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New IAEA Programs and Projects On Radiopharmaceutical Therapy

P Knoll1*, Y Dewaraja2*, K Sjogreen Gleisner3*, R Hobbs4*, (1) IAEA, Vienna, AT, (2) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (3) Lund University, Lund, SE, (4) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


TU-G-202-0 (Tuesday, 7/12/2022) 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room 202

According to NCI estimates, within ten years, half of all radiation therapy will include Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (RPT), also known as Theranostics, Targeted Radiotherapy or Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) plays a leading role in establishing guidelines for radiopharmaceutical therapy. As the world's center for cooperation in the nuclear field and an organization within the United Nations system, the IAEA is uniquely poised to provide guidance and standardization of practice, drawing on experience and expertise from around the world. We present an update of the programs and guidelines sponsored by the IAEA in the field of radiopharmaceutical therapy, including the publication on dosimetry for RPT. Results and conclusions from the RPT Coordinated Research Project will also be presented, which seeks to understand and identify sources of errors by comparing dosimetry from institutions from a range of different countries, providing the basis for standardization of practice.


1. Identify the different safety concerns for nuclear medicine procedures

2. Identify the different reproducibility concerns and potential sources of error for RPT dosimetry.

3. Perform absorbed fraction dosimetry for RPT.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Hobbs: consultant for RAPID Dosimetry NIH 3R01 CA116477, R01 CA240779-01, R01 CA157542 Sjogreen-Gleisner: Swedish Cancer Society (180747, 211754Pj01H) and Mrs. Berta Kamprad Foundation (BKS-2020-13) Consultant Spago Nanomedical, Fusion Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dewaraja: NIH R01 CA240706, NIH R01 EB022075, Varian Research Grant Consultant for MIM Knoll: none



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