WE-AB-206-0 (Wednesday, 7/13/2022) 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 206
Medical physicists are frequently involved in patient consultations to provide dose estimates and communicate radiation risks. These types of patient-facing opportunities appear to be on the rise, even though medical physicists receive little formal training in patient communication. The pediatric population presents a unique and formidable communication challenge due to higher radiosensitivity, longer life span, and potentially higher levels of anxiety and distress. Dose-related communication in a pediatric setting is further complicated by the presence of multiple parties (i.e., patients and their families or care teams). Though there are many ways to broach the subjects of radiation dose, risk-benefit considerations, and the details of imaging exams or radiation treatments, some are more factually accurate and effective in reducing patient stress than others.
Four speakers would share their experience and expertise on the topic of how to effectively communicate about radiation and radiation-induced risks for pediatric patients from the perspectives of diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, and medicine.
Learning Objectives:
1. To learn about recommended methods of effectively communicating risks and benefits of radiological procedures with patients in diagnostic imaging, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology
2. To familiarize with the frontier of knowledge about health effects of radiation
3. To learn and use prescriptive communication strategies to develop positive and productive relationships with patients
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