MO-C930-IePD-F4-1 (Monday, 7/11/2022) 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM [Eastern Time (GMT-4)]
Exhibit Hall | Forum 4
Purpose: Globally, there is insufficient access to high-quality radiotherapy. Here we describe efforts to address this inequity by developing automated, web-based tools for cancers of the cervix, breast, head/neck, and brain.
Methods: The Radiation Planning Assistant (RPA) is being developed to offer automated contouring/planning to clinics across the world. The user uploads a patient’s CT image and completes a web-form detailing disease extent and radiation prescription. Deep learning and other automation algorithms then complete the contouring and planning tasks for simple (1-step) and complex (2-step) processes. For 1-step processes (3DCRT), contouring and planning is completed without user intervention following the initial input of the CT and prescription. For 2-step processes (VMAT), users can edit auto-contours prior to automated plan optimization. Clinical acceptability of the RPA was determined for 75 patients for each task by at least 3 radiation oncologists, each from a different institution. Overall, 31 radiation oncologists (from 15 institutions and 5 countries [India South Africa, UK, USA, Zambia]) provided feedback.
Results: Use-As-Is or Use-After-Minor-Edits scores for 1-step planning were 81%/12% (bony landmark 4-field box for cervical cancer), 79%/17% (soft-tissue 4-field box for cervical cancer), 44%/47% (tangents/SCLV for post-mastectomy breast) and 76%/24% (whole brain). Automated contouring, the first step in the 2-step planning process, was scored as Use-As-Is or Use-After-Minor-Edits for 89%/8% and 92%/7% for normal tissues in the head/neck and cervix regions, respectively. CTVs for head/neck and cervical cancers were scored 40%/53% and 83%/9%, respectively, with larger inter-observer variabilities.Automated VMAT planning, the second step in the 2-step planning process, was scored 87%/9% and 99%/1% for head/neck and cervical cancer plans, respectively. For both HNC CTVs and VMAT plans, one physician did not consider the contouring/planning style acceptable, indicating that some customization may be necessary.
Conclusion: Physician reviews indicate a high level of clinical acceptance of the RPA
Funding Support, Disclosures, and Conflict of Interest: This project was partially supported by the NCI, CPRIT, and the Wellcome Trust.
Not Applicable / None Entered.
TH- External Beam- Photons: General (most aspects)
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