SU-H330-IePD-F7-3 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Exhibit Hall | Forum 7
Purpose: Brachytherapy is recommended as an integral part of the radiation treatment for GYN cancer patients. The doses from brachytherapy are combined with the external beam dose in equivalent doses in 2Gy fractions (i.e., EQD2), which is used for brachytherapy plan quality assessment. In practice, the EQD2 calculation for these targets/organs at risk are typically calculated using manual data entry into a spreadsheet where the doses achieved for a given brachytherapy fraction are propagated forward to evaluate the overall treatment EQD2. Thus, data entry errors can have significant consequences for patient treatments. This work aimed to improve the safety and efficiency of the planning process in HDR GYN brachytherapy using application programming interface (API) scripting.
Methods: An intuitive, user-friendly, flexible, and fast script, doseStats, was developed using the Eclipse API scripting framework. Upon launch, the script will automatically retrieve the relevant physical and EQD2 doses delivered in the previous and current fractions and propagate the achieved doses forward for the remaining fractions. The cumulative EQD2 doses are calculated and compared to the appropriate limits. Thus, the user can immediately see if the constraints are met and if adjustments need to be made to the current fraction.
Results: The time to calculate the cumulative EQD2 using the script was approximately 1second as compared to several minutes by manual data entry. An option was added to the script to write the collected dose values to an excel spreadsheet, so the EQD2 could be calculated by an external source. Another option was added to run a secondary dose calculation, the results of which can be written to an excel spreadsheet.
Conclusion: An intuitive, user-friendly, flexible, and fast ESAPI script was developed in this work. This script has been made open source via GitHub so other institutions can adapt it to their clinical practice.
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