TH-A-207-4 (Thursday, 7/14/2022) 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Room 207
Purpose: Widely used CBCT-guided irradiators not only remain challenging to accurately localize soft tissue targets due to its lack of imaging contrast but also is unable to provide functional information. We develop a fluorescence tomography (FT)-guided system to improve target localization and provide functional imaging capability for pre-clinical radiation research.
Methods: Our FT system consists of detection, excitation, beam positioning units, and object platform. The excitation unit is designed with flexibility of adapting broadband sources. Currently, we use a laser diode at 633nm, as the excitation source for testing fluorophore QD800. The beam positioning unit consists of a dual-axis galvo scanner directing the beam. The object platform consists of a rotation stage, a 3-mirror assembly, and a universal mouse bed. The 3-mirror assembly enables a camera at a fixed position to execute 360° image acquisitions around the object. The bed is transportable and compatible between the FT and irradiator. The detection unit consists of a CCD and a filter wheel to acquire fluorescence image from imaged object. The image is used as the input data for diffusion equation-based software package to reconstruct the 3D distribution of fluorophore. We characterized the FT system for its imaging capabilities. A rod containing QD800 inside its tip will be inserted into a mouse phantom to examine the accuracy of FT target localization. In vivo experiment such as brain tumor model will also be carried on testing the FT system.
Results: Our initial results show the laser beam can be collimated at the waist < 1mm in diameter up to 76cm optical path, sufficient for the FT with the spot size crossed. The image resolution is ~ 0.16 mm at imaging plane, and the distortion is within 0.34 mm.
Conclusion: The FT-guided system will equip radiobiologists with functional imaging capability to support their radiation studies.
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: 1) NIH R37 CA230341 2) NIH R01 CA240811 3) NIH R21 CA223403 4) CPRIT RR200042
Not Applicable / None Entered.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
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