PO-GePV-M-257 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
ePoster Forums
Purpose: Cine MR imaging has a critical role in tumor tracking of MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT). We developed a workflow to evaluate tumor tractability of cine images from clinical MRI using 0.35T MRgRT simulator.
Methods: Cine MRI was acquired using 1.5 Philips MR simulator. Through the data management, the cine images were converted to a proprietary format of the data to be inputted into 0.35T MRgRT simulator for the evaluation process. In the data conversion, auxiliary imaging markers were embedded for tracking evaluation. The auxiliary imaging markers were series of numbers corresponding to the frame number of the original cine series. In the tumor tracking process, the results were saved as a video file. Frames from the video file were extracted and registered with original cine images by the help of auxiliary imaging markers. Given the fact that the extracted frame images were distorted and smeared, therefore, direct registration of original images to the video frames were intractable without the auxiliary imaging markers. The tracking contours were extracted and overlaid on the original cine series for further evaluation.
Results: The workflow included: 1) Generating image series with the auxiliary imaging markers, 2) transforming cine images into the proprietary format, 3) performing tumor training using 0.35T MRgRT simulator, recording the results in the video file, and extracting frames with consecutive burning numbers 4) registering the results with the original cine images using the auxiliary imaging markers, 5) comparing tracking contours.
Conclusion: We successfully developed a workflow to convert cine image from MR simulator in the proprietary format which can be fed into 0.35T MRgRT simulator, to register the results to the original cine images by using the auxiliary imaging markers, and to extract tracking contours.
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