MO-F-202-5 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 202
Purpose: To assess physics quality assurance (PQA) and practices in less resourced RT-centers to improve quality of care.
Methods: In 2021, our team conducted onsite visits to all the RT-centers in a LMIC:one private, and two public (Public-1- and –2). Public-1 in the capital and Public-2 in a regional capital. Follow-up surveys were sent to 17 medical physicists. Questions centered on the topic of equipment, institutional practice, physics quality assurance, management, and safety practices. Qualitative and descriptive methods were used for data analysis. We accessed operational challenges using a 5-point Likert system: machine downtime, patient related issues, power outage and staffing.
Results: We received a 100% response rate. Over 80% of respondents have experience with Eclipse and Prowess panther TPS. Private and the public-1 institutions have CT simulators located in RT-center. The average daily patient workload on external beam device for each clinic was LINAC: Private = 25, public-1 = 55, public-2 = 40; Co- 60: public-1 = 45, Public-2 = 25. Public-1 and-2 lacked the equipment necessary to conform to best practices in TG-142 and 198. Public-2 reported significant challenges in the operational challenges above with values of 4.5, 3 and 2.75 and 2.25. Notably Public-1 and-2 have peer review chart rounds which are attended by clinical oncologists, medical physicists, physicians, and physics trainees. All (17/17) responded to having a system of documenting, tracking, and trending patient related safety incidents but only one (1/17) physicist reported using a voluntary incident reporting system. Although not quantifiable audits during site visits shows education and training remains the most important need to operate successful PQA and management programs.
Conclusion: This is the first of a continent-wide survey intended to spotlight PQA practices in LIMCs,the challenges faced,lessons learned,to help understand the gaps and needs to better support their local PQA and management programs.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: National Cancer Institute Diversity Supplement Grant 3UH3CA211310-04S1
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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