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Session: Clinical-Industry Partnerships [Return to Session]

Clinical-Industry Partnerships

B Cai1*, L Henke2*, T Li3*, K Brown4*, (1) University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Clayton, MO, (2) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, (3) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, (4) Elekta Oncology Systems LTD, Crawley, WSX, GB


MO-B-206-0 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]

Room 206

Recently increasing number of novel technologies were co-developed with close collaboration between clinical institutes and vendors and piloted in clinics of various sizes. Examples included such as MR-linac, Ring gantry linac with online adaptation capability, PET-lilnac as well as compact proton units. These collaborations are often beneficial bidirectional: helping to ensure the product’s feature correspond to clinical needs and fit clinical workflow, and at the same time help the community implement novel technologies through early adopters and super-users that have participated in developmental collaboration. This type of partnership used to be limited to very few academic institutions, but have now been greatly expanded to include many community hospitals and smaller clinics. It is therefore important for all physicists to understand this type of partnership, what the expectations from both parties are, and how to successfully build and maintain a win-win relationship. This session re-tells the real-world partnership stories of several recently released novel treatment platforms, and discusses these topics from multiple perspectives: physician’s, clinical physicists’, and vendor’s.

Learning Objectives

1.Understand how to form such a clinic-industry partnership, and develop scope of work that are realistic, achievable, and bi-laterally beneficial
2. Understand expectations of different parties, and how projects are managed by each party.
3. Learn about examples of several partnership that led to familiar products, lessons learned, and tips for success.

Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: Dr. Li received research grant, travel expenses, and honoraria from Varian Medical Systems unrelated to this work. Mr. Brown is an employee of Elekta. Dr. Cai reports grant from RefleXion Medical.



Radiation Therapy


Education: Analysis of relationships

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