WE-TOUR-209A-0 (Wednesday, 7/13/2022) 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 209A
Dose calculations have been evolving in radiation therapy over the past few decades. From past methods of lookup tables with various correction factors to today’s complicated Boltzmann and Monte Carlo based algorithms, a verification of the primary calculation has been a consistent part of the plan check process. It is important to verify the integrity of the planning system’s calculation, but with increasingly complicated primary algorithms, the validity of a secondary dose calculation of insufficient complexity can grow unclear. Advancements in dose calculations highlight the need for clinicians to remain vigilant in providing high-quality patient care and have a deep understanding of their tools and practices. Through this session, vendors will present their dose verification solutions and how these products can be integrated as a meaningful and valuable part of the plan check process.
Learning Objectives:
1. Review the history and past methods of dose calculation verification.
2. Understand and highlight the current role of independent dose verification in the complicated workflow of radiation therapy.
3. Emphasize the importance of dose verification across the spectrum of modalities offered in radiation therapy.
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