PO-GePV-T-324 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: To enhance the analysis of Varian MPC results by integrating historical data trends from recorded Beam Generation and Monitoring (BGM) parameters with internally recorded maintenance records and beam faults. To use BGM parameter trends as an additional data source for Halcyon beam quality control and implement a proactive maintenance program.
Methods: Data from 74 BGM selected parameters recorded during MPC were retrospectively processed and summarized for the two Halcyon machines available in our organization. We chose the median of the MPC sampled readings as the summary metric for each parameter. A daily scheduled task that runs a python script continually appends new MPC data to the data frames. The visualization is available from a web app running on our intranet.
Results: More than 2000 data points for two Halcyon machines summarized over three years are now available to physicists and engineers through this new data visualization tool. It currently allows a qualitative evaluation of the beam generation stability of several Halcyon subsystems. The app integrates maintenance events and reported BGM faults recorded in our internal reporting system. The data visualization has identified the impact of maintenance interventions on BGM parameters and showed undetected drifts for several parameters from controlled operational conditions. In addition, current data visualization shows a correlation between subsystem stability and the frequency of BGM faults reported by radiation therapists who operate the linac.
Conclusion: The present data visualization tool displays critical operational information of our Halcyons which has proven helpful to Physics and Engineering teams. Correlation has been demonstrated between parameter adjustments during maintenance interventions and beam stability. Further modeling and understanding of collected data will assist in establishing a proactive maintenance program and establish baselines for acceptable beam parameters.
Acceptance Testing, Data Acquisition, Preventative Maintenance
TH- External Beam- Photons: Quality Assurance - Linear accelerator
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