TU-D1000-IePD-F6-3 (Tuesday, 7/12/2022) 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Exhibit Hall | Forum 6
Purpose: This work presents a Magnetic Resonance Safety program for a health care system and reviews the impact of that program and develops metrics that demonstrate the value such a program provides.
Methods: Magnetic resonance orders flagged for a review for safety concerns were tracked. These orders for patients identified through a safety survey. The tracking tool identifies the total number of safety reviews performed, the number of patients with contraindications for MR studies and patients requiring vendor or physician coordination. Pre-screened contraindications were counted as “unwasted” MR study slots. Pre-screened studies of properly coordinated implant patients were counted as “unwasted” MR study slots 50% of the events and the remainder would likely have been delayed an average of 2 hours.
Results: Over 81 days of tracking, 2,298 MR orders were flagged for review by a dedicated magnetic resonance safety officer. Of these orders, 125 (5%) were identified as contraindicated for MR imaging. 284 (12%) were cleared for MR studies, but required some coordination with the implant vendor or needed physician oversight. This process avoids cancellation of 267 studies at the arrival time of the appointment, representing net revenue of approximately $200,000. For the remainder of the implant coordination category (142 cases), there are significant gains in the avoidance of delays and coordination of care. With the aforementioned metric of 2 hours and a team of 2 MR techs would result in approximately 500 person-hours of unproductive time avoided
Conclusion: Institutions are keen to prevent high profile safety events. However, a robust MR Safety program can demonstrably contribute to a more cost-efficient magnetic resonance imaging practice, benefitting patients, staff and care providers. This presentation will provide more details of this analysis extending to annualized costs and projecting the impact with the growth of number and complexity of medical implants.
IM- MRI : Safety, Risk evaluation & control
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