV: Selection and Deciding
Byline:K Hendrickson1*, R Rodgers2*, T Juang3*, T Ritter4*, Y Perry5*, J Brindle6*, E Covington7*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Franklin, TN, (3) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (4) VCU Health System, Chesterfield, VA, (5) University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, (6) Rhode Island Hospital / Warren Alpert Medical, Providence, RI, (7) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Handout(s):175-63447-16291659-183144-704355680.pdf (James Brindle)
Session:TU - AB-BRA - Emerging and Re-Emerging Brachytherapy Treatments
Title:A New Alpha Particle Treatment Device: Introduction and Clinical Implementation
Byline:A Damato1*, S Abbasinejad Enger2*, K Roberts3*, J Prisciandaro4*, D Han5*, D Aramburu Nunez6*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA, (3) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (4) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (5) Yale University, Woodbridge, CT, (6) New York, NY
Handout(s):175-63498-16291659-183226-370239562.pdf (Antonio Damato)
Session:TU - AB-BRA - Emerging and Re-Emerging Brachytherapy Treatments
Title:Clinical Aspects of Intravascular Brachytherapy
Byline:A Damato1*, S Abbasinejad Enger2*, K Roberts3*, J Prisciandaro4*, D Han5*, D Aramburu Nunez6*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA, (3) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (4) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (5) Yale University, Woodbridge, CT, (6) New York, NY
Handout(s):175-63500-16291659-186966-1622966086.pdf (Kenneth Roberts)
Session:TU - AB-BRA - Emerging and Re-Emerging Brachytherapy Treatments
Title:Intravascular Brachytherapy (IVBT) 101: Commissioning and QA
Byline:A Damato1*, S Abbasinejad Enger2*, K Roberts3*, J Prisciandaro4*, D Han5*, D Aramburu Nunez6*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA, (3) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (4) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (5) Yale University, Woodbridge, CT, (6) New York, NY
Handout(s):175-63501-16291659-183789-1469774646.pdf (Joann Prisciandaro)
Session:TU - AB-BRA - Emerging and Re-Emerging Brachytherapy Treatments
Title:Clinical Implementation of Intravascular Brachytherapy (IVBT)
Byline:A Damato1*, S Abbasinejad Enger2*, K Roberts3*, J Prisciandaro4*, D Han5*, D Aramburu Nunez6*, (1) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (2) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA, (3) Yale University, New Haven, CT, (4) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (5) Yale University, Woodbridge, CT, (6) New York, NY
Handout(s):175-63502-16291659-186964-553717723.pdf (Dae Yup Han)
Session:TU - E-BRA - IROC - Who is Who in Support of NCI Clinical Trials
Title:IROC - Who Is Who in Support of NCI Clinical Trials
Byline:S Kry1*, K Smith2*, Y Xiao3*, M Boss4*, (1) MD Anderson Cancer Ctr., Houston, TX, (2) UMass Chan Medical School/IROC RI, Lincoln, RI, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (4) American College of Radiology, Malvern, PA
Handout(s):175-63505-16291659-183917-2120507490.pdf (Koren Smith)
Session:TU - GH-BRC - Brain Mets Management: Registries and Automation for Longitudinal Assessment
Title:Brain Metastases Outcome Data for Patients with Significant Survival Improvements
Byline:K Bernstein1*, W Shi2*, D Schlesinger3*, H Lin4*, X Gu5*, T Li6*, (1) NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, (2) Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, (3) University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA, (4) University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (5) Stanford University, Dallas, TX, (6) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63512-16291659-183116-1591726624.pdf (Kenneth Bernstein)
Session:TU - GH-BRC - Brain Mets Management: Registries and Automation for Longitudinal Assessment
Title:Lessons From the Conception and Development of a Prospective National SRS Registry
Byline:K Bernstein1*, W Shi2*, D Schlesinger3*, H Lin4*, X Gu5*, T Li6*, (1) NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, (2) Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, (3) University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA, (4) University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (5) Stanford University, Dallas, TX, (6) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63514-16291659-183863-773833228.pdf (David Schlesinger)
Session:TU - GH-BRC - Brain Mets Management: Registries and Automation for Longitudinal Assessment
Title:Obtaining Deeper Insights From EMR Clinical Notes for the Longitudinal Management of Brain Mets
Byline:K Bernstein1*, W Shi2*, D Schlesinger3*, H Lin4*, X Gu5*, T Li6*, (1) NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, (2) Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, (3) University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA, (4) University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (5) Stanford University, Dallas, TX, (6) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-63515-16291659-183569-735621344.pdf (Hui Lin)
Session:TU - K-BRC - Integrating Omics in the Era of AI for Better Patient Specific Outcomes
Title:Introduction to AI and Multi-Omics in Outcome Models
Byline:I El Naqa1*, S Mattonen2*, L Wei3*, S Cui4*, R Ger5*, (1) Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, (2) University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (4) Palo Alto, CA, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
Handout(s):175-63520-16291659-183278-1591351201.pdf (Issam El Naqa)
Session:TU - K-BRC - Integrating Omics in the Era of AI for Better Patient Specific Outcomes
Title:Utilizing Multi-Omics Data To Improve the Prediction of Toxicities
Byline:I El Naqa1*, S Mattonen2*, L Wei3*, S Cui4*, R Ger5*, (1) Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, (2) University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (4) Palo Alto, CA, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
Handout(s):175-63523-16291659-186969-1313035636.pdf (Sunan Cui)
Session:TU - K-BRC - Integrating Omics in the Era of AI for Better Patient Specific Outcomes
Title:Challenges in the Omics Landscape
Byline:I El Naqa1*, S Mattonen2*, L Wei3*, S Cui4*, R Ger5*, (1) Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, (2) University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (4) Palo Alto, CA, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
Handout(s):175-63524-16291659-186970-2031119455.pdf (Rachel Ger)
Session:TU - E-202 - ICRU Report on Dosimetry-Guided Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
Title:ICRU Report On Dosimetry-Guided Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
Byline:G Sgouros1*, K Sjogreen Gleisner2*, R Hobbs3*, Y Dewaraja4*, (1) Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Ellicott City, MD, (2) Lund University, Lund, SE, (3) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (4) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Handout(s):175-63601-16291659-183420-94228445.pdf (Roger Howell)
Session:TU - G-202 - New IAEA Programs and Projects on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
Title:IAEA Activities in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
Byline:P Knoll1*, Y Dewaraja2*, K Sjogreen Gleisner3*, R Hobbs4*, (1) IAEA, Vienna, AT, (2) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) Lund University, Lund, SE, (4) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Handout(s):175-63608-16291659-187002-1191426390.pdf (Peter Knoll)
Session:TU - H-202 - The SNMMI Lu-177 Dosimetry Global Challenge: Results and Conclusions
Title:The SNMMI Lu-177 Dosimetry Global Challenge: Results and Conclusions
Byline:Y Dewaraja1*, R Danieli2*, W Erwin3*, C Uribe4*, (1) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) BC Cancer Research Institute, Vancouver, BC
Handout(s):175-63613-16291659-183245-863384852.pdf (Yuni Dewaraja)
Session:TU - H-202 - The SNMMI Lu-177 Dosimetry Global Challenge: Results and Conclusions
Title:Participant's Perspective: Methods Used to Complete Tasks 1 - 5 and Challenges
Byline:Y Dewaraja1*, R Danieli2*, W Erwin3*, C Uribe4*, (1) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) BC Cancer Research Institute, Vancouver, BC
Handout(s):175-63615-16291659-187004-1455443100.pdf (Rachele Danieli)
Session:TU - H-202 - The SNMMI Lu-177 Dosimetry Global Challenge: Results and Conclusions
Title:Participant's Perspective: Methods Used to Complete Tasks 1 - 5 and Challenges
Byline:Y Dewaraja1*, R Danieli2*, W Erwin3*, C Uribe4*, (1) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, BE, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) BC Cancer Research Institute, Vancouver, BC
Handout(s):175-63616-16291659-182233-524349271.pdf (William Erwin)
Session:TU - E-206 - Developments in the Historical Evolution of Medical Physics: Radiation Therapy Dose Fractionation and Ultrasound Imaging
Title:The Evolution of Radiation Therapy Dose Fractionation
Byline:C Orton1*, F Duck2*, L Rothenberg3*, C Ling4*, (1) Wayne State University, The Villages, FL, (2) University of Bath and Royal United Hospital, Bath, ,GB, (3) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (4) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Handout(s):175-64714-16361659-183734-1595352537.pdf (Colin Orton)
Session:TU - H-207 - Ultrasound Elastography in the Clinic
Title:Principles and Applications of Ultrasound Elastography
Byline:S McAleavey1*, I Rosado-Mendez2*, Z Long3*, (1) University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (2) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (3) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Handout(s):175-65071-16291659-189217-1776601913.pdf (Stephen McAleavey)
Session:TU - H-207 - Ultrasound Elastography in the Clinic
Title:Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging in Obstetrics
Byline:S McAleavey1*, I Rosado-Mendez2*, Z Long3*, (1) University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, (2) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (3) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Handout(s):175-65072-16291659-183826-1127682014.pdf (Ivan Rosado-Mendez)
Session:TU - TOUR-209A - Independent Dose Verification Solutions (Limited Capacity: First Come, First Served)
Title:Independent Dose Verification Solutions
Byline:B Chiang1*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Handout(s):175-66900-16291659-188211-491156900.pdf (Bing-hao Chiang)
Session:TU - K-BRB - Medical Physics in Clinical Trials: Design, Quality Assurance, and NIH Programs
Title:Medical Physics in Non-Cancer Imaging and Therapy & Data Resource
Byline:B Vikram1*, L Shankar2*, J Capala3*, K Kandarpa4*, S Benedict5*, C Glide-Hurst6*, Y Xiao7*, (1) NIH, Bethesda, MD, (2) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (3) National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, (4) NIH, Southborough, MA, (5) UC Davis Cancer Center, Davis, CA, (6) University of Wisconsin, Middleton, WI, (7) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Handout(s):175-66934-16291659-193930.pdf (Kris Kandarpa)
Session:TU - C930-HORIZONS-F1 - Expanding Horizons ePoster Session
Title:Expanding Horizons
Byline:Y He1*, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Handout(s):No handouts have been uploaded for this submission.
Session:TU - E-206 - Developments in the Historical Evolution of Medical Physics: Radiation Therapy Dose Fractionation and Ultrasound Imaging
Title:A Historical Perspective of Medical Ultrasound
Byline:C Orton1*, F Duck2*, L Rothenberg3*, C Ling4*, (1) Wayne State University, The Villages, FL, (2) University of Bath and Royal United Hospital, Bath, ,GB, (3) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (4) Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Handout(s):175-66996-16361659-195242-1170076307.pdf (Francis Duck)
Session:WE - DE-201 - SIIM-AAPM Joint Symposium: Machine Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Title:Clinical Uses of AI in Medical Imaging
Byline:P Nagy1*, S Armato2*, L Ren3*, E Krupinski4*, (1) JHU, Baltimore, MD, (2) The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, (4) Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Handout(s):175-63059-16291659-186617-410618342.pdf (Elizabeth Anne Krupinski)
Session:WE - FG-202 - Biologically Weighted Robust Planning of Proton Therapy: Knowledge Gaps, Controversies and Solutions
Title:LET-Guided Adverse Event Initialization Study and LET-Guided Robust Optimization in Proton Therapy
Byline:W Liu1*, R Schulte2*, R Mohan3*, K Parodi4*, A McNamara5*, (1) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (2) Loma Linda University, Grand Terrace, CA, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Garching B. Munich,DE, (5) Harvard / MGH, Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63115-16291659-183578-964745704.pdf (Wei Liu)
Session:WE - FG-202 - Biologically Weighted Robust Planning of Proton Therapy: Knowledge Gaps, Controversies and Solutions
Title:Introduction: The Clinical and Radiobiological Perspective
Byline:W Liu1*, R Schulte2*, R Mohan3*, K Parodi4*, A McNamara5*, (1) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (2) Loma Linda University, Grand Terrace, CA, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Garching B. Munich,DE, (5) Harvard / MGH, Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63116-16291659-183875-2047558134.pdf (Reinhard Schulte)
Session:WE - FG-202 - Biologically Weighted Robust Planning of Proton Therapy: Knowledge Gaps, Controversies and Solutions
Title:Overview of Biologically Weighted Robust Planning of Proton Therapy: Knowledge Gaps, Controversies, and Solutions
Byline:W Liu1*, R Schulte2*, R Mohan3*, K Parodi4*, A McNamara5*, (1) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (2) Loma Linda University, Grand Terrace, CA, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Garching B. Munich,DE, (5) Harvard / MGH, Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63117-16291659-183670-1875173640.pdf (Radhe Mohan)
Session:WE - FG-202 - Biologically Weighted Robust Planning of Proton Therapy: Knowledge Gaps, Controversies and Solutions
Title:Mitigation of Proton Range Uncertainties With Image Guidance and Implications On Treatment Planning
Byline:W Liu1*, R Schulte2*, R Mohan3*, K Parodi4*, A McNamara5*, (1) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (2) Loma Linda University, Grand Terrace, CA, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Garching B. Munich,DE, (5) Harvard / MGH, Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63118-16291659-183756-1908718959.pdf (Katia Parodi)
Session:WE - H-BRA - AI-Empowered Clinical Decision Support for Personalized Radiation Therapy
Title:Digital Twins of Cancer Patients: A New Perspective To Support Clinical Decisions
Byline:C Shen1*, X Qi2*, Q Wu3*, J Deasy4*, J Deng5*, (1) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, (3) Duke University Medical Center, Chapel Hill, NC, (4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (5) Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT
Handout(s):175-63122-16291659-183241-1183620765.pdf (Jun Deng)
Session:WE - A-BRC - From Pre-Clinical To Vet-Clinical Imaging and Therapy: Pathways to Clinical Translation
Title:Quantitative Optical Tomography-Guided System for Pre-Clinical Radiation Research
Byline:K Wang1*, J Wong2*, P Basran3*, D Leary4*, K Selting5*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (4) Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, (5) University of Illinois, Urbana-champagne, IL
Handout(s):175-63147-16291659-184036-527829776.pdf (Ken Kang-Hsin Wang)
Session:WE - D-BRC - Machine Intelligence in Imaging for Treatment Response Assessment and Prediction: Implications for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
Title:Treatment Response and Outcome Prediction for Head and Neck Cancer Adaptive Radiation Therapy Using Pre- and During-Treatment Imaging
Byline:J Wang1*, S Mattonen2*, W Yang3*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) Western University, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Handout(s):175-63177-16291659-184035-73485788.pdf (Jing Wang)
Session:WE - D-BRC - Machine Intelligence in Imaging for Treatment Response Assessment and Prediction: Implications for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
Title:Artificial Intelligence in Lung Cancer: Using Radiomics To Predict Tumor Recurrence
Byline:J Wang1*, S Mattonen2*, W Yang3*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) Western University, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Handout(s):175-63178-16291659-186693-689007252.pdf (Sarah Mattonen)
Session:WE - D-BRC - Machine Intelligence in Imaging for Treatment Response Assessment and Prediction: Implications for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
Title:Advanced Prediction of GBM Recurrence Via Stem Cell Niche Proximity Estimation Coupled SVM for Personalized Radiotherapy
Byline:J Wang1*, S Mattonen2*, W Yang3*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) Western University, London, ON, CA, (3) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Handout(s):175-63179-16291659-184088-1136372503.pdf (Wensha Yang)
Session:WE - FG-207 - Gonadal & Fetal Shielding Updates
Title:Regulatory Implications of Changes in Patient Shielding Practices
Byline:J Elee1*, Y Thakur2*, Q Moore3*, R Milman4*, (1) LA Dept of Environmental Qual, West Monroe, LA, (2) Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Vancouver, BC, CA, (3) Mercy College of Ohio, Toledo, OH, (4) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO
Handout(s):175-63261-16291659-186770-1081451352.pdf (Jennifer Elee)
Session:WE - FG-207 - Gonadal & Fetal Shielding Updates
Title:A Technologist's View of Patient Shielding
Byline:J Elee1*, Y Thakur2*, Q Moore3*, R Milman4*, (1) LA Dept of Environmental Qual, West Monroe, LA, (2) Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Vancouver, BC, CA, (3) Mercy College of Ohio, Toledo, OH, (4) University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO
Handout(s):175-63264-16291659-186772-96914990.pdf (Quentin Moore)
Session:WE - AB-207 - ACR Updates including the new Stereotactic Breast Biopsy QC Manual
Title:ACR HQ Initiatives
Byline:D Gress1*, I Barreto2*, P Butler3*, O Mawlawi4*, W Geiser4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, (2) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (3) Derwood, MD, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63267-16291659-183369-86434607.pdf (Dustin Gress)
Session:WE - AB-207 - ACR Updates including the new Stereotactic Breast Biopsy QC Manual
Title:Investigating Estimation of CTDIvol Using Helical Technique
Byline:D Gress1*, I Barreto2*, P Butler3*, O Mawlawi4*, W Geiser4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, (2) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (3) Derwood, MD, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63268-16291659-183099-1513895335.pdf (Izabella Barreto)
Session:WE - AB-207 - ACR Updates including the new Stereotactic Breast Biopsy QC Manual
Title:Status of Diagnostic Reference Levels in the US
Byline:D Gress1*, I Barreto2*, P Butler3*, O Mawlawi4*, W Geiser4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, (2) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (3) Derwood, MD, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63269-16291659-183157-1017192606.pdf (Priscilla Butler)
Session:WE - AB-207 - ACR Updates including the new Stereotactic Breast Biopsy QC Manual
Title:Image Guided Breast Biopsy QC Manual
Byline:D Gress1*, I Barreto2*, P Butler3*, O Mawlawi4*, W Geiser4*, M Mahesh5*, (1) American College of Radiology, Reston, VA, (2) University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, (3) Derwood, MD, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (5) Johns Hopkins University, Perry Hall, MD
Handout(s):175-63271-16291659-183342-839330259.pdf (William Robert Geiser)
Session:WE - H-201 - Ultrasound Performance Assessment and Quality Control
Title:ACR Accreditation Required Ultrasound QC Tests
Byline:Z Long1*, J Fowlkes2*, I Rosado-Mendez3*, T Liu4*, S Dekker5*, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (2) University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (4) Emory University, Atlanta, GA, (5) Cablon, Utrecht, The Netherlands, NL
Handout(s):175-63275-16291659-183583-1512918179.pdf (Zaiyang Long)
Session:WE - H-201 - Ultrasound Performance Assessment and Quality Control
Title:Ultrasound Elastography, Quantitative Ultrasound, and QIBA Initiatives
Byline:Z Long1*, J Fowlkes2*, I Rosado-Mendez3*, T Liu4*, S Dekker5*, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (2) University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (4) Emory University, Atlanta, GA, (5) Cablon, Utrecht, The Netherlands, NL
Handout(s):175-63277-16291659-183826-1013203782.pdf (Ivan Rosado-Mendez)
Session:WE - H-201 - Ultrasound Performance Assessment and Quality Control
Title:Automated Ultrasound QC Methods
Byline:Z Long1*, J Fowlkes2*, I Rosado-Mendez3*, T Liu4*, S Dekker5*, (1) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (2) University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) University of Wisconsin - ADCL, Madison, WI, (4) Emory University, Atlanta, GA, (5) Cablon, Utrecht, The Netherlands, NL
Handout(s):175-63279-16291659-193978-1133907805.pdf (Sander Dekker)
Session:WE - F-201 - Fundamentals of Photon-Counting CT
Title:Preconditioning for Material Decomposition in Photon-Counting CT
Byline:J Maltz1*, K Rajendran2*, X Tang3*, (1) GE Healthcare, Oakland, CA, (2) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (3) Emory University, Johns Creek, GA
Handout(s):175-63316-16291659-182229-315070880.pdf (Xiangyang Tang)
Session:WE - FG-BRB - Ethics and AI in Radiology and Radiation Oncology
Title:Bioethics Basics for AI in Medicine
Byline:K Osterman1*, D Zheng2*, M Hyun3*, S Langer4*, M Hyun5*, S Langer6*, (1) NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, (2) University of Rochester, Omaha, NE, (3) University of Nebraska Medical Center, Elkhorn, NE, (4) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (5) University of Nebraska Medical Center, Elkhorn, NE, (6) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Handout(s):175-63359-16291659-183737-166666999.pdf (K. Sunshine Osterman)
Session:WE - AB-206 - Effective Communication About Radiation Dose and Radiation-Induced Risks for Pediatric Patients
Title:Communicating With Pediatric Patients and Their Families About Radiation Dose and Risk: A Radiologist's Perspective
Byline:T Atwood1*, L States2*, F Fahey3*, A LaBella4*, (1) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (2) Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, (3) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (4) Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63386-16291659-192835-1518610167.pdf (Lisa States)
Session:WE - AB-206 - Effective Communication About Radiation Dose and Radiation-Induced Risks for Pediatric Patients
Title:Speaking to Pediatric Patients and Their Families About Radiation Dose and Risk From Nuclear Medicine and Radionuclide Therapy
Byline:T Atwood1*, L States2*, F Fahey3*, A LaBella4*, (1) UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, (2) Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, (3) Children's Hospital, Peaks Island, ME, (4) Boston, MA
Handout(s):175-63387-16291659-183284-2082680623.pdf (Frederic Fahey)
Session:WE - DE-206 - Surviving Change in the Reimbursement Environment
Title:Surviving Change in the Reimbursement Environment
Byline:W Fuss1*, B Sintay2*, C Mantz3*, (1) Health Policy Solutions, Fernandina Beach, FL, (2) Cone Health, Greensboro, NC, (3) GenesisCare, Fort Myers, FL
Handout(s):175-63393-16361659-186896-57716387.pdf (Wendy Smith Fuss)
Session:WE - H-206 - Medical Physics and the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics: The Evolving World of Publishing
Title:An Emerging Consensus On Research Publishing in An Open Access Environment
Byline:M Mills1*, J Boone2*, S Benedict3*, S Hedrick4*, (1) James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY, (2) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, (3) UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA, (4) Provision Center for Proton Therapy, Knoxville, TN
Handout(s):175-63409-16361659-183662-1671798801.pdf (Michael Mills)
Session:WE - H-206 - Medical Physics and the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics: The Evolving World of Publishing
Title:Equity and Diversity in the AAPM and Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics
Byline:M Mills1*, J Boone2*, S Benedict3*, S Hedrick4*, (1) James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, KY, (2) UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, (3) UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacramento, CA, (4) Provision Center for Proton Therapy, Knoxville, TN
Handout(s):175-63412-16361659-183398-1678560688.pdf (Samantha Hedrick)
Session:WE - A-BRA - Artificial Intelligence for QA
Title:Improving Quality of Care in Radiation Therapy Using AI in Physics Plan and Chart Review
Byline:K Hasse1*, A Witztum2*, S Luk3*, C Guthier4*, (1) University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, (2) University of California, San Francisco, Oxford, GB, (3) University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT, (4) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Brookline, MA
Handout(s):175-63529-16291659-186916-2004552809.pdf (Samuel Ming Ho  Luk)
Session:WE - B-BRA - Clinical Implementation of AI-based Auto-Segmentation
Title:AI Auto-Segmentation: Clinical Implementation Concerns and Commissioning Guidelines
Byline:J Yang1*, G Sharp2*, S Elguindi3*, (1) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Massachusetts General Hospital, Beverly, MA, (3) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Brooklyn, NY
Handout(s):175-63533-16291659-184090-1321807167.pdf (Jinzhong Yang)
Session:WE - B-BRA - Clinical Implementation of AI-based Auto-Segmentation
Title:Evaluation Methods for Auto-Segmentation and Expected Results
Byline:J Yang1*, G Sharp2*, S Elguindi3*, (1) MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (2) Massachusetts General Hospital, Beverly, MA, (3) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Brooklyn, NY
Handout(s):175-63534-16291659-183888-428476393.pdf (Gregory Sharp)
Session:WE - DE-BRB - Eliminating Health Disparities in Clinical Trials: How can Physicists Contribute?
Title:Opportunities for Medical Physics Advocacy and Equity in Clinical Trials
Byline:C Chapman1*, P Taylor2*, H Whitney3*, Z Iqbal4*, (1) Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, (4) University of Alabama - Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Handout(s):175-63539-16291659-183971-201867491.pdf (Paige Taylor)
Session:WE - DE-BRB - Eliminating Health Disparities in Clinical Trials: How can Physicists Contribute?
Title:How AI Algorithms Have the Potential To Perpetuate Or Dismantle Bias
Byline:C Chapman1*, P Taylor2*, H Whitney3*, Z Iqbal4*, (1) Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, (2) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, (4) University of Alabama - Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Handout(s):175-63541-16291659-186975-92873736.pdf (Zohaib Iqbal)
Session:WE - FG-BRA - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment
Title:Enhancing a Physicist's Role in the Assessment of Treatment Plan Quality
Byline:D Jacqmin1*, M Kim2*, S Parker3*, B Juneja4*, G Kim5*, L Rankine6*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Media, PA, (5) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (6) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Handout(s):175-63544-16291659-184146.pdf (Dustin Jacqmin)
Session:WE - FG-BRA - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment
Title:Getting It Right the First Time: Moving Checks Upstream in the Treatment Planning Process
Byline:D Jacqmin1*, M Kim2*, S Parker3*, B Juneja4*, G Kim5*, L Rankine6*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Media, PA, (5) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (6) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Handout(s):175-63546-16291659-183754-1429156472.pdf (Stephanie Parker)
Session:WE - FG-BRA - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment
Title:Scripting and Automation for Efficient and Effective Chart Checks in a Pinnacle/Mosaiq Environment
Byline:D Jacqmin1*, M Kim2*, S Parker3*, B Juneja4*, G Kim5*, L Rankine6*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Media, PA, (5) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (6) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Handout(s):175-63547-16291659-186977-48596790.pdf (Badal Juneja)
Session:WE - FG-BRA - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment
Title:Lessons Learned From Upstream Physics Peer Review of Plan Quality With the Eclipse Treatment Planning System
Byline:D Jacqmin1*, M Kim2*, S Parker3*, B Juneja4*, G Kim5*, L Rankine6*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Media, PA, (5) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (6) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Handout(s):175-63548-16291659-183496-359956096.pdf (Grace Gwe-Ya Kim)
Session:WE - FG-BRA - Enhancing a Physicist's Role in Radiation Therapy Treatment Plan Assessment
Title:Experience With Upstream Plan Quality Checks Using the Raystation Treatment Planning System
Byline:D Jacqmin1*, M Kim2*, S Parker3*, B Juneja4*, G Kim5*, L Rankine6*, (1) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, (2) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (3) Wake Forest Baptist Health High Point Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, (4) MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, Media, PA, (5) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (6) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Handout(s):175-63549-16291659-186978-931993614.pdf (Leith Rankine)
Session:WE - H-BRC - Building a Better Safety Net
Title:Role of SGRT for Patient Safety (International ILS Analysis and Illustrative Case Studies)
Byline:J Meyer1*, Y Rong2*, M Wells3*, S Evans4*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (3) Piedmont Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, (4) Yale University, New Haven, CT
Handout(s):175-63552-16291659-183649-1272312789.pdf (Juergen Meyer)
Session:WE - H-BRC - Building a Better Safety Net
Title:Chart Checks Practice
Byline:J Meyer1*, Y Rong2*, M Wells3*, S Evans4*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (3) Piedmont Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, (4) Yale University, New Haven, CT
Handout(s):175-63554-16291659-182259-614748147.pdf (Michelle Wells)
Session:WE - H-BRC - Building a Better Safety Net
Title:Lessons Learned From RO-ILS: Building a Better Safety Net
Byline:J Meyer1*, Y Rong2*, M Wells3*, S Evans4*, (1) University of Washington, Seattle, WA, (2) Mayo Clinic Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, (3) Piedmont Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, (4) Yale University, New Haven, CT
Handout(s):175-63555-16291659-183281-2038397649.pdf (Suzanne Evans)
Session:WE - D-202 - MPPG14a Yttrium-90 Microsphere Treatments Workshop: Recommendations and Implementation Experience
Title:Summary of MPPG 14a Recommendations
Byline:N Busse1*, R Hobbs2*, M Jafari3*, D Alvarez4*, (1) Colorado Associates in Medical Physics, Colorado Springs, CO, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Atlantic Health System, Mendham, NJ, (4) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL
Handout(s):175-63627-16361659-183155-1434517478.pdf (Nathan Busse)
Session:WE - D-202 - MPPG14a Yttrium-90 Microsphere Treatments Workshop: Recommendations and Implementation Experience
Title:Regulatory Compliance, Patient and Staff Safety
Byline:N Busse1*, R Hobbs2*, M Jafari3*, D Alvarez4*, (1) Colorado Associates in Medical Physics, Colorado Springs, CO, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Atlantic Health System, Mendham, NJ, (4) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL
Handout(s):175-63629-16361659-184142-1007315592.pdf (Mary Ellen Jafari)
Session:WE - H-BRB - Photon-counting CT: Image Quality Optimization, Novel Algorithms, and Emerging Clinical Applications
Title:Opportunities and Challenges in Clinical Applications of Photon-Counting CT
Byline:K Taguchi1*, X Pan2*, L Yu3*, A Wang4*, (1) Johns Hopkins University, Elkridge, MD, (2) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (4) Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Handout(s):175-64721-16291659-184102-1501159488.pdf (Lifeng Yu)
Session:WE - H-BRB - Photon-counting CT: Image Quality Optimization, Novel Algorithms, and Emerging Clinical Applications
Title:Image Quality Assessment Methods for Photon Counting CT
Byline:K Taguchi1*, X Pan2*, L Yu3*, A Wang4*, (1) Johns Hopkins University, Elkridge, MD, (2) University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, (3) Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, (4) Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Handout(s):175-64722-16291659-184039-1639576792.pdf (Adam Wang)
Session:WE - A-BRC - From Pre-Clinical To Vet-Clinical Imaging and Therapy: Pathways to Clinical Translation
Title:Introduction of Recent Progress in Small Animal Technology
Byline:K Wang1*, J Wong2*, P Basran3*, D Leary4*, K Selting5*, (1) UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (4) Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, (5) University of Illinois, Urbana-champagne, IL
Handout(s):175-66974-16291659-184036-490135046.pdf (Ken Kang-Hsin Wang)
Session:TH - EF-207 - Radiography & Fluoroscopy Task Group Updates
Title:Overview of the Current Activities of the AAPM Radiography and Fluoroscopy Subcommittee
Byline:K Hulme1*, P Lin2*, K Strauss3*, W Bolch4*, (1) The Cleveland Clinic, Chagrin Falls, OH, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) X-Ray Computations, Inc., Wrentham, MA, (4) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-63219-16291659-183433-1459392354.pdf (Katie Hulme)
Session:TH - EF-207 - Radiography & Fluoroscopy Task Group Updates
Title:The AAPM TG-272 Report and the Stories Behind It
Byline:K Hulme1*, P Lin2*, K Strauss3*, W Bolch4*, (1) The Cleveland Clinic, Chagrin Falls, OH, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) X-Ray Computations, Inc., Wrentham, MA, (4) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-63220-16291659-183563-1016494057.pdf (Pei-Jan Lin)
Session:TH - EF-207 - Radiography & Fluoroscopy Task Group Updates
Title:TG-251 - Measuring Maximum Fluoroscopic Air Kerma Rates Provides No Assurance of Proper Performance of the Fluoroscope During Pediatric Fluoroscopic Examinations: The Importance of the Measurement Protocol of AAPM TG-251
Byline:K Hulme1*, P Lin2*, K Strauss3*, W Bolch4*, (1) The Cleveland Clinic, Chagrin Falls, OH, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) X-Ray Computations, Inc., Wrentham, MA, (4) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-63221-16291659-183947-1482611614.pdf (Keith Strauss)
Session:TH - CD-BRB - Bridging Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy: A Pediatric Focus
Title:State of the Art CT Dose Reduction and Protocol Optimization Approaches for Children
Byline:C Hua1*, S Brady2*, J Uh1*, J Parthasarathy3*, 1) St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, (2) Cincinnati Children's Hospital Med Ctr, Mason, OH, (3) Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Columbus, OH
Handout(s):175-63309-16291659-183140-146119167.pdf (Samuel Brady)
Session:TH - CD-BRB - Bridging Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy: A Pediatric Focus
Title:Engaging MR and RT Physicists in Implementation, Operation, and Optimization of Pediatric MR Simulation
Byline:C Hua1*, S Brady2*, J Uh1*, J Parthasarathy3*, 1) St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, (2) Cincinnati Children's Hospital Med Ctr, Mason, OH, (3) Nationwide Childrens Hospital, Columbus, OH
Handout(s):175-63310-16291659-186781-920452046.pdf (Jinsoo Uh)
Session:TH - AB-BRB - Contingency Planning: Can You Handle a Ransomware Attack?
Title:Introduction to Session
Byline:T Ma1*, R Siochi2*, J Donaghue3*, R Siochi4*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (2) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (3) Cleveland Clinc Fairview, Rocky River, OH, (4) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Handout(s):175-63372-16291659-183909-1102502892.pdf (Ramon Alfredo Siochi)
Session:TH - AB-BRB - Contingency Planning: Can You Handle a Ransomware Attack?
Title:Primer on Cybersecurity Threats
Byline:T Ma1*, R Siochi2*, J Donaghue3*, R Siochi4*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (2) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (3) Cleveland Clinc Fairview, Rocky River, OH, (4) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Handout(s):175-63373-16291659-186888-278360469.pdf (Tianjun Ma)
Session:TH - AB-BRB - Contingency Planning: Can You Handle a Ransomware Attack?
Title:Principles of Business Continuity
Byline:T Ma1*, R Siochi2*, J Donaghue3*, R Siochi4*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (2) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (3) Cleveland Clinc Fairview, Rocky River, OH, (4) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Handout(s):175-63374-16291659-183909-1471543117.pdf (Ramon Alfredo Siochi)
Session:TH - CD-206 - Meet the New Boss: Transforming Medical Physics Practice with Surgeons, Entrepreneurs, and Bankers
Title:Transforming Practice: The Expanding Role of Medical Physics in Neurosurgery for Movement Disorders
Byline:D Wu1*, F Bova2*, K Schoppe3*, M Curry4*, L Genovese5*, D Jordan6*, (1) University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK, (2) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (3) Radiology Associates of North Texas, Grapevine, TX, (4) Apex Physics Partners, Towson, MD, (5) Krueger-Gilbert Health Physics, Towson, MD, (6) University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Shaker Heights, OH
Handout(s):175-63415-16361659-186905-2128296286.pdf (Dee Wu)
Session:TH - CD-206 - Meet the New Boss: Transforming Medical Physics Practice with Surgeons, Entrepreneurs, and Bankers
Title:The Transforming Practice Environment: Private Equity Investment and the Evolution of Medical Physics Service Groups
Byline:D Wu1*, F Bova2*, K Schoppe3*, M Curry4*, L Genovese5*, D Jordan6*, (1) University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK, (2) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (3) Radiology Associates of North Texas, Grapevine, TX, (4) Apex Physics Partners, Towson, MD, (5) Krueger-Gilbert Health Physics, Towson, MD, (6) University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Shaker Heights, OH
Handout(s):175-63418-16361659-186907-1177307377.pdf (Michael Curry)
Session:TH - CD-206 - Meet the New Boss: Transforming Medical Physics Practice with Surgeons, Entrepreneurs, and Bankers
Title:The Transforming Practice Environment: Working and Leading in An Evolving Consulting Medical Physics Practice
Byline:D Wu1*, F Bova2*, K Schoppe3*, M Curry4*, L Genovese5*, D Jordan6*, (1) University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK, (2) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, (3) Radiology Associates of North Texas, Grapevine, TX, (4) Apex Physics Partners, Towson, MD, (5) Krueger-Gilbert Health Physics, Towson, MD, (6) University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Shaker Heights, OH
Handout(s):175-63419-16361659-186908-1449987215.pdf (Lisa Genovese)
Session:TH - EF-206 - Multidisciplinary Teamwork: Skills Required Success
Title:Multidisciplinary Teamwork: Medical Physics Challenges and Future Opportunities
Byline:C Ma1*, L Marks2*, A Cetnar3*, P Sandwall4*, (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Huntingdon Valley, PA, (2) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (3) The Ohio State University - James Cancer Hospital, Columbus, OH, (4) OhioHealth, Mansfield, OH
Handout(s):175-63451-16291659-182237-991641727.pdf (Chang Ming Charlie Ma)
Session:TH - EF-206 - Multidisciplinary Teamwork: Skills Required Success
Title:What Is My Role? - Behind the Scenes Or Member of the Team
Byline:C Ma1*, L Marks2*, A Cetnar3*, P Sandwall4*, (1) Fox Chase Cancer Center, Huntingdon Valley, PA, (2) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, (3) The Ohio State University - James Cancer Hospital, Columbus, OH, (4) OhioHealth, Mansfield, OH
Handout(s):175-63453-16291659-183176-1819886201.pdf (Ashley Cetnar)
Session:TH - AB-BRB - Contingency Planning: Can You Handle a Ransomware Attack?
Title:Business Continuity in a Mixed Environment
Byline:T Ma1*, R Siochi2*, J Donaghue3*, R Siochi4*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (2) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (3) Cleveland Clinc Fairview, Rocky River, OH, (4) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Handout(s):175-63456-16291659-183262-850280105.pdf (Jeremy Donaghue)
Session:TH - AB-BRC - Automated Planning: What Do Physicians Want?
Title:Automating Treatment Planning Process: Stanford Experience
Byline:K Moore1*, L Court2*, N Kovalchuk3*, M Schmidt4*, (1) UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, (2) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (3) Stanford University Cancer Center, Palo Alto, CA, (4) Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO
Handout(s):175-63564-16291659-183515-1601166525.pdf (Nataliya Kovalchuk)
Session:TH - CD-BRA - State of the Art of Adaptive Radiotherapy
Title:PET Based Biological Adaptive Radiation Therapy: Current State of Art
Byline:R Mak1*, R Kashani2*, K Mittauer3*, B Han4*, (1) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, (2) Seidman Cancer Center /UH Cleveland & CWRU, OH, Cleveland, OH, (3) Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL, (4) Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
Handout(s):175-63570-16291659-183384-2133008149.pdf (Bin Han)
Session:TH - E-BRA - Modern Single Room Proton Therapy Installations: Challenges and Opportunities for the Medical Physicist
Title:Implementing Proton Therapy at the University of Utah
Byline:A Paxton1*, Y Lin2*, M Bussiere3*, (1) University of Utah - Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT, (2) Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, (3) Massachusetts General Hospital, Littleton, MA
Handout(s):175-63572-16291659-183763-1724754526.pdf (Adam Paxton)
Session:TH - E-BRA - Modern Single Room Proton Therapy Installations: Challenges and Opportunities for the Medical Physicist
Title:The MGH Experience With a Single Room Proton Therapy System
Byline:A Paxton1*, Y Lin2*, M Bussiere3*, (1) University of Utah - Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT, (2) Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, (3) Massachusetts General Hospital, Littleton, MA
Handout(s):175-63574-16291659-186984-2073279456.pdf (Marc Bussiere)
Session:TH - E-202 - Clinical Implementation of Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy (SFRT)
Title:Clinical Implementation of SFRT: Same Day Treatment of Conebeam CT-Guided Novel MLC-Based SFRT for Very Large Bulky Masses
Byline:H Li1*, D Owen2*, J Kavanaugh3*, D Pokhrel4*, (1) Johns Hopkins Medicine, Washington, DC, (2) Mayo Clinic (Rochester), Rochester, MN, (3) Washington University in St. Louis, University City, MO, (4) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Handout(s):175-63580-16291659-186612-1153140644.pdf (Damodar Pokhrel)
Session:TH - F-BRA - Proton Therapy in Clinical Trials
Title:Inclusion of Protons in Large Scale Clinical Trials - US Approach
Byline:S Gulliford1*, S Flampouri2*, (1) University College Hospital London, London, GB, (2) Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Handout(s):175-63584-16291659-183304-2046978038.pdf (Stella Flampouri)
Session:TH - F-202 - Safety and Quality Improvements in Brachytherapy
Title:Importance of Quality Control Checklists for HDR Brachytherapy Procedures
Byline:Z Shen1*, J Zhou2*, M Rivard3*, (1) University of Southern California, Arcadia, CA, (2) University of Maryland Shore Medical Center at Easton, Easton, MD, (3) Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University, Providence, RI
Handout(s):175-63587-16291659-183894-818145764.pdf (Zhilei Shen)
Session:TH - E-BRB - Novel Interventional Procedures Involving Microspheres
Title:Clinical Relevance of Microsphere Characteristics for Radioembolization Treatment
Byline:M Lam1*, S Manupiatpong2*, W Erwin3*, S Abbasinejad Enger4*, (1) Utrecht Medical Center, Utrecht, NL, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA
Handout(s):175-63633-16291659-187010-1759248975.pdf (Marnix Lam)
Session:TH - E-BRB - Novel Interventional Procedures Involving Microspheres
Title:Intra-Tumoral Infusion of P-32 Radiolabeled Microspheres for Localized Radiotherapy of Pancreatic Tumors
Byline:M Lam1*, S Manupiatpong2*, W Erwin3*, S Abbasinejad Enger4*, (1) Utrecht Medical Center, Utrecht, NL, (2) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, (3) UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, (4) McGill University, Montreal, QC, CA
Handout(s):175-63635-16291659-182233-1345457165.pdf (William Erwin)
Session:TH - F-BRB - Novel Interventions and Focused Cancer Radiation Therapy
Title:Therapy of Glioblastoma Using Locoregional Administration of 186Re-Liposomal Nanoparticles
Byline:A Bao1*, J Humm2*, S Graves3*, (1) University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Solon, OH, (2) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, (3) University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Handout(s):175-63639-16291659-187012-1044608866.pdf (Ande Bao)
Session:TH - EF-207 - Radiography & Fluoroscopy Task Group Updates
Title:Estimation of Patient Skin Dose in Fluoroscopy: Summary of a Joint Report by AAPM TG357 and EFOMP
Byline:K Hulme1*, P Lin2*, K Strauss3*, W Bolch4*, (1) The Cleveland Clinic, Chagrin Falls, OH, (2) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (3) X-Ray Computations, Inc., Wrentham, MA, (4) University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Handout(s):175-66948-16291659-183128-1980287133.pdf (Wesley Bolch)
Session:TH - AB-BRB - Contingency Planning: Can You Handle a Ransomware Attack?
Title:Business Continuity in an All Varian Environment
Byline:T Ma1*, R Siochi2*, J Donaghue3*, R Siochi4*, (1) Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, (2) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, (3) Cleveland Clinc Fairview, Rocky River, OH, (4) West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Handout(s):175-68054-16291659-183909-2108914254.pdf (Ramon Alfredo Siochi)


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