SU-K-202-1 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 202
Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop a novel quantitative method for assessing therapeutic efficacy of magnetic hyperthermia-Radiation combined therapy (MHRT) for radioresistant prostate cancer treatment.
Methods: Magnetic hyperthermia was carried out with the iron oxide nanoparticles that can heat the cancer cells above the effective temperature (> 42ᴼC) in clinically safe magnetic field strength. Radiation was performed using an X-ray irradiator (320keV). For MHRT, hyperthermia was applied for 30 mins before radiation. The effect of magnetic hyperthermia and radiation were assessed by the cancer cell growth inhibition rate per given heat energy (Joule, J) and radiation dose (Gray, Gy). These all experiments were carried out with the human prostate adenocarcinoma, PC3 and LNCaP cell line.
Results: Fifty percent Lethal Dose (LD50) of PC3 cells was 20 Gy on Day 6 (LD50/6 at 20Gy) and 62% cell growth inhibition was observed on Day 8 after radiation only and LNCaP showed LD50/5 at 20Gy and all cells were destroyed on Day 6. In case of MHRT, LD50 of PC3 cells was observed on Day 1. The cell growth inhibition of approximately 49% was observed 24hrs after hyperthermia only (27.4kJ/kg) but it re-grew up to 73% on Day 3. This pattern was also observed in other hyperthermia tests that were carried out below 45ᴼC. When MHRT was applied, the therapeutic efficacy increased by approximately 44% and 145% at the same given heat energy and radiation dose compared to when magnetic hyperthermia and radiation were applied respectively
Conclusion: This novel quantitative method was successfully applied to verifying the effect of MHRT in PC3 and LNCaP cell lines. This physical quantity-based analysis is necessary to establish the correlation between hyperthermia and radiation modalities.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This study was supported by INOBIOGEN Inc. (Seoul, South Korea, Grant No. INOB00001) and Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (Grant No. 2021R1A6A3A14044558)
Hyperthermia, Radiation Therapy
TH- Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapies: RF ablation thermal therapy
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