SU-K-201-7 (Sunday, 7/10/2022) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 201
Purpose: Patient-dependent computational phantoms allow the variation in patient morphometry to be considered for improved patient dosimetry estimates. Here, we developed a large library of phantoms derived from the ICRP adult mesh-type reference computational phantoms (MRCP). Dosimetric applications include the generation of a pre-computed organ dose library from CT Monte Carlo simulations.
Methods: Using the MRCPs as a starting point, adult phantoms were constructed with heights, weights, and secondary anthropometric parameters representative of the United States population. Body morphometry targets were derived from data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Phantoms were created using a combination of in-house Python scripting and manual adjustment of the reference models’ subcutaneous fat layer. Low-bodyweight phantoms also underwent uniform two-dimensional scaling (with Gaussian falloff at the peripheries) of abdominal organs to prevent collision with the subcutaneous fat mesh. To accommodate larger abdomen and thigh circumferences, a rigging procedure was developed to smoothly deform the limbs while maintaining anatomical realism and preserving tissue masses. This procedure is currently being applied to generate a companion library with phantoms in an “arms up” position appropriate for CT dosimetry simulations. Preliminary CT dosimetry with these libraries will be performed using a sparse sampling of phantoms with diverse heights and weights.
Results: A large library of 185 male and 172 female (357 total) adult mesh-type computational phantoms was created. For males, standing height ranged from 150-200 cm and body mass from 40-150 kg. For females, standing height ranged from 150-195 cm and body mass from 40-155 kg.
Conclusion: A phantom library with fine height and weight increments has been constructed with secondary anthropometric parameters representative of the United States population. This library, which is the largest of its kind, can be used for a variety of dosimetry applications including imaging, radiotherapy, and radiopharmaceutical simulations.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: NIBIB U01 EB028234
Radiation Dosimetry, Phantoms, CT
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